
One Piece: Whitebeard's Son

This is a Translation of a One Piece fanfic I found, on a chinese raw website Original Author: Li Xiaojian Original Title: Pirates: Dad, Wait For Me And support the original author if you can find him, sorry abt PLEASE GIVE ME POWER STONES!!!!!! AND NO, NOT FROM THANOS GAUNTLET!!!! "Kid, why are you following me?" "Because if I follow you, I can fill my stomach and no one will bully me!" "Then, let's carry the name of Laozi and brave the sea!" … A young child met Whitebeard, who had just joined the Rocks Pirate. From then on, there was one less beggar and one less thief in the world! There is another man with a monster-like body! Countless years later, when the war came, a huge figure appeared! "Don't get me wrong, everyone! I don't want to kill you. The purpose of my coming here is just to bring my father and several incompetent brothers home!" plz support me on my p_atreon, your $1 is really appreciated p_atreon.com/JoyBoyTheSun

Joyboy2023 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 6

"Kakakaka! Is the little devil awake? What a tenacious vitality!"


The door to the room was pushed open again, and Rocks walked in casually. The expression on his face was very calm, but there was still a trace of surprise deep in his eyes!


How powerful are rocks? The moment his palm touched Wagner's body, he had already noticed that all the bones in this young guy's body had been damaged to some extent! This small body has accumulated countless fatal hidden injuries. Even an adult who has suffered such a degree of hidden injuries will definitely not have long left! But a 5-year-old child can still move around and can even kill an adult on his own!


Such physical fitness is simply terrifying to a pervert!


At this moment, Rocks had already concluded that this thin little boy was definitely not an ordinary human being!


In this world, there are always many races that are the darlings of the world!


There are the long-legged tribe who are naturally good at kicking, the Lunaria tribe who are born with the ability to control fire, the fish-men tribe who are known as the darlings of the sea, and the giant tribe who are the strongest warriors on land! Their bodies are much stronger than those of ordinary humans, but it is a pity that their group is too small! In this world, humans still have the final say!




Their power is undeniable! Some extremely powerful races can even rival pirates with a bounty of tens of millions at a young age! After reaching adulthood, his strength is close to that of hundreds of millions of pirates!


But no matter what race they are, their recovery ability is not as good as the kid in front of them!


Rocks' brain was running wildly, and after a moment, a somewhat outrageous but yet the only possible idea suddenly appeared in his mind!

"I'm afraid only this race can survive without nourishment and with hidden wounds all over the body."


Rocks looked at Wagner with more and more satisfaction! The harvest from this trip simply exceeded his expectations! Not only did he successfully recruit the great pirate Whitebeard, he even gained a kid with a very high talent in his own right! In 10 years, or even just 10 years, this kid can stand alone! With Conqueror's Haki, he is a terrifying genius, even among his kind!


"Kid, you don't have to be afraid! Laozi's name is Rocks. From today on, you are a member of our Rocks Pirates! And I will be your captain from now on! For the sake of your young age, Laozi can guarantee that you don't have to worry about living supplies, but if you want to gain the respect of others and reach a higher place, then you can only look at your own strength!"


Rocks' words were very realistic, and Wagner nodded happily! The law of the jungle has been engraved in the bones of everyone in this world! The other party's behavior is kind enough!


Regardless of whether it is for use or for whatever purpose, he can survive!




What an ordinary yet luxurious word!


Wagner's mind suddenly recalled his younger brother's innocent, smiling face! Everything in the past came to his mind, causing a gentle smile to appear on Wagner's face!


But the next second, that intoxicating scene was pierced by a dagger! The innocent smiling face disappeared, replaced by a cold corpse with eyes open and vomiting blood! His family is gone!


In the eyes of the two strong men on the side, the kid's expression changed from a gentle smile to painful crying!


The two of them retreated silently. This kid needs some time to himself!


I don't know how long it took, but Wagner was lying on the bed like this. When Whitebeard brought the cooked food to his bed, the young man slowly woke up!


"Eat, kid. Only when you have filled your stomach will you be able to think about the future."

Whitebeard sat aside and watched Wagner pick up the food and wolf it down. His mind seemed to go blank!


"Kid, do you have no family anymore?"


"No, no more..."


"How pathetic, like me!"


"Mr. Newgate, you..."


The two of them spoke without a word. One was a strong man who had endured loneliness for more than 20 years and longed for his family. The other was a helpless little ghost who had just lost his only relative!


"Goo la la la! Goo la la la!"


Whitebeard suddenly threw his head up to the sky and laughed, and his hearty laughter shocked everyone in this small room!


Wagner was startled by the laughter. He looked at the laughing Whitebeard cautiously. Somehow, he could clearly read a hint of desolation in the other person's laughter!


"Wagner kid, if you don't mind, then be Laozi's son!"


Whitebeard suddenly stood up and looked at the thin Wagner with burning eyes! His serious tone told Wagner that he was not joking!


Wagner was stunned. The scene where he had just met Domig suddenly appeared in his mind!


It was the same for me at that time!

It was obvious that his life was nothing, but looking at the helpless child, he still said, Be my brother, and I will take care of you from now on!


At that time, he wanted to find a glimmer of living light for himself and wanted to give his lonely heart some sustenance! Although he didn't know what his eyes looked like at that time, they must be similar to the man in front of him!


"Mr. Newgate, I..."


Wagner was at a loss. To be honest, in his heart, he subconsciously believed that he was of low status and would never deserve the friendship of normal people, let alone tender family affection, but...


Those longing eyes revealed a hint of sincerity!


"Kid, I know what you are thinking. Everyone is the son of the sea. There is no hierarchy between people. Seeing you so silent, your life shouldn't be so mediocre. It shouldn't be. This way, you can see the future! So, bear the name of Laozi and roam freely on the sea!"


Whitebeard was indeed a little impulsive, but he did not regret it. Even if the other party rejected him, it didn't matter. After all, he knew that his words were abrupt!


"Then, Mr. Newgate, should I call you Ouyaki (dad) now?"


Two lonely hearts relied on each other at this moment. Two guys who longed for family love got their own salvation at this moment!


"Gula la la! Okay! From today on, you are the eldest son of my Whitebeard Edward Newgate!"


"Well, thank you, Dad!"


Some kind of strange bottleneck was suddenly opened, and Whitebeard's Conqueror's Haki was promoted again at this moment! The majestic breath was destroying the entire merchant ship uncontrollably! At this moment, the strongest man in the world has finally embarked on the path of becoming the strongest in order to protect his family!