
One Piece: Whitebeard's Son

This is a Translation of a One Piece fanfic I found, on a chinese raw website Original Author: Li Xiaojian Original Title: Pirates: Dad, Wait For Me And support the original author if you can find him, sorry abt PLEASE GIVE ME POWER STONES!!!!!! AND NO, NOT FROM THANOS GAUNTLET!!!! "Kid, why are you following me?" "Because if I follow you, I can fill my stomach and no one will bully me!" "Then, let's carry the name of Laozi and brave the sea!" … A young child met Whitebeard, who had just joined the Rocks Pirate. From then on, there was one less beggar and one less thief in the world! There is another man with a monster-like body! Countless years later, when the war came, a huge figure appeared! "Don't get me wrong, everyone! I don't want to kill you. The purpose of my coming here is just to bring my father and several incompetent brothers home!" plz support me on my p_atreon, your $1 is really appreciated p_atreon.com/JoyBoyTheSun

Joyboy2023 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 5

Among the boxes of brightly colored apples, there is one fruit whose color is extremely eye-catching! The red color of ordinary apples is only light red, but the red color of this fruit is as red as blood!


What's even more peculiar is that the surface of this fruit is covered with patterns like claw marks left by beasts! This pattern is extremely rough and is obviously different from the claw marks left by ordinary cats! The fruit stalk is extremely thick, like the arms of a strong warrior!


To ordinary people, this is a strange fruit that they dare not eat!


But for the son of the sea, this fruit is a treasure that is hard to find!


This is a devil fruit!


"Kakakaka! It's unbelievable that there is such a treasure as Devil Fruit in a small passenger ship!" A trace of surprise clearly flashed in Rock's eyes! Devil Fruit is one of the fastest ways to improve a person's strength. Even the most useless person can master some powerful power after eating Devil Fruit!


For a strong person, Devil Fruit can help him break through the existing shackles. Although it will give the user the side effect of being disgusted by the sea, there are still many people looking for this treasure crazily!


What's even more amazing is that Rocks is already a sea overlord, so he has naturally read the Devil Fruit illustrated book! It can be said that he knows 99% of the information about Devil Fruit in the world! But he has indeed never seen this fruit!


Unknown fruit!


It may be an extremely powerful force, or it may be an ability that is as useless as a chicken rib!


"This fruit looks really strange!" Whitebeard doesn't know the name of this devil fruit. What's more, he already has the Shock Fruit, which is known as the most destructive power in the world. For him, this devil fruit is The function of the fruits is just to exchange for treasures or to reward subordinates!

Rocks looked at the Devil Fruit in his hand and then looked at Whitebeard beside him. Such precious treasures were rare for him, but after all, Whitebeard was his newly recruited captain of the first team. This little boy didn't know the fruit of the name could be the best reward!


"Whitebeard, this fruit is a gift to welcome you to join our Rocks Pirates! As the captain of the 1st Division, there is nothing better than using Devil Fruit to connect people's hearts."


Rocks threw the Devil Fruit in his hand to Whitebeard, and Whitebeard did not refuse. After saying a few words of thanks, he accepted it with peace of mind!


After that, the two searched for the treasures in the cabin. There was indeed a lot of treasure. Rocks also promised to give some to Whitebeard after returning. As for the life and death of those merchants, no one would care!


Doing business in the New World is inherently extremely dangerous. There are so many pirates here. Unless you have a very strong background or the force to solve the problem, if you encounter pirates, it will be a trivial matter for your goods to be robbed. Most of the time, those crazy pirates kill people and take wealth!


This is a place where people eat people!


And just as the two strong men were counting their treasures, Wagner, who was casually thrown on the bed by the two, finally woke up!


"This, where is this?"


Wagner's voice was extremely hoarse. It seemed that he had suffered some damage to his vocal cords from excessive roaring! He lay on the clean bed and struggled to sit up, but just raising his neck took all his strength!


The severe pain in his flesh and bones made him grin. He glanced around, and the unfamiliar environment gave him a blow to the head!


Yes, how could my brother's death be a dream?


The unfamiliar environment, the physical pain, the wounds on the skin—everything reminded him that what he remembered really happened!


He stared blankly at the ceiling above his head, recalling the past, tears silently falling from the corners of his eyes.

He really needs to cry; he needs to cry completely!


His spine is not that strong and cannot bear the cruelty of this life! He just had a tenacious consciousness and forced himself to stay standing! Because he has a sick younger brother under his body. He is his younger brother's savior, and why is his younger brother not the benefactor who saves his soul?


Wagner just lay on the bed, crying silently. His tears wet the pillow under his head hard. He gritted his teeth and refused to let himself cry out!



I don't know how long it took before the tears in his body dried up.


Wagner was a little confused. His brother used to be everything to him and the only motivation for him to live, but what about now? What is left of him?




The door to the room was suddenly pushed open!


Wagner turned his head hard, and what came into view was an extremely tall body! This man exudes a terrifying aura, which makes people feel afraid!


"Huh? Are you awake?"


The man's voice was also so strong. He moved his long legs and quickly came to Wagner's bed!


"Did you save me? I'm so grateful!"


Wagner knew how to survive, and his behavior was very polite, which also made the man's face soften!

"Gu la la la! What a good recovery ability! Kid, Laozi's name is Edward Newgate! He is a pirate. Tell me about your situation! I really don't understand that a big kid has such terrifying powers. The murderous intent!"


Whitebeard brought a stool and sat in front of Wagner's bed. Only then did Wagner see the giant's face clearly!


That big, majestic face was hung with a beard that looked like a crescent moon. Although it couldn't be said to be a disaster, it was still heroic!


"Thank you for saving me, Mr. Newgate! My name is Wagner, and I am an orphan without a home."


When he said the last sentence, Wagner was stunned! He had always believed that he had a home, and home did not refer to the small house made of cardboard boxes but to the fact that his family lived in that small house! Home is where your family is!


Somehow, when Wagner said that he was an orphan without a home, Whitebeard's heart twitched hard!


He is also an orphan, living in a war-torn country. What he has always longed for is not fame or power, but a family that can give him warmth!


"Huh! What a pitiful little kid! But since you are an orphan, then hang out with Laozi! Although there is no guarantee that you will be rich and powerful, at least it can let you survive."


Whitebeard felt pity, and Wagner's nose felt sore. This was the only time in this world that an outsider was willing to accept him! He is a lonely person. In the eyes of outsiders, this is a very rare and ordinary thing! But for him, what a gift this is...


"Thanks you..."


"Gulu la la la! What a cute little devil!"


Whitebeard laughed loudly. In fact, he really wanted to accept this kid who had the same experience as him and had the same extraordinary talents as his son. But, when it came to accepting a son, Whitebeard was still a big girl getting into the sedan chair—this was the first time! I'm still a little embarrassed!


However, there is no need to rush this matter now. They will have plenty of time to get along in the future, and he, Whitebeard, will also have many opportunities to say these words!