
One Piece: Whitebeard's Son

This is a Translation of a One Piece fanfic I found, on a chinese raw website Original Author: Li Xiaojian Original Title: Pirates: Dad, Wait For Me And support the original author if you can find him, sorry abt PLEASE GIVE ME POWER STONES!!!!!! AND NO, NOT FROM THANOS GAUNTLET!!!! "Kid, why are you following me?" "Because if I follow you, I can fill my stomach and no one will bully me!" "Then, let's carry the name of Laozi and brave the sea!" … A young child met Whitebeard, who had just joined the Rocks Pirate. From then on, there was one less beggar and one less thief in the world! There is another man with a monster-like body! Countless years later, when the war came, a huge figure appeared! "Don't get me wrong, everyone! I don't want to kill you. The purpose of my coming here is just to bring my father and several incompetent brothers home!" plz support me on my p_atreon, your $1 is really appreciated p_atreon.com/JoyBoyTheSun

Joyboy2023 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 14

In a sea area of ​​​​New World, a pirate ship and a Marine warship are fighting fiercely! The few passing ships seemed to have seen something terrifying and did not dare to stop at all!


On the deck of Marine's warship!


Wagner entered the form of Titan and crazily slaughtered the Marines in front of him! He understands that he is a pirate, and Marine is their enemy! This 6-year-old child actually looks more mature than an average adult!


"Damn it, is this bastard a monster? Such strength!" An elite sailor gritted his teeth and used all his strength to resist Wagner's giant fist! He is relatively big among Marines, and his specialty is strength! But in terms of strength, which he was proud of, he was completely crushed by this guy in front of him! You know, but in terms of strength, he is comparable to some majors!




Wagner roared excitedly; he finally experienced the pleasure of crushing the enemy with strength! It was obviously his first time to participate in a real battle, but he became more and more brave as he fought like a mad dog!


Huge fists kept coming down, and when Marine was unable to resist, Wagner stretched out his big hand and crushed him like an ant! The bloody cruelty greatly increased the morale of this gang of vicious pirates and also made the remaining Marines feel chills on their backs!


This is already the fourth Marine that Wagner has killed!


For a novice, this is already a very good record!


Just as he was looking for his next target, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded from his ears!




Huge power was transmitted directly into Wagner's brain! His body suddenly fell to the left, and the moment his head was about to hit the ground, Wagner's face froze, his big hands quickly pressed on the deck, and he forced his body up!


"Huh? You took my kick, and you didn't fall down?"


A slightly childish voice sounded, and the angry Wagner turned his head to look, only to see a kid no more than 1.7 meters tall entering his eyes. This kid had dark skin and was wearing a capable Marine soldier uniform. His He looks quite majestic, but there is a deep childishness between his eyebrows!


"Young man, you don't have martial ethics! You actually carry out a sneak attack!"

The person who was attacked by a sneak attack kicked him in the face, and no one would be happy! Wagner raised his right hand high and slapped the dwarf in front of him vigorously!


But what is surprising is that this little dwarf has no idea of ​​​​escape! He showed a disdainful smile, crossed his arms, and firmly blocked the giant hand that was bigger than his whole body!




The giant hand slapped the little man's arms, making a huge, muffled sound!


"That's it?"


A slightly disdainful word!


Wagner's pupils shrank sharply; how could this be possible? Did this little dwarf really block it?


"Not bad power! Logically speaking, for a guy like you, Naval Headquarters should have a bounty for a long time, right? However, I don't think you need it! After all, you will be defeated by me today and sent to impel down and spend the rest of your life!"


The little dwarf used his arms so hard that he suddenly flicked Wagner's giant hand away! In Wagner's eyes, that small body suddenly burst out with a beast-like aura!




With a cold shout, the child's figure disappeared instantly! And Wagner's beast-like intuition also showed its effect at this moment! He subconsciously moved his arm to the left to block, and sure enough, the kick like a nuclear warhead came again!




Under the shocked gazes of the surrounding pirates, the flesh and blood on Wagner's arm suddenly dented as he withstood the little dwarf's kick! How terrifying is his body? These pirates know best!


For a moment, the pirates looked at this little dwarf, who still looked a little childish, with a little solemnity in their eyes!


This little devil is probably only in his teens, and he has shown such amazing talent since he was still a minor. If he grows up, he may become a formidable enemy of their Rock Pirates!

"Sorry, little Wagner! I'll take this little dwarf's head!"


A pirate holding a big knife rushed over; his eyes flashed with strong murderous intent, and the dark armor Haki instantly covered the big knife in his hand! The blade flashed with cold light and went straight for the little dwarf's head!




Surprisingly, there was no sound of the blade cutting through flesh! Instead, it was a man in strange clothes, holding a long knife, who blocked this powerful and heavy slash!


"Hmph! Rocks Pirate "Blood Knife" Mortino! The bounty is 398 million Baileys! A guy like you will take action against a brat who is not yet underage. Are you ashamed of yourself?"


The man who resisted Mortino's attack looked a little thin. As a 1.9-meter disabled man, this man could actually block the attack of the strongest member of Whitebeard's first team! Come to think of it, he's not some unknown person!


"Hehe! There's no way! Even I would be surprised by that little man's talent! Are you right, Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, "Unknown Swordsman" Bogart?"


Mortino said it with a nonchalant smile, but his eyes became extremely sharp! The guy in front of me is no ordinary person; he is a real swordsman! Likewise, he is also Garp's future lieutenant!


Both of them are strong men with swords. They are from different camps, so naturally there is nothing much to say! The broadsword was swung down, and the long sword was slashed out! The flash of swords and shadows looks quite passionate!



"Glala lala! I really didn't expect that, you old guy Garp, you actually brought this unknown swordsman with you."


Whitebeard asked aloud while fighting fiercely with Garp.


Bogart's reputation is indeed not small. He is one of the top rear admirals at Naval Headquarters! To be honest, Whitebeard has no confidence as to whether his pirates can defeat this prestigious Marine Rear Admiral!


"Hahaha! There is no way; Laozi's adjutant has recently taken leave! No matter what happens, Laozi must have another high-end combat force on the ship, right?" Garp laughed. He had already keenly felt Whitebeard's unhappiness. Yes, Whitebeard When he feels unhappy, he feels very happy!


"Bastard Garp!"

"Each other!"



"Remember, the person who defeated you is called Monkey D. Dorag!" Without the sneak attack from others, the little man could finally continue fighting Wagner. He proudly announced his name. In fact, he does have something to be proud of!


At only 11 years old, he has mastered four of the Marine Six styles. He is extremely talented and works very hard under the pressure of his father! Even the current Admiral Kong says he is one of the most talented people in marine history!


He will definitely become an admiral in the future!


"Isn't it a little too early to say this now?"


Looking at the somewhat conceited dwarf in front of him, a disdainful smile appeared on Wagner's lips!


No, no?


No one really thinks that this is all he can do, right?


"King Kong Heaven-Covering Palm!"




Very soon! Before the young Dorag could react, Wagner's big hand came over at a speed several times faster than before! This big dick really hit Dorag's little head so hard that it made him dizzy!


"Hmph! I'll give you the same words back! Remember, the person who defeated you is named Edward Losdie Wagner!"




There was another muffled sound, and the dizzy Dolag raised his head. The next second, he looked at Wagner, who was untying the weight-bearing items on his body, and fell into deep thought.