
One Piece: Whitebeard's Son

This is a Translation of a One Piece fanfic I found, on a chinese raw website Original Author: Li Xiaojian Original Title: Pirates: Dad, Wait For Me And support the original author if you can find him, sorry abt PLEASE GIVE ME POWER STONES!!!!!! AND NO, NOT FROM THANOS GAUNTLET!!!! "Kid, why are you following me?" "Because if I follow you, I can fill my stomach and no one will bully me!" "Then, let's carry the name of Laozi and brave the sea!" … A young child met Whitebeard, who had just joined the Rocks Pirate. From then on, there was one less beggar and one less thief in the world! There is another man with a monster-like body! Countless years later, when the war came, a huge figure appeared! "Don't get me wrong, everyone! I don't want to kill you. The purpose of my coming here is just to bring my father and several incompetent brothers home!" plz support me on my p_atreon, your $1 is really appreciated p_atreon.com/JoyBoyTheSun

Joyboy2023 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 10

Early in the morning, the sleeping sea woke up and gave the lazy ones who were still in bed a big hug. On Beehive Island, the dazzling sunlight passed through the window of Wagner's room and shone directly on his head, giving him a burning feeling. Instantly awakening the sleeping boy, he opened his eyes lazily, and the next second, an ecstatic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!




Yesterday's transformation seems to have left lingering pain, but that's not important! The important thing is that the only thing he remembers in his mind is that his body has become stronger!


When Wagner was three years old, his parents once said something to him!


Your body is not ordinary! Except for your closest relatives, never entrust your back to others!


For an ignorant child, this sentence was extremely difficult to understand. He did not understand it at the time, and his parents disappeared before they had time to explain! But after Wagner survived for two years in the big dye vat of society, he completely understood!


With a sigh of relief, Wagner stood up from the bed. He clenched his fists. This small body was filled with the power of a beast! His originally skinny body now has the rudiments of muscles. He was originally less than one meter tall, but now he has mushroomed like mushrooms after a rain, directly breaking through the 1.5 meter mark!


If you don't tell anyone, who would know that this is a 5-year-old child?


Wagner pushed open the door. He hesitated for a moment and then firmly walked into Whitebeard's room!




Whitebeard was still sleeping soundly on the bed, with a huge bubble shrinking as he breathed. When Wagner said the word Daddy, the bubble exploded instantly, like a bomb!


Like a tiger, Whitebeard stood up instantly, his brain turned on, and he seemed to be a little sleepy. But when he saw Wagner beside him, Whitebeard's body trembled violently!


"Gula la la! My dear son, are you back to normal? This is such a wonderful good morning!"

Whitebeard laughed loudly and motioned for Wagner to sit next to him! Observation Haki was used inadvertently. After sweeping across Wagner's body, Whitebeard's pupils shrank sharply!


Breath of life! The extremely majestic breath of life!


Although he has not reached the level of a top expert, the life breath in this 5-year-old child has already caught up with the great pirate with a bounty of over 100 million!


This means that he already has a physical fitness score of over 100 million!


"Dad, I..."


Wagner opened his mouth to say something, but Whitebeard suddenly waved his hand!


"Let me guess, Laozi, the blood flowing in your body is not human blood, right?"


One sentence, like thunder on a sunny day, struck Wagner's heart!


The truth is, as Whitebeard said, he is not human! In other words, he is not of any race! The blood in his body is very complex, but extremely pure. It seems to be in conflict, but they complement each other!


"Yes, dad, there are four kinds of non-human blood flowing in my body."


This time, I switched to Whitebeard and was shocked!


Four bloodlines?


Do you think this is a fantasy novel?


Ignoring the shocked Whitebeard, Wagner slowly revealed his biggest secret!


"When I was three years old, I learned the secret about my body from my parents! I was also shocked at the time, but the vague special ability from my body conquered me!"

Whitebeard's eyes suddenly became a little complicated, causing a lot of shock and heartfelt relief!


Sharing your biggest secret with others, no matter what it is, is enough to show the close relationship between two people! Also, is there anything that cannot be said between father and son?


"My grandpa is a giant!"


"My grandma is from the ghost tribe!"


"My grandpa is from the Lunaria tribe!"


"My grandma is from the fish-men tribe!"



There was deathly silence in the air!


Whitebeard showed an extremely exaggerated expression of confusion. 4 completely different races? Good guy, it turns out that you are a hybrid!


The Giants are known as the strongest race on land, the Ghosts have terrifying bodies, the Lunaria have natural fire control and strong adaptability, and the Murlocs are known as the darlings of the sea, possessing the ability to greatly enhance their strength in the ocean. ability!


It is hard to imagine that the offspring born from the combination of these four races have such terrifying bodies!


Compared to others, Wagner is more like God's favorite!


He possesses the power of the Giants, the body of the Ghosts, the talents of the Lunarians, and the ability of the Murlocs to survive in the ocean despite eating Devil Fruit!


A powerful phantom beast, Devil Fruit, has become the best tool to strengthen the bloodline in Wagner's body! Devil Fruit strengthened his body again, and now he is only 5 years old. In 10 years, even if he does nothing, he is enough to become a good, strong man!


"Gu la la la! What a big surprise!


When the shock in Whitebeard's heart disappeared, it was replaced by deep joy!


did you see? This extremely talented kid is Laozi's eldest son!


Although the blood in his body will also attract the covetousness of some ill-intentioned people, Whitebeard doesn't care at all about this kind of thing!


how? Do you think Whitebeard is a vegetarian?


Wagner has the best foundation, and Whitebeard will serve as the wall that protects the foundation and the engineer who built it!


"Boy, you have a talent that everyone in this sea will envy. This is indeed your proud capital. You can laugh out loud!" Whitebeard fully affirmed Wagner. The latter felt burdened by the blood in his body. Completely disappeared at this moment! Wagner showed a relaxed smile!




Whitebeard's painting style changed, and the aura on his body instantly became sharp!


"Even a genius who is unparalleled in the world is just an ant before he grows up! A genius who grows up is a genius. There are many geniuses in this sea, but there are only a few who may reach the end."


"Do you know what you are going to face next?"


Along with Whitebeard's stern expression, the thick Conqueror's haki instantly filled the entire room! If Wagner's Conqueror's Haki is an uncontrolled beast, then Whitebeard's Conqueror's Haki is a supremely sharp knife that can be held in the hand and cut through iron like clay! A wave of coercion wrapped around Wagner's body. At this moment, Wagner's satisfaction with his current self has completely disappeared. Although he retained a trace of pride, it would not be easily revealed again!


"Laozi tells you that in the next one, two, or even 10 years! You will undergo Laozi's most rigorous training! Are you afraid of pain? Are you afraid of death? If you say you are afraid, then Laozi is confident that he can protect you for life. Peace, you can be an ordinary person and spend your life peacefully."


Wagner was suddenly stunned. What was he yearning for?


He once longed for food on the second day, longing to continue to survive! But now this has been satisfied! He has long been tired of the life of begging and stealing. He hates being looked at like an insect by superior people! Ordinary seems to be a good thing, but in this life, one must always leave a strong mark in history...


"I want to become stronger; I want to control my own destiny! Dad, please help me!"