
One Piece: Vicecaptain

Jade is just and average 19 yr old guy who’s main hobby is to watch anime. He lives an average life of studying, working, going to the gym, socialising, etc One day he stumbles across an ad while watching anime through illegal websites. “Why won’t this dam thing close?” Getting frustrated he clicks the ad [Would you like to play One Piece: Survival?] [Yes] or [Yes I would love to] Watch Jade get isekaid into the world of one piece Stumbling across Luffy and becoming the vice-captain of the straw hat pirates! Witness Jade gain respect from the strawhats while gaining a name for himself and a bounty Notice - Luffy will still be the true captain of the strawhats but Jade will be pulling strings in the background to ensure the crew victory Creator notice - This is my first novel so far. Sorry if I mess something up I’ll try fix it as soon as I can Please leave some suggestions and I’ll gladly contribute them to the novel

SilentDeath · Action
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7 Chs

The adventure begins

"MEATTTTTTT" Luffy shouted from within the ship alerting almost every pirate on the ship

"AHHHH who are you?!" Coby jumped in surprise as he could not understand why there was a young man in a barrel

"Captain! There you are!" Jade walked closer to Luffy with a big smile 'finally, with Luffy arriving i can now get off this dammed ship and start the adventure'

"Huh? who are you?" Luffy asked tilting his head to the side confused on who this random dude was calling him captain

"Let me be your first mate i may not be strong now but in the future i swear ill get as strong as you!" Jade begged

"nah, dont wanna" Luffy said nonchalantly looking around in the storage "Yay, Food!" as he begins to scoff down as much as he can making his body deform in a weird rubbery manner

"but whyyyyyyy" Jade pleaded as he was desperate this was his one chance to do something exciting and to survive in this world

"cause, you dont look like you have a dream" Luffy stated

'fuck, I've got to come up with something good to convince him' jade thinks to himself

"I do have a dream! My dream is to sail around on the greatest ship while having as much freedom as i can. I can accomplish this dream by being on the future king of the pirates crew!"

"Shishishishishi" Luffy laughed "Well lets see if your strong enough to follow your dream" Luffy pointed towards the door as multiple pirates started to appear before them

"AHHH WERE DOOMED, I DONT WANNA DIEE" Koby cried hiding in the corner

'i cant take this much people down, the most i can do is take down two of them or if im lucky enough, three' jade thought as he brandished a nearby rusted sword on the ground

"CAPTAIN, DOWN HERE" a pirate shouted as a couple of pirates started surrounding Jade. They began trying to cut Jade down as Jade barely manages to dodge each attack frequently getting sliced every once in a while.

Jade swung down with his sword flimsily swinging it around as it is clear he has no idea how to use a sword. Jade manages to injure multiple pirates surrounding him while he himself is starting to slow down due to exhaustion

'why isn't Luffy doing anything?!' jade looked back to see Luffy just observing his fight with a grin cross armed looking as if he is expecting something

"HEY, help jade please! At this point he will die as he wont be able to handle this much pirates" Coby begged Luffy as he saw even more pirates rushing down stairs which didnt make Luffy move an inch. Coby was still hiding behind the barrels close to Luffy.

'fuck, he is probably testing me if i can sail around the world with him or not' Jade sweated vigorously as he blocked the incoming sword coming towards his face ' Well I am not gonna die from some filler pirates !'

The fight between Jade and the multiple pirates lasts for another 15 minutes until Jade falls to the floor unconscious covered in blood, cuts and bruises from the hard battle he just endured. Incoming heavy footsteps could be heard getting closer from the distance.

"Coby.. Jade.. i am disappointed in you betraying your fellow crew members" Alvida says he show slowly walks towards Jades unconscious body "Well, time to take out the filth" As she swings down her iron mace towards jade with a huge amount of force.

"Huh?" Alvida utters in surprise as a man with a straw hat standing on front of her blocking her attack towards Jade. "Who are you?!" She says as the man with the straw hat stands there with a wide grin on his face

"I'm Monkey. D Luffy and Im going to be the King of the pirates!" Luffy shouts grinning to himself

"King of the pirates?!"


Coby and Alvida say in shock knowing that claiming to be the king of the pirates was a very insane claim somebody could say as the meaning of being the 'King' of the pirates would mean that he would find the legendary one piece and conquer the GrandLine which not any body can just do.

"AND WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOUR GOING TO BE THE KING?" Alvida shouts in anger as she swings her mace towards Luffy with rage

"Gum Gum, Pistol!" Luffys arm stretches behind him and shoots back with increased speed punching Alvida right on the face sending her flying through multiple different layers of the ships walls

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Coby screams of the sight of this strange mans body deforming and knocking away Alvida in just one punch

"i thought it was a myth.. You ate a devil fruit!?" Alvida says in the distance as she struggles to stand up as she is clearly being affected by the punch that landed on her face

"yeah, I ate the Gum Gum fruit" Luffy says as he prepares another move

"why do you protect that man behind you?!" ALvida shouts in frustration as she knows she will lose this fight

"why? because he is my first mate after all" Luffy shrugs "GUM GUM BAZOOKA" both Luffys arm stretch behind him and fling back with even more force than his previous attack

Both fists land on Alvidas stomach sending her flying of the ship as she can no longer be seen in the distance. "CAPTAIN, QUICK MEN RUN" All of the pirates start to flee as the strongest fighter they had which was their captain has just fallen and they will no longer stand a chance

Cobys Jaw almost reached the ground as he couldn't believe the 'iron mace' Alvida as just fallen with only just two attacks


"Wakey wakey sleepyhead" As a bucket of water gets splashed on to jades head. slowly regaining consciousness

"ughhh" Jade groaned as his body was extremely sore from the battle he just fought in. The first thing he saw was Coby looking at him

"we are heading towards shells town" Coby stated looking out in the sea. Jade finds himself on a small sailboat with Coby next to him and Luffy at the front of the boat

"Oh your awake!" Luffy looked at Jade. "I am Luffy also known as your captain" Luffy stood there with a proud stance

"oh im in the crew now?" he asked in anticipation excited that he can finally start his adventure

"yep, so you better work hard" Luffy said

"ill train, ill train so hard that i will become as strong or even stronger than you!"

"Thats gonna be a stretch knowing Luffy" Coby said trying to see if they got his joke

"Shishishishishi" Luffy laughed

This was finally the start of the great adventure