
One piece: Vendetta

In the Great Pirate era marked by the ferocious conflict between Marines, Pirates, and Revolutionaries, a young child, scarred by the repercussions of their epic clash, resurfaces from the shadows. Driven by a personal vendetta to rectify the wrongs in society, while keeping promise made years ago. He faces monstrous outlaw with no fear, who has caused extreme suffering to many. Patreon: patreon.com/Honored_Fics

Ease_Life · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Shiki approached Indigo, who was diligently jotting down notes while observing Beppo. Beppo, having consumed the SIQ, showed no immediate effects. Shiki's face turned grave as he addressed Beppo.

"Why did Gold Roger always carry a shovel on his pirate ship?" Shiki asked, his tone serious.

Beppo responded, shaking his head, a mix of fear and anxiety evident in his eyes. "Because he had a buried treasure, but it wasn't gold or jewels. It was a secret stash of dad jokes so cringe-worthy that his crew would beg for mercy! Talk about a pirate with a treasure trove of terrible humor!"

Both Shiki and Indigo burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the air. "Sheheheh..." Shiki chuckled, trying to catch his breath. "Hahhahah!"

Shiki, still chuckling, wiped away a tear of laughter from his eye. "So, Indigo, tell me, what kind of ability have he managed to develop?" he asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Beppo scratched his head, pondering for a moment before a wide grin spread across his face. "Well, captain, you know how sometimes the drug won't work?" he began, his voice filled with excitement.

Shiki nodded,. "Of course. Keep trying..."

Then, with a stern expression, Shiki leaned closer to Beppo. "Develop your abilities swiftly, or you'll witness a wrath that will make the very oceans tremble,"

"Now, Beppo, my furry accomplice, listen closely," Shiki began, his voice filled with a malevolent excitement. "I have a grand plan, a plan to unleash chaos and destruction upon the very lands where that legendary pirate, Gold Roger, took his final breath."

Beppo's eyes widened, a mix of awe and trepidation filling his gaze. "Shiki, what are you suggesting?" he asked, his voice a mixture of curiosity and concern.

Shiki smirked, a glimmer of madness dancing in his eyes. "I'm talking about bringing East Blue to its knees, Beppo. We will obliterate everything in our path, leaving nothing but ashes and despair. The world will tremble before our might," he declared, his voice resonating with a twisted delight.

Beppo hesitated, a mixture of fear and uncertainty gripping his heart. "But, ... isn't that too extreme? You could never achieve that?" he questioned, his voice tinged with doubt.

Shiki's expression turned cold, his voice taking on a harsh edge. "Beppo, my dear friend, you must understand. The world needs to witness the true power of the Grand Line. Only then will they understand the magnitude of our ambitions. Join me, Beppo, and together we will carve our names in the annals of history as the ones who reshaped the very fabric of East Blue."

"No... I already have a captain." Bepo said, shiki laughed it off and left. He never took no for answer, and Beppo here was just an experiment for his future plans.


Aki, law, Sachi flying on Propeller plane with its unsteady motion. Each clutched tightly at plane. "Why are we flying in sky chief?" Sachi said. 

"Shiki probably has his hideout floating on air," Aki said, 

"How do you know that?" Penguin asked, 

"I just do," He replied, "It's my gut feeling,"

Still Law didn't seem to have doubt, not even a bit, though he didn't appreciate the way it flew. It looked as if it would stop any moment. It was sloppy work at best, then again he made it out of scarps from jungle and engine of submarine.

The wooden propeller plane soared through the endless expanse of the sky, its engine humming steadily. Aki, Law, Sachi, and Penguin sat inside, their eyes surveying the vastness below.

As the plane cruised through the air, Law couldn't help but feel a tinge of unease. "Aki, are we safe up here?" he asked, his voice calm but laced with concern.

Aki, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint, shrugged nonchalantly. "Safe? Who needs safety when you've got power coursing through your veins, Law?" he replied, his voice dripping with confidence.

Sachi, his face etched with worry, chimed in. "But Aki, we're flying in uncharted territory. We should be cautious," he cautioned, his voice steady yet filled with caution.

Penguin, always the optimist, interjected with a hint of excitement. "Come on, guys! Let's embrace the unknown! Adventure awaits!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted as islands materialized in the distance, floating in the air like mystical mirages. The pilots adjusted their course, steering towards the tantalizing sight.

But as they reached the apex of their ascent, a colossal bird swooped down from above, its wingspan blotting out the sun. Law swiftly activated his "Room," a manifestation of his devil fruit power, slicing the bird in half with a precise cut down the middle.

The bird, wounded but still alive, careened towards the plane as it crashed on it. Acting swiftly, Aki leaped onto the right side of the bird's head, his grip firm as he snatched Penguin, securing him in his arms. Meanwhile, Law positioned himself on the left side, grasping Sachi tightly.

The severed halves of the bird veered off in opposite directions, tearing the companions apart. Aki's side soared towards an uncharted island, while Law's portion hurtled towards a different destination.

Aki grabbed birds half beak, and tried to stir it to another direction but now it suddenly rolled like twister and went crashing at the ground. 

Law squatted, maintaining balance trying to land safely. The bird crashed on the ground, and law skated on it's body, landing safely. Meanwhile, Aki and penguin fell onto the river.