
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 31: Searching the Hungry-La Island

~Cinder POV (10 years old) ~

We all entered the island it seems to be well a wonderland of food the aroma here… it smells so good!

But was what really Kuro said that this place is literally out of this world food?

I just can't comprehend what he said was true about this place since everything looks normal other than the smell of food here.

When I was looking around the forest of this island Nora behind was having some trouble, so I checked on her to see what the problem was, "Nora are you ok you seem to be in pain is something wrong?"

I see Nora shakes her head no while trying to be brave while saying, "No sis Cinder I just heard all these noises from the beasts around here, but I think I managed… hopefully…"

I'll hold Nora up to that so for now we kept on looking around the island till we finally see…

Ok, I'm not going crazy here am I right?

From what I can see those are… "Are those seriously trees sprouting out meat?"

I wasn't the only one stun Ram, Neo, and Nora were stunned at the scene in front of me till Nora and Neo rushed towards the direction of… I guess meat trees?

I see that the Meat Tree appears to resemble numerous bones stuck together in the shape of a small tree.

But I can see that there seem to be numerous berries with the shape and taste of meat on the bone. The Meat Berries can be eaten raw.

I look towards Ram saying to her while keeping my sanity in check, "Ram you're not the only one seeing this right? That tree is that actually real?"

Ram looks over to the area around us, but she spots the grass and says with confusion as well took a small bite out of it, "The grass here… chomp… it's actually al dente pasta that's been boiled perfectly?"

Seriously Kuro?

How does this place exactly help us well other than for food but why this place?

I get that this place has all over the place and you wanted us to investigate the island but what the heck is this island all about?

While I was getting confused by the second, I see Neo picks up a piece of fungus yuck?! Then she eats it!

But before I can do anything Neo actually looks happy and comments on what I thought was fungus, "Cotton candy… this taste like cotton candy yum!"

Cotton Candy?

I guess this place uses everything as food even the plant life here but still then that means there is already some wildlife but what would they look like here?

With that, I start to head over to Nora's location to see that she was enjoying the meat while I took a piece and cooked it with my fire to get it toasty to eat.

Then with that, I took a bite out of the piece of meat what's to expect from…




Chomp! Chomp!! Chomp!!!

This piece of meat is the most delicious I have ever tasted before in my life this is different people will…

That was when I stopped my train of thought and smiled at why Kuro got this island for and why this place would help us, "Well, well Kuro I guess you really chose this place for its food if the people of Remnant gets a load of this stuff they can't help but pig down on all this food… chomp…"

While looking around the place I see Kagero is going over the plants in the island while observing the area, "This place defies reason very unusual for this island of food yes? Hmm…"

But then Nora immediately told everyone right away while holding her head in pain, "Everyone we have big company coming!"

Now that has my attention, I try using my Observation Haki I can faintly see the aura of some kind of pigs coming at us but… 'How did Nora know where they would come?'

With that everyone immediately started to go back to where I'm at then I see that a few big… "Roast pigs? No more like barbequed meat."

From where I see It as a large vicious-looking furry pink hog whose hairless brown torso resembles grilled pork.

They have five red stripes on their backs which are actually… "Are those vents? From the way I see, it looks like that help them release some heat or smoke that's created in their bodies, what weird creatures?"

But I shake my head getting ready to battle this might be a good time to use my new Spring Maiden powers then I look over to Ram and say to her, "Ram can you take care of Nora and Neo while I take care of these piggies."

Ram nodded her head then makes a snapping sound from her fingers and summoned up 10 shadow soldiers 7 near the group and 3 behind me I look surprised I thought Ram's limit was only 1 shadow what happened?!

Ram looks at my confusion then explains to me with a smirk while expressing an innocent expression, "Well looks like Kuro didn't know that when he gave me my shadow logia fruit it causes my paramecia to fuse with it causing it to become an Extreme Model Devil Fruit now."

While the big barbequed pigs are coming, I turn my attention around the threat, but I still heard Ram's voice filled with excitement, "Now my new power caused me to evolve my fruits into a Mythical Zoan now! Extreme Mythical Zoan: Hito Hito no Mi Model: Shadouenperā!"

Wait Kuro has fusion now?

When did that happen?

Why is Ram a shadow emperor now?

I'm going to beat him up for not telling me about this I don't mind but a girl needs to know when someone has a sudden power up but not explain any reason Oum Damn it!

Somewhere on the other island Kuro suddenly sneezed but didn't know why…

With that, I see that the shadow soldiers from Ram were dealing with the pigs while I deal with one myself and I created an ice blade then I try to aim for the head but…

I was blown away easily from the pig with clear surprise shown on my face and the others as well, "What?!"

How did this piece of pork manage to overpower me in strength?!

Sure, I deal with Grimm easily by doing this move at them all the time but why the hell does these pigs give me trouble even with aura-enhanced the sword!

With me falling I used my fire logia abilities to keep myself in flight while thinking over what happens if I can't win with strength then…

I started to charge up a small ball of fire in the palm of my hands while I glare down at the pig in front of me while it was suddenly glowing… "Orange? And it's releasing some smoke… doesn't matter as soon as I'm done with it there will be nothing left."

With that, I was done charging up my fireball in my hand while I look at my group and say to them, "Everyone goes inside Kagero I'm about to release a powerful attack get inside right now!"

With that they all left inside to Kagero then he started to fly away but not before getting some Meat trees while he flew away from the spot.

I look at the pigs and I couldn't help but say the name of my attack I guess Kuro's bad habit is starting to rub off on me huh?

Well at least he's not here to say anything about it and I will never let him hear the end of this, "Well then you oversized pork chops I bid you all a farewell and hope the next we meet you won't survive my encounter."

With that, I dropped the small fireball in my hand and say my attack name, "Cruel Sun."

~Third POV~

With that Cinder attack, Cruel Sun was released and made contact with the ground causing a miniature explosion of fire consuming everything inside to burn.

The pigs were being burned up as well soon to bone remaining, but Cinder stills smells the food of fresh meat like… "Barbequed pork… sniff… smells a bit burnt but I'll still eat it waste not want not."

With that the rest of the group that were inside of Kagero came out and look at Cinder with a judging look that she responds to, "What?"

Ram was the first to try to speak but Cinder beats her to the punch by saying in a dangerous voice, "If you say my attack name to Kuro so help me I will make your life trouble with me starting to burn your food starting of what we get from this island!"

With that they all shut their mouths when Nora, Neo, and Ram tasted the food of hungry-La island they didn't want to have their privilege of eating taken away, so they kept their mouth shut.

But then Neo says to Cinder in a confuse voice, "Ok then what do we do next Cinder?"

She gave her answer to Neo surprisingly quick and what she says surprised everyone, "For now we search the area around here some more then we go back to the tower, as much as I want to search around this place more these… Gourmet Beasts are much stronger than the Grimm I feel like we need Kuro help on this."

The others could only agree on the subject since out of everyone in their group Cinder is the third strongest currently with Kuro being first and Kagero being second to their current knowledge.

With that the group agreed to the idea before returning back to the tower to meet again with Rem and Kuro again.

When they were done, they reunited with everyone to explain what they found out from the islands provided to them.

Kuro and Rem explained that the ancient city has highly advanced medicine, power source, transportation, constructions, appliances, and living conditions at the ready but that was all they can find currently since there was some areas that were restricted to them like the weaponry, mass productions of automata's and etc.

When Kuro explained to them that the reason why they couldn't go was because he lacks certain conditions for it level up to gain more materials at the ready.

Every agreed to what he said then Cinder begins to explain her end of what happen on their side of the other island they couldn't get through anymore and a pig was a matched for her in physical strength but with her fire logia abilities it was easy but…

Cinder considered to call it quits since Nora was experiencing some head pains and that they were too weak to do much about any beast coming after them if they were outnumbered since it was difficult for Cinder to beat it in strength but was concerned about Nora and Neo getting killed.

Kuro agreed with Cinder decision but when she also talked about Ram Devil Fruit turned her into an Extreme Mythical Zoan User he was surprised at the sudden development.

Which earn him a punch onto his head thinking he deserved that one but after that they enjoyed their meal from the Hungry-La Island then go to sleep for the next day and train in the Hungry-La Island.

Meanwhile at Beacon Academy Headmaster Office the next day…

In the office was Ozpin and Glynda waiting for two people to arrive on Ozpin floor while Glynda looks over to Ozpin and says, "Ozpin are you sure it's fine to send in these two out looking for a phantom person right after they have another new kid and the other mourning?"

Ozpin looks over to Glynda agreeing to what she says but remains neutral knowing what its at stake, "I know Glynda that this is sudden on them, but we need their help they both agreed once I explain to them what is at stake."

After finishing his sentence, the elevator finished its ringing revealing two people that came out from the door…

The first one is Qrow Branwen he has graying black, spiky hair, brilliant vermilion eyes, and slight stubble along his jawline. Along with a red, tattered cloak, he wears a gray dress shirt with a long tail, black dress pants and black dress shoes.

He also wears a ring on his right index finger, two other rings on his right ring finger and a necklace with a crooked cross-shaped pendant. Qrow's bangs are down most of the time, but he sometimes pushes his hair back when fighting. In addition, his hair is made to look like it is composed entirely of feathers.

The second person to come was Summer Rose having the same silver eyes, fair complexion, and graduating black-into-red hair. She had shoulder-length hair tied back in a half-up/half-down style and wore a hooded cloak which is white outside and red underneath.

Under that cloak is an outfit that is mostly black: a high-neck décolletage blouse with studded wristbands on the arms, a black and white over bust corset, a skirt with white tulle underneath, gray leggings, and knee-high boots with red soles.

When they arrived, they both they both have a serious expression shown on their face with Summer the first to speak, "Ok Ozpin we got your call so what's the mission."

This brought a smile to Ozpin face because with his most trusted pawn and trump card on the case he feels good that they will succeed in their mission.

Unaware to the three parties a certain relic was just found in another part of the Badlands that a certain tribe of red hair lion Faunus found on one of their searches for food while she questions to herself, "What the hell is a lamp doing here?"


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle, Fusion

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro, Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Intermediate), Kami-e (Intermediate), Tekkai (Intermediate), Rankyaku (Intermediate), Shingan (Intermediate), Soru (Intermediate), Rokuogan (Intermediate), Voice of All Things

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Byakko, Soru Soru no Mi, Extreme Model: Goro Goro no Mi

Equip: Reject Dial Fingerless Glove, Omen

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User/Spring Maiden), Rem Arashi (Paramecia /Logia User), Ram Arashi (Extreme Model: Mythical Zoan User), Kagero (Paramecia User), Nora Valkyrie (Logia User), Neopolitan (Paramecia User)

Loyal Allies Army: The Automata's x100

Islands: Hungry-La (Lv. 1), Ancient Birkia (Lv.1)

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Leopard, Suna Suna no Mi, Cure Remover x7, DFTP, DFTZ, DFTL, Haki Training Guide, Kobu Kobu no Mi, Horo Horo no Mi, Raki Raki no Mi, Chiyu Chiyu no Mi, Mosa Mosa no Mi, Kuku Kuku no Mi, Bomu Bomu no Mi

Lien: 2,001,492,544