
One Piece Ultimate : My Legend

Mehdi, A scientific on earth. invented a material who can replace oil .but after a few months he was killed by a group made by multinational companies that Extract oil ”I know this was going to happen, but well I had to do it for a better future “. when he closed his eyes he could hear a sound “Oi, you are not dead yet, so open your eyes “ Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything mentioned in this story from the original manga.

lol_looolz · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

The SEAL team spreads its wings

After a year.

You could see a group of people training near a 6 years old child.

"Okay, this is it for today. You guys can go rest now" (Alex)

After he said that the group fall all on the floor like some dead fishes while breathing heavily number 1 said: "you truly are a monster young master"

In this year the group of newcomers trained all day long from 5 in the morning to the 8 in the evening, while training the group learned more about their young master and their teammates.

"oh just shut up and go rest already" (Alex).

Like that the group went to their rooms, on the way they started to talk to each other.

"I will follow him to death "(number 1).

"Yeah me too, others treat their underlings like slaves but him he treats us with respect"(number 23).

"Who could have thought we could have such a casual conversation with our young master worst a celestial dragon" (number 35).

"guys we are family and he is our lord and young master"(number 1).

"Of course we are "(number 45).

number 1 hesitated then said:" let's drink a family oath and another oath to make him our Lord, what do you think guys" (number 1)

""""""Hell yeah"""""(all but number 1).

Then they all drank from the same sake bottle to seal their family oath.

Moving back to Alex.

"So what do you think young master" (Amina).

"They are excellent," said Alex with a smile.

Today was their last day of training before going outside. In a whole 365 days, Alex trained them along with Amina with the same methods the SEAL team and other special teams from earth used to train because on earth Alex watched a lot of documentaries about various worlds special forces and the way they train.

The next day at around 8.00 in the morning, Alex along of a crowd made of 51 peoples were facing each other in a room.

"you guys did train well in this year, a have few things to say to you guys. I want you guys when you go outside to try and train your own haki. Now take this 'den den mushi' it will permit you to contact the HQ and to chat with each other's"(Alex)

The den den mushi is a creature that is being used in one piece world as a phone.

With his words, Amina gave each of them a den den mushi.

"Officially the SEAL organization is operational, now go my team and make the name SEAL the fear of every secret holder in this world" shouted Alex.

"""" we will always and always hear your orders our lord, even if it cost us our death"""""

This reply shocked Alex and Amina, but they both smiled the next instant.

After that, they all left mary geoise via some secret means.

"sigh here they go, hope they will succeed "(Alex)

Near him, Amina said "they will Alex after all have been trained by you for a year"

"you mean a 6 years old training system" (Alex).

"Alex your training system is a good one, I didn't see the CP training system but I guess ours isn't that far away from their" (Amina)

"as you say miss SUPREME COMMANDER" teased Alex

She blushed and said, "don't tease me, young master".

The next day in the empty training room stood Alex alone, "it's empty without them, after training them I couldn't advance too much in my training. Now from now on let's train the 6 powers".

After training, Alex went to his father.

"father they left"(Alex).

"Oh, are you sad ?"(Danial).

"no, but it's quite empty without them "(Alex).

"dad! I heard that our family own a lot of empty islands . can I get one ?"(ALEX)

"of course which one do you want "(Danial).

" I want an empty island that is hard to find and is far from any habitable island"(Alex).

"hmm our family own an island that matches your criteria and it is located in east bleu"(Danial)

"thank you dad"(Alex)

"why do you want it"(denial)

" I want it as my organization's HQ"(Alex)

"Oh, do you want me to send an organization team to there ?"(Danial).

"no dad, I want my own people to construct it so thank you dad"(Alex)

After thanking his dad Alex left.

"from now on my organization shall be the fear of every underworld person, " said Alex with a hopeful face, after a second he added, " but before that we have a long way to go".

...[till next chapter]