
One Piece: Toymaker

The Story depicts a guy who was killed in a freak accident due to being in an altercation with a drunk driver; his soul was sent into the world of one-piece as the OC he was creating while filling out a CYOA on his phone during the accident. With no memory of how he came to be here and with no means of home, he could only follow the Story from his past life memories to its conclusion in hopes of getting an answer as to why he, of all people, was sent here. Follow the man on his journey in One Piece as a Straw Hat Pirate, the tale of the One Piece: Toymaker. A/N: The author just wanted to apologize for the constant updates and deletions to my stories. Seriously, I'm not trying to come up with excuses, but I sometimes feel like I have ADHD or something. I have no way to implement all these ideas, constantly fumbling in the dark when I'm creating and writing a story. This latest disaster was spawned from my concept after reading the DC fanfic Gotham Dead End Bar, where Sean was sent to Worm as a Toy-based Tinker. For those of you who haven't read the Story, I recommend that you read it, as the Story is pretty good; anyways, on to the regular author's note, I do not own the One Piece story or any of its content or characters, just my OC and ideas. I ask as an author that you, the readers, be passionate with me as I try to do my best with this Story and others. I don't plan to drop any of my stories, and I don't have an updated schedule, so chapters may or may not come out randomly.

GreaterSage · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


Prologue -

The story begins on Earth in the Primary Universe, in a particular city in America. A young man lived in this city, but his name was unnecessary since he couldn't remember it soon. One day, as he was walking along the curb and looking at his phone's screen, he was so engrossed in what he was doing that he didn't notice he was crossing the street under a stop light on the main road. He was so used to this route that he ignored it and was shocked when a speeding car turning onto the main highway hit him. The driver appeared to be intoxicated and didn't seem to notice or care as the young man was left sprawled out on the ground.

His body was bent, warped, and mangled, and his limbs were twisted in odd and painful angles. Blood and bones protruding from his open wounds, the boy, still clinging to the last vestiges of life, managed to hear someone screaming and shouting for someone to call the ambulance. He was glad that someone cared enough to speak out, but he knew the effort would be useless as he could already feel his life slipping away, even as we speak. His last moments were of his friends and family, who would probably be sad when they heard of his passing, but there was nothing to be done; he was dead, and there was no going back…no, No!

He didn't want this to be the end. He didn't want his life to conclude yet. He had a lot of dreams and aspirations, such as graduating, traveling the world, and meeting new people. He wished to find a nice girl, settle down with her, have children, and start his own family. He knew his goals may sound generic, but they were his and his alone. He wanted to live life to the fullest, explore the world, and do everything he had ever dreamt of.

'Please, someone..anyone, if you can hear me, please give me another chance, please, I don't want to die, I don't want to die, please, PLEASE!'

In response to his prayer, he felt a warm sensation that spread throughout his body. This was in stark contrast to the numbing feeling of his body slowly dying before. Then he saw a bright light glowing with a faint luminescent gold color that was warm and inviting. He had heard people joke about not going towards the light, but at this point, he was so tired and felt no hope. All he could do was close his eyes and sink into the warmth, letting the light consume him in its warm embrace. He believed he was meeting his final resting place for all eternity, but little did he know that his story was beginning. What would happen next would be anyone's guess.



Author's Note: Hi everyone! I want to apologize for the constant deletion and updates of my stories. I know it can be confusing, and I'm sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused. I have many ideas for stories, but sometimes, I find it challenging to put them into words. This often leads to writer's block, and I scrapped the entire story. I acknowledge that this may seem lazy, but I write for fun, and I hope you understand. I welcome any comments or feedback on my writing and am open to constructive criticism. However, please refrain from leaving negative comments, as they won't help me improve my writing. I'll delete any hateful comments, so let's keep it positive. Lastly, I'm not a professional author, and I write for fun, so please don't expect frequent updates or a professional writing style. If you're looking for a casual read, my stories are perfect. Thank you for understanding!