
One Piece Time Travel Pirates, I Have A Coquettish System

(Following the boat + time travel + funny + coquettish + passionate…)Lin Hai, an orphan in the 21st century, accidentally traveled to the world of One Piece.Since then, the style of the Straw Hat Pirates has gradually changed, becoming more outrageous…Luffy: “Hey Lin Hai, what are you doing?”Lin Hai wiped his hair coquettishly: “Listen up, Luffy, hairstyle is a man’s soul. The head can be broken, blood can flow, but the hairstyle cannot be messed up!”Luffy’s eyes lit up and he said, “Is this a man’s romance?”Then Lin Hai and Luffy put their hands on each other’s shoulders and cheered, “Romantic, romantic…”Nami was furious: “If you two bastards jump again, the boat will capsize. Just stop it…”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 26

A few days later, the Golden Merli, which Keya gave to Luffy and the others, was sailing on the blue sea.

Because they got a new ship, everyone couldn't help but be curious and admired the equipment on the ship.

When Lin Hai came out of the room, he saw Luffy sitting there looking unhappy. It seemed that he had been educated by Nami!

Not far away, Zoro was leaning against the pole of the boat, seemingly ready to take a nap, while Usopp was tinkering with his stuff there.

Where is Nami?

Nami was standing on the edge of the boat looking at the sea level. The breeze was blowing her short orange shawl hair and her bulging figure…

Lin Hai couldn't help but sigh: "Nami, you are so beautiful!"

Before Nami could speak, Luffy said angrily: "Are you kidding me? Nami loves money and is violent, and…"

"Duang…" Luffy was slapped again by Nami as if he had never been taught a lesson.

Zoro on the side saw his captain being beaten so disrespectfully by Nami, and said unhappily: "Ugh…"

Nami looked at Zoro and asked, "Zoro, do you have any objections too?"

Of course there are opinions, and they are big! However, Zoro still turned his head and looked away.

After a while, Luffy suddenly became interested and ran to Lin Hai and said, "Shall we have a fishing competition?"

Lin Hai said speechlessly: "With your active personality, are you sure you want to go fishing?"

Luffy retorted: "Don't underestimate me, of course I can fish!"

Lin Hai nodded and said: "Okay, what's the bet? There has to be some luck, right?"

Luffy replied: "Whoever catches more can eat more later, okay?"

Usopp on the side couldn't help but complained: "Luffy, what you said is like you didn't say it…"

Although Usopp complained like this, he still joined in the fishing competition between the two.

At this time, Lin Hai was sitting on the railing, holding the fishing rod in his hand and singing: "Little fish, little fish, hurry up and take the bait, there is something delicious in my bucket…"

One or two, three or four…

Everyone looked at Lin Hai in surprise, this guy is really evil!

Because Usopp and Luffy also imitated Lin Hai's call, the fishing rod still didn't move!

In fact, Lin Hai used his knowledge and Haki to cheat. The buckets were almost full, but Luffy's bucket didn't have any in it, but Usopp's bucket had a few.

"Ah!" Luffy threw the fishing rod aside angrily, "No more fishing. Why, Lin Hai, have you caught so many, but I can't catch any?"

"Ahem." Lin Hai looked up at the sky at 45 degrees and said slowly: "Fishing requires patience and a certain amount of cultivation. As the saying goes, as quiet as a virgin, a mountain collapses in front of me, but my expression does not change… .."

what to do? I can't make it up anymore!

But Usopp and Luffy on the side were already looking at Lin Hai with bright eyes, and exclaimed at the same time: "Silk cake…"

Zoro on the other side said again, "Pretending."

Nami didn't expect that Lin Hai liked to pretend so much, especially why did he always look up at the sky at a 45-degree angle?

I really want to beat him up!

Lin Hai waved his hand and said: "This is all trivial, trivial, let me relieve myself first."

Seeing Lin Hai standing on the railing of the ship, Usopp couldn't help but ask: "Are you right here?"

Lin Hai turned around and asked, "Is there any problem? It's very convenient."

Luffy's eyes lit up, "You won the fishing just now, but I don't believe you can beat me in this one too!"

Lin Hai asked doubtfully: "You still want to compete?"

Luffy nodded and said, "Of course, Usopp, are you coming?"

Usopp replied: "Come on!"

Nami on the side couldn't help but blush, these guys! !

Nami quickly left here.

Soon, Lin Hai and Luffy looked at Usopp with disdain, while Usopp looked at Lin Hai with some surprise and replied: "I will definitely grow that big in the future, okay?"

"Exactly." Lin Hai smiled and said: "Luffy will become the pirate king in the future, and Zoro will become the world's best swordsman."

Usopp said depressedly: "You bastard…"

Luffy is very active, but that's not true. After everyone finished eating, Lin Hai had just fallen asleep in the room when there was a burst of noise outside…

It turned out that Luffy and Usopp used cannons to bombard a small island not far away. On the back of the small island, two of Zoro's friends, Johnny and Joseph, were resting. Zoro was a pirate hunter like these two before.

Despite this, after Johnny got on the boat, he cursed loudly, and Lin Hai who was woken up wanted to kill him with a knife!

Looking at a damaged railing, Lin Hai said with a gloomy face: "You

If you make any more noise, I will throw you into the sea. "

Although the angry Lin Hai did not release his domineering aura, his aura was still terrifying.

Johnny swallowed and replied: "My companion was given by you, given…"

Nami rolled her eyes and said, "Are you okay with your brain? He is sick. On the sea, many people will get this disease due to lack of food."

Soon, Joseph woke up and collapsed again.

At this time, Zoro asked: "Johnny, do you know there is a chef around here?"

Johnny smiled and said: "Of course, I have been a pirate hunter for several years, so I naturally know."

So, under Johnny's guidance, several people arrived at Barati, a sea restaurant.

However, before the Meili arrived at Barati, a naval warship was approaching!

At the suggestion of Navy Captain Hobbody, the warship's cannons were aimed at the Merrie, hoping to sink the ship.

Nami asked doubtfully: "Where is Lin Hai?"

Usopp explained: "He's sleeping!"

Nami complained: "Still sleeping! Think of a solution quickly, they…"

Luffy smiled and said, "I'll do such a small thing."

The result was just like the original work, Luffy accidentally made a hole in the roof of the sea restaurant Barati.

Seeing this, Zoro had no choice but to step forward to solve the problem!

Nami on the other side ran into Lin Hai's room angrily. When she was about to wake Lin Hai up, who knew that Lin Hai was dreaming!

When he saw Nami in front of him in a daze, he thought he was in a dream, so he pulled her and their mouths met!


Why does Lin Hai feel so real?

After a while, Lin Hai's dishonest hand…

After reacting, Nami quickly stood up and said: "You bastard, get up quickly!!"

"Ahem." Lin Hai said awkwardly: "Nami, I was dreaming just now. You have to understand…"

Nami rolled her eyes at Lin Hai. Didn't she kiss her last time in Xiluobu Village?

But Nami would not care about this, but said: "A warship outside is going to sink our ship!"

Lin Hai suddenly woke up. Is this okay?

Is it that he, Lin Hai, can't lift the knife, or is he, Lin Hai, really that he can't lift the knife?

This is really unreasonable.

Lin Hai stood up quickly and said: "Let's go quickly, you're so wet…"

Nami exclaimed: "Asshole, where are you grabbing!"

"Ah haha, accident, pure accident, those navy are really outrageous, don't slap me in the face…"