
One Piece Time Travel Pirates, I Have A Coquettish System

(Following the boat + time travel + funny + coquettish + passionate…)Lin Hai, an orphan in the 21st century, accidentally traveled to the world of One Piece.Since then, the style of the Straw Hat Pirates has gradually changed, becoming more outrageous…Luffy: “Hey Lin Hai, what are you doing?”Lin Hai wiped his hair coquettishly: “Listen up, Luffy, hairstyle is a man’s soul. The head can be broken, blood can flow, but the hairstyle cannot be messed up!”Luffy’s eyes lit up and he said, “Is this a man’s romance?”Then Lin Hai and Luffy put their hands on each other’s shoulders and cheered, “Romantic, romantic…”Nami was furious: “If you two bastards jump again, the boat will capsize. Just stop it…”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 23

They returned to the snack bar and after a big meal, Nami couldn't help but ask: "Lin Hai, it's time to tell you what the domineering thing I just mentioned is, right?"

"Domineering?" Zoro and Usopp couldn't help but ask, somewhat confused!

"Ahem…" Lin Hai smoothed his hair coquettishly, then waved and said with a smile: "Sit down, this domineering spirit can be divided into three types…"

After Lin Hai's explanation, except for Luffy, the other three people looked horrified. Is there such a power in this world?

Lin Hai said with a smile: "If you don't believe it, I will demonstrate it to you."

After saying that, Lin Hai controlled the power of Overlord's domineering energy and directly hit several people present!

Nami, Usopp and Zoro looked at Lin Hai in horror. This power is really incredible!

This, is this mental suppression?

Looking at the expressions of several people, Lin Hai said proudly: "I'm just showing my hand slightly, if I increase the intensity, you would have passed out long ago.

Hey, I am such an excellent person, but I really can't find any words to express my talent. It's really troublesome…"

They started pretending to compete again, and several people's faces darkened.

Zoro said unhappily: "What's so great, I will do it one day!"

Lin Hai said disdainfully: "Yes, yes, three-sword style."

Zoro said angrily: "You bastard, do you want to fight?"

Lin Hai replied: "Yes, yes, with this kind of momentum, come and kill me, and by the way, I will let you understand what is the domineering power of seeing, hearing, and sex."

Luffy immediately clapped his hands and said, "Hurry up, let us take a good look."

Lin Hai smiled and said: "Let's go out of the house. I'm afraid I'll break other people's things and I can't afford to pay for it. There are some money-grubbing people who don't have a dime and are carrying a bunch of treasures…"

Nami said angrily: "What did you say?"

Lin Hai quickly ran out of the house because he would not talk to Nami, otherwise Lin Hai would definitely be beaten!

Soon, Sauron came outside and found that he couldn't cut Lin Hai no matter how hard he cut! !

Usopp on the side exclaimed: "Si Gongyi, this power is too abnormal!"

Nami smiled and said: "You are even more perverted and don't know that just now on the slope at the entrance of the coast, Lin Hai split the high cliff on one side!"

Usopp didn't think it was anything, splitting the high cliff? At best, break a stone, right?

Because when Lin Hai arrived at the entrance of the coast, Usopp and Sauron had already gone after Zangao, who was chasing Keya, so they didn't know what Lin Hai did to Gaoya.

At the right time, Zoro was sweating. It was because of the feeling of being crushed by others…

Ignoring Zoro who was gasping for air, Lin Hai walked to the big stone and said, "Now, let's see the specific effects of Armed Color Haki."


There was a loud noise, and the stone next to Lin Hai was smashed by Lin Hai's arm, which was suddenly covered with a layer of black.

"Nani!!" X3

Luffy on the side pouted and muttered: "What's so great about it, I can do it too, okay?"

Sauron on the side became even more excited after seeing this power. The man named Hawkeye should have this kind of power, right? The world's strongest and difficult, this is more in line with my guess!

Soon when they returned to the snack bar, the eldest lady Keya also came here.

She has brown hair and is wearing a thin women's suit. She looks elegant and tastefully dressed…

Lin Hai glanced at the people next to him, and then looked at Keya's outfit. She looked like a goddess and a loser.

Keya smiled quietly and said: "Everyone, thank you for saving us this time. Well, don't you need a boat? To express my gratitude, I will give you one…"

Luffy was immediately shocked, "Really? Arigado, you are such a good person!"

Keya smiled slightly, and Usopp's city fell.

"Keya…" Usopp had a lot to say, but he didn't know where to start.

Keya seemed to understand, and chuckled: "No need to say anything about Usopp, I understand that I misunderstood you before, really…"

Usopp: "No, no need to say…"

Luffy and others on the side may not understand, but Lin Hai's face turned dark. It was extremely uncomfortable to be fed so much dog food!

After a while, Keya went back. It would take a few days for the boat to be made. After all, it needed some modifications, right?

Usopp seemed to be intoxicated in a certain artistic conception, and Lin Hai couldn't help but complain: "Hey, hey, if you like it, go for it, Mensaopu."

Usopp immediately became furious and said with a red face: "What are you talking about! Me, Keya and I are not what you think, and my name is Usopp, not


"Hahaha." The group burst into laughter.

Lin Hai patted Usopp on the shoulder and said with a smile: "If you don't have the courage, then look outside. It's not dark yet, so don't dream there in broad daylight."

"Asshole!" Usopp said immediately: "Next time you eat, pay for it yourself!!"

After playing around for a while, Nami walked outside for a walk. Seeing that she was hesitant to speak, Lin Hai asked: "Nami, do you have something to say to me? You looked like this when you came back from the coast. Looks like, is it a stomachache? Is that really coming? "

Nami was so angry that she punched Lin Hai, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Lin Hai said with a smile: "You want me to pay back the money, right? I tell you, no, not a pele!"

Nami rolled her eyes at Lin Hai, and finally plucked up the courage to ask weakly: "If there is a pirate with a bounty of 20 million beli, or even more powerful, can you guys beat him?"

It's no wonder that Nami is like this. Aaron has been giving Nami the shadow since she was a child. Nami feels that Aaron is invincible and no one can be his opponent!

However, just now at the coastal entrance, Nami witnessed the shock caused by Lin Hai, so she asked this question!

Because Nami didn't want to take some people to die. It's not like this kind of thing had never happened before.

They all said it was okay, but none of them could come back, which made Nami lose confidence…