
One Piece: The Third Apprentice

Everyone knows about the Roger Pirates two apprentices Red-Haired Shanks and Buggy The Clown. But what if there were a third apprentice? One who happened to be a soul transmigrated into the world of One Piece knowing of the events to come? What changes will said apprentice make, and just how far in the world of One Piece will he rise after learning from the Pirate King Gol D. Roger himself? Read this and find out.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs


A/N: Ok let me clarify something.

My MC's name is Siegreich D. Noctis. But Siegreich is his first name and Noctis is his last name.

The thing is English is my first language so that's why I wrote it like that in the beginning.

But again Siegreich is the MC's first name and Noctis is his last name.

Now onto the chapter.


*Boom! Boom! Boom!*

"Not again!" Buggy screamed.

And since he is right next to me and doing so straight into my ear I punched him in the gut.

"Be quiet Buggy." I told him.

Just as I did so another cannonball landed in the water right next to the Oro Jackson.

Courtesy of the one of the marine ships currently attacking us.

Three months have passed since we entered into the Grand Line.

During this time we've visited quite a few islands.

None of which were even shown or mentioned in the anime or any of the One Piece lore in my last life.

One place we visited was known as Circus Island.

An island filled with mostly with performers who put on grand performances all-year round.

While another island we visited had nothing but constant storms of acid rain. Despite this the animals and plant-life on said island adapted and I have to say it was quite interesting to see such things.

But enough about that for now.

Let's return to the annoyance that is the Marine's.

They fired off another volley at the Oro Jackson, but the Roger pirates sent out their own volley and countered.

Leaving our ship with no damage at all.

Once this happened Roger ordered us to destroy the marine vessels and so we started sailing in their direction.

But as soon as we did so they started sailing away, running from us.

This has been going on every day for the past month.

Marine ships will show up and attack us, and then as soon a we start going on the offensive they flee.

If this happened just once I would think nothing of it, but since this has been happening for the past month I know someone is coordinating these attacks.

I just have no idea who.

Garp definitely isn't the type to pull this. He's always been a straight-forward kind of guy.

Sengoku would definitely use this kind of tactic, yet this strategy doesn't feel like him either.

Which means it's probably someone that I never even heard of in the original One Piece story.

Either way I just know things are going to get worse before they get better.

Still, I know we Roger pirates can weather this storm.

After the enemy ships were out of range we got back on our original course.

As we did so I began wondering just when the mastermind of these attacks on us would finally show themselves.

I want to wrap this up after all.


(3rd Person: POV)

As the Oro Jackson returned to its original course on one of the fleeing marine vessels a person was standing on deck.

Using a pair of binoculars they watched as the Roger Pirates ship departed from the area.

A small smirk on their face as they did so.

Which did not bode well for the Roger Pirates at all.



My back against the side of the ship I flipped a page in my book.

It is an adventure novel.

Which I purchased with my own money.

Since Buggy, Shanks, and I are part of the crew we also get shares of any treasure the Roger Pirates acquire.

But if we find something on our own like say a devil fruit then it is ours to keep personally.

I like this set-up, which is why I am going to use it for my own crew in the future.

I turned another page in my book and read it, completing the chapter I was on. After I did so I closed my novel and then shut my eyes.

Since it's time for my afternoon nap.

Right after I shut my eyes those I immediately opened them.

Since I sensed several presences approaching us through my observation haki.

Oh, and that's right. I've managed to unlock observation haki. It took constant training but I've done it.

Though I'm not making much progress with armament haki yet, and I don't even know if I have the Conquerors haki.

But well progress is progress.

Jumping to my feet I ran over to the left side the ship and looked out.

As I did so I spotted fifteen naval vessels sailing right towards the Oro Jackson as breakneck speed.

"Another naval attack."

"And so soon as well."

"This time it looks like they're serious."

"Dammit, they just won't give it a rest."

The crew continued commenting about the approaching naval fleet.

As they did so I finally realized the overall plan of whoever put this together. They have been trying to wear us down. Bit by bit they've been chipping away at our stamina and now they're about to deliver the final blow.

I'll admit its a good strategy.

But this isn't enough to defeat us Roger Pirates.

Coming out of his personal office Roger came to stand on deck and looked directly at the approaching naval fleet.

"So it looks like its time to end this." Roger said.

Looks like he's already figured out the enemies objective as well, but I'm not surprised at all.

Despite his flamboyant attitude most of the time Roger has a good head on his shoulders. He's an excellent strategist.

Unlike a certain Nika-human captain.

Putting a smile on his face Roger pointed to the enemy fleet. "Gaban, sail straight towards them. We're ending this today." He told him.

"Aye aye, captain." Gaban spoke.

He then turned the steering wheel and the Oro Jackson changed course, heading directly for the enemy fleet.

As we closed the distance we started firing volley's of cannonball's toward the enemy vessels, and they vice-versa.

We managed to strike them, but they didn't manage to hit us.

Then just before we got in range of the enemy vessels we managed to sink two of them.

Just after we did so a person on one of the ship stepped forward.

As they did so I turned m gaze toward them.

When I did I found myself looking at a female.

She has dark-silver hair and matching eyes.

[Image Here]

Also she is wearing an admiral's coat of all things around her shoulders.

So it's just like I thought.

This plan was put together my a person not mentioned in the original One Piece story at all. Since there was never a female admiral mentioned. I would've remembered.

My guess is this female admiral standing in front of me either died or wasn't important enough to be mentioned in the original story. Either way I am not going to underestimate her.

Because just from looking at her I can tell she is strong.

This is going to be a tough battle no doubt.

"Well, well, well it's so good to see you again Roger Pirates." The female admiral spoke to us. "Now then, give up or else we'll blow you out of the water and send you straight to Davy Jones Locker." She said.

"Sorry, we can't do that Teressa." Rayleigh said to the admiral. Drawing his sword as he did so.

The moment Rayleigh spoke a massive wave of killing intent started coming off the admiral, directed straight at him.

"Who gave you permission to use my given name you pervert! Know your fucking place!" The admiral named Teressa shouted at Rayleigh. Releasing even more killing intent as she did so.

"Scary!" Buggy shouted.

And I have to agree with him.

This admiral Teressa is a little nuts.

"I wonder why she hates Rayleigh so much?" Shanks questioned.

My next question exactly. Since out of everyone on board admiral Teressa has been eyeballing Rayleigh with a murderous glare ever since we got close enough for her to do so.

"I can answer that."

Turning around the three of us saw Sunbell.

"But first let me tell you about the opponent we're facing. Admiral Teressa Argent. She's a marine admiral. Not as well known as Sengoku, but even so she does her job well. Many pirates have fallen to her hands. Also she's a devil fruit eater. She ate a special-paramecia type. A Mercury Mercury fruit and became a Mercury human. Which is why normally she's known by her codename Gitsune." Sunbell explained to us.

'Gistune.' I thought. If I'm translating that correctly it means admiral Teressa's codename is Silver Fox.

Which actually fits perfectly considering her hair color and devil fruit power.

"As to why she hates Rayleigh..." Sunbell put a wry smile on her face. "The last time we faced off against her while in the Grand Line Rayleigh gave her a smack on the ass."

"Ah, I see." I mused.

So Rayleigh sexually harassed this female marine admiral.

He really has a set on him.

But I give him mad respect.

"Enough of this bullshit. Men attack!" Teressa shouted.

"Took the words right out of my mouth Teressa." Roger said. "Attack!" He shouted.

Thus the final battle after the month-long skirmish began.


So yeah, I am going to try and give my MC a personality similar to Rayleigh's. A calm and collected individual.