
One Piece: The Strongest Man

This is the story of a man's journey from being the weakest to becoming the strongest man in the world. . . . . . . . (author's warning: no harem, no dark MC) (If you find any grammatical mistakes or any other mistakes, please bear with it. I have no editor)

G_SoulKing · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

A man's determination

"Wait!!!! I want to make a deal with you" The man quickly shouted when he saw that Michael was about to move.

"You don't look like someone who has anything to offer. How about we do this; you go on your way and I will go on my way. We did not meet here and you didn't see me doing anything"

Michael also didn't want to fight here. He didn't know how strong this guy is and this guy didn't know who he is or where he lived. He is a slave, nobody will believe what he say. Every year the number of slaves trying to escape from here reached double digits but nobody have been able to successfully escape. The World Government will not take it seriously because of a slave's word.

Michael carried the cascass of the bear and walk out of the cave without paying attention to the slave. As he reached the mouth of the cave he heard the sound of a body falling on the ground, so he looked back and he saw the tall man falling on his knees.

"BANG...!! PLEASE can you listen to my story. I am not asking you to save me. I know I should not be asking anything of you and that you don't have any obligation to help me but I just can't watch her die in front of me. You are the only person I have met here who seemed to have a plan and the strength to escape from this place. PLEASE HELP HER!! She is the most precious person to me, in exchange you can use my life as you want."

The man suddenly banged his head on the floor and shouted. Bloods were seen flowing in the place where he slammed his head.

Michael stopped in front of the cave exit. He thought about what happened last night and couldn't help but imagine if he would also be like this man if Hancock and her sisters were in a similar situation? He was silent for a while, put down the bear cascass and looked back at the man and said.

"I don't want your life....but i am willing to hear your story. I am curious what makes a man fall on his knees in front of a stranger"

The man looked up with a hopeful look, sat on the ground and started telling his story

" My name is Gild Tesoro, six years ago I was just a delinquent young man. Everyday I was roaming on the streets, stealing, gambling, drinking and fighting. I was a complete loser until one day i met a girl. Her name was Stella, she was the most beautiful and kind girl I have ever seen.

But her life was not a good one. She was a slave of a noble from the town but she still remained cheerful and full of kindness and love. Even as a slave and being treated harshly by others, never once had she shown a face of anger on her face. She always had a smile on her face.

I was attracted to her like a magnet and wanted to get to know her. And after we started to get to know each other for some time she changed me, no, I was transformed beyond recognition. Before I knew it I was working as an honest man, earning money honestly.

And it was at that moment that I knew I couldn't live without her. So I started doing business, earning more and more money in hopes that i can redeem Stella one day and we can finally be together. Who knew that a delinquent like me would have some talent for business. My business got bigger and bigger and in a short four years I was able to amass a huge sum of money, enough to redeem her.

I was thrilled with joy and immediately I went to the noble to redeem Stella. But it seemed that the world had another plan for us. When I saw her again I was thrown back to hell. I was late, she was sold to the World Nobles, the Celestial Dragons. She had a chain around her neck and was pulled by others.

I was enraged and in a fit of anger I attacked the world noble hoping to rescue her. It was a hopeless move or maybe I wasn't even trying to rescue her but wanting to be with her even if that place was in hell.

Since then I bacame a slave in Mary Geoise. For two years I was sent to do the hardest labour and was given the most harshed punishment. But Stella was treated much worse than me. For the past two years she had experienced torture almost every few days.

I saw her getting weaker and weaker everyday but I could do nothing but watch her silently. I don't even know if there is any more pathetic man than me but I know I would gladly give away my life if it could let her leave this place.

Now I fear that if I wait any longer Stella will leave me forever. She is so weak that she can't even get up from bed these days. She is a kind girl and she has done nothing to hurt anyone in her life but all this world have given her is nothing but sufferings and more sufferings. So I beg you, please save her."

Tesoro's story came to end with him shedding tears of grief. Michael was also somewhat touched after hearing Tesoro's story. A man who is willing to die for someone he loved must be respected. He thought for a while and slowly said

"I do have a plan to escape from this place but even I am not sure if can finally escape. So do you dare to your life and your lover on a seemingly impossible chance to leave this place"

Michael look intensely at Tesoro's eyes, he would turn around and leave if he saw a hint of hesitation in his eyes. An indecisive person may ruin all his plan and he would not trust his back on him.

"Why don't I dare. I was already prepared to die when I came to find you"

Fortunately Tesoro didn't disappoint Michael. He didn't even think for a moment before answering. For him it is already a pleasure to die, so why not play a bet before death. He may even earn precious freedom and happiness if he win and even if he loose, his life can't get worse than it already is.

"HAHAHAHA.....Very well Tesoro, you have moved me and bought yourself a very precious bet. And I may as well tell you that I was at least 90% sure of escaping from here before you came. I can also tell you that I won't change any of my plan for you. If you want to escape from this place you have to earn it by yourself."

Michael let out a laughter when he saw Tesoro's determination. In fact not only Tesoro needed him, he also needs someone to guide him after he escape from here. He has no idea how to locate any places in this world and hancock and other are also the same. The addition of Tesoro might not be a bad thing for him, so he was really happy.

"Then what do you want me to do. How can I follow you if you don't tell me the plan."

"The plan is simple Tesoro. Since you have been here for two years you must know that there will be dense fog covering all of Meri Geoise in a few days. That is the time of our esape. If you want to escape, bring Stella and meet me in front of this forest before dawn. I can't wait a long time for you and I can't give you a exact time of escape but the earlier you come the more chance for you to escape. As long as you reach here before I leave without much disturbance I have a way to leave here without anyone noticing us."

Michael didn't say anything about how Tesoro can reach here and neither does Tesoro. They are all betting there lives and can only depend on themselves.

"Ok.. I will definitely meet you at the place. But how can I know that it is the day to act? " Tesoro is not afraid of death but he is not a fool. If he started jail breaking before the agreed time then not only will his escape definitely fail but it will also add more variables to Michael's plan.

Hearing Tesoro's word Michael stretch out his hand and a small cluster of dense cloud materialize in his hand and turned into a ball of cloud. He gave it to Tesoro and said

"Take it, this is something I created with my ability and I will disband it before I take action. So the moment you see this cloud disappear it means that I have already started my escape plan. You must move fast and get to our agreed place"

After telling this to Tesoro Michael turned around and left the cave. He had already told Tesoro everything that he wanted. After living the cave he threw away the bear cascass to a group of animals and in no time only a skeleton was left of it. Then he casualy found a place to rest and waited for nightfall.

After nightfall the slaves started to come out of the jungle.

"How many of those maggots do you think will come out this time? I bet 1000bellys there will be no more than 10. Do you dare to gamble? "

"Hey who are trying to cheat? Do you think I don't know how many starving beast were put this time?"

"I guess our lords must be having a good time. I heard that this event is organized by them to gamble on how many slaves can come out alive"

"I would wake up laughing if I could own a fraction of their money"

When Michael came out, he heard the jailers talking amoung themselves which made him instantly realize why so many aggressive animals suddenly poped up in the jungle. But he didn't dive deep into it, now he is almost immune to the ideotic actions of the Celestial Dragons. He also saw Tesoro among the slaves who came out. After waiting for almost half an hour the jailers led them to their respective houses.

When he came back to his room Hancock and her sisters were already back. They were talking among themselves about their day. Michael also joined them after cleaning himself up. He is the one who had the most exciting day.

Then he told them about how he met Tesoro and the story he told him. Hancock was already in tears by the end of the story and the other two girls were no better.

"She is so pittiful. We should help her, Michael, we should definitely help her" Hancock girly heart was already fill with pitty for Stella whom she hasn't met. Their similar situation of being a slave also contributed a lot. The thought that if she hadn't met Michael she might have a similar fate to his poor girl made her afraid for some time.

"Yeah, I also think they are useful, so I agreed to take them with us when we escape"

"Huh!! It's not about being useful, it is about helping a poor girl, Michael. How can your heart be so cold!! " Hancock has the look of a teacher looking at a bad student.

"Bad girl, how can you say I have a cold heart? Do you know how hot my heart is for you?" Michael also look like a stubborn student lusting after his beautiful teacher.

"Hey! Can you two stop showing your love drama? Don't you feel ashamed in front of us" SanderSonia quickly stoped them when she saw that they were getting into their drama mode again.

Michael went back to his bed with an unfinished expression and Hancock was also left with an unsatisfied face.

Their night passed quietly but in another place a lot was happening.