
One Piece: The Strongest Creature

When I woke up and found myself as a baby, I realized I was in the world of pirates. Kahn remained calm because he was born with a demeanour akin to a tiger's. Since birth, he possessed a powerful Observation Haki, making him one of the few with this ability. By the age of five, he was already strong and almost indestructible, much like Charlotte Linlin. At ten years old, he accidentally ate a fruit that turned out to be a rare mythical creature, even rarer than Logia. With the combination of popular traits from the Earl, Aunt, and Kaido, he became the strongest creature in the world.

GregariousLion · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Dragon From The Sky, Super Powerful Fist

Morlaix Island is a pretty typical uninhabited island in the New World.

It doesn't have a special shape, unique climate, or any famous local food that could sell well globally.

From this perspective, it seems like just another ordinary uninhabited island in the world.

However, such an ordinary island is a tempting target for forces just below the overlords of the New World.

The pirates of the New World, as well as the kings of the underworld, all want a piece of this island, including some pirate groups allied with the three emperors.

This is because the island hides underground treasures.

These treasures aren't gold, silver, or jewels but minerals.

In the war-torn New World, minerals are more valuable than gold.

Those who want to claim this 'gold mine' and plant their flag on the island must have great strength and a wide network of contacts.

The pirate group that planted its flag on this island is one of the giants in a certain pirate alliance.

Their name is as simple as the "Straw Hat Pirates" – they are called the "Strong Fist Pirates".

The pirate flag features a white skull and a huge fist.

From the name and logo, it's clear that the captain of this pirate group is a powerful fighter.

And indeed, he is.

The captain of the Strong Fist Pirates made a name for himself in the New World with his fists. He formed an alliance with other powerful individuals to create a group that even the kings of the underworld and allied pirate groups under the emperors hesitated to provoke.

It is through this alliance and his own strength that the Strong Fist Pirates hold the island.

The captain of the Strong Fist Pirates is the one who ate the Paramecia Riki Riki no Mi fruit (Strong Strong Fruit) and has a bounty of 800 million berries—"Super Strong Fist" Omar.

Kahn doesn't remember this pirate from the original story.

But he does recognize the Devil Fruit.

The Paramecia Riki Riki no Mi fruit is the same ability that "Fighting Champion" Jesus Burgess of the Blackbeard Pirates has.

Kahn wonders if, when Blackbeard later took the Paramecia Riki Riki no Mi fruit, it was from this Omar guy or the next user.

Kahn suspects it was the next user.


He's here!


On this day, the Strong Fist Pirates were mining as usual.

Of course, the miners were all minions, while the captain and cadres were drinking, eating meat, gambling, and enjoying themselves in the camp.

When pirates couldn't find a way to Raftel, they began to doubt the existence of the legendary One Piece treasure. With their dreams of treasure hunting turning into ambitions for power, they could only satisfy their empty spiritual world with such a lifestyle.

Even Blackbeard, after becoming one of the Four Emperors, became similarly depraved.


Just as they were having a great time, a deafening roar suddenly sounded from the sky.

"What...what's that sound?"

"What's happening? Is there a problem in the mine?"

"Captain...look at the sky!"

"A dragon...it's a giant dragon!!"

The roar was so loud it felt like it was exploding in their ears.

The invisible sound waves stung their ears and woke up some pirates who had been drinking heavily during the day.

Before they could figure out where the loud noise was coming from, a certain cadre suddenly pointed to the sky and said in a trembling voice.

Looking in the direction pointed by the cadre, they saw a black shadow covering the sky, moving at an incredibly fast speed.

This shadow was a huge blue dragon, 100 meters long, with two wings and four legs. Its body glowed a dazzling blue, falling like a massive blue meteorite.

Seeing the blue dragon growing larger before their eyes, Omar's face changed dramatically, and he shouted, "Get out of here quickly. It's falling towards us!"

Hearing this, the cadres, terrified by the sight of the giant dragon descending, quickly snapped out of their shock and fled in a panic, completely losing their composure.

Some cadres who had been playing with women abandoned them without hesitation, leaving behind those who were too weak to run.

Omar didn't run away.

The cadres fled because they would be killed if the dragon fell on them. Omar, however, felt confident he could save himself and even counterattack.

Casually tearing his jacket like thin paper, revealing his strong muscles, Omar assumed a stance, preparing to unleash his powerful punch.


After charging up, Omar immediately launched his famous punch towards the giant dragon in the sky.

A transparent white air cannon shot up instantly.

It was larger than Lucci's Sai Dai Rin: Rokuogan, like a giant's mighty attack, heading straight for the dragon.

However, the expected scene of the dragon being blasted away didn't happen.

Instead, the air cannon was blocked by a blue barrier that appeared out of thin air.

The blue barrier, shaped like a hemisphere, acted like a shield, unbreakable even by the powerful blow of the pirate with an 800 million berry bounty.

But the air cannon wasn't completely ineffective.

Its force still slowed down the falling momentum of what Kahn called the "Dragon God Dive."

Kahn, who had used his telekinetic power to create the air barrier and make his descent as fast as a meteorite to wipe out the Strong Fist Pirates in one blow, had to abandon this plan.


When the air cannon disappeared, the hemispherical Psychic Shield also vanished.

The blue dragon, which had been briefly suspended in the air, fell heavily to the ground.

Standing nearly 100 meters tall without counting its tail and weighing an unknown number of tons, the giant blue dragon landed like a massive hill falling from the sky.

The moment it hit the ground, the earth shook violently.

Where the dragon landed, the ground sank, and numerous cracks appeared.


After landing, the giant dragon roared again, spreading its wings, which were tens of meters long, creating a powerful gust of wind that sent sand and rocks flying in all directions.

Omar was caught in the storm's range.

He even had to cover his eyes to protect them from flying debris.

The women who couldn't run were swept up by the wind, disappearing into the distance, their fate unknown.


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