
One Piece: The Strongest Admiral

DaoistfuvGEp · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 26 He Didn't Let Us Down

Under Victor's order, the special forces began to land.

They have only one task, and that is to kill anyone they meet, leaving no one alive.

In the village closest to the beach.

Sporadic gunshots sounded at any time.

If survivors are found, they are shot directly.

At this time, a sea soldier named Omar discovered a cellar.

The cellar door was closed.

Omar opened the cellar door.

When the light shone into the cellar, Amar could clearly see the faces of a dozen children.

The children were all thin and frightened with purple abscesses on their faces.

At the same time, Omar noticed that their eyes were full of fear, and they were all squeezing into the corner one by one.

"Have you found anything?"

An Ensign came outside the cellar and asked Omar.

Omar turned around and reported, "Sir, there are many children inside."

"Then execute them all." Ensign frowned and ordered.

"Ko Ke are all children." Omar's hand holding the gun was trembling, asking him to kill these sick children, how could he do it.

Ensign ordered: "Follow orders."

"Here, they are all children." Omar gritted his teeth, but he still couldn't bear to shoot.

Let him risk his life to fight the pirates, he will never turn back.

But let him kill sick children.

"If you can't do it, get out of the way." Ensign didn't have the patience to persuade him, and then he ordered a few sailors to do it.

"You are not allowed to go in!"

Omar stopped in front of the cellar, not letting anyone pass.

"Catch him." Ensign lost patience.

The surrounding sailors rushed forward to arrest Omar.

However, Omar raised his gun, as if to resist.

"Put the gun down!"


"Are you crazy?"

The sailors also did not expect Omar to point his gun at his companions.

At this time, Victor came over.

"What's wrong?" Victor asked Ensign.

After seeing Victor, Ensign immediately stood up straight and saluted: "Victor Rear Admiral, a child was found inside, but Seaman First Class Omar wants to stop others."

Victor came to Omar.

When Omar saw Victor, the hand holding the gun trembled.

He could push the others back with a gun, but he couldn't threaten Victor.

"Never point a gun at your comrade, let alone your commander."

Victor reached out, grabbed the rifle, and with a gentle pull, the rifle was there.

Omar dared not resist at all.

"Don't feel guilty, they are all infected with the virus, if it spreads outside, more people will die."

In front of everyone, Victor made up a reason at random.

Of course, his subordinates will think that it is the reason provided by the World government.

"I can help you transfer to other units."

Victor patted Omar on the shoulder and handed the rifle to the other sailors.

"Blow it up," Victor said to a sailor.

"Yes!" Sailors threw explosives towards the cellar.


The cellar was blown down.

There can't be any living creatures inside!

Omar stared at all this dumbfounded, then knelt on the ground.

In a small alley in the town, Wright found a diary.

The owner of the diary is a doctor, and he recorded a strange disease that broke out in the Kingdom of Ratar.

The skin of all people infected with strange diseases will fester.

The doctor investigated and found that it was a problem with the water source.

The water source of Ratar kingdom is polluted.

The pollution source comes from the mining area.

The minerals produced in the mining area used to be the main source of income for the Kingdom of Ratar.

It was also because of the depletion of resources that the Kingdom of Ratar was unable to pay the heavenly gold and lost the protection of the World government.

Moreover, when the Kingdom of Ratar sought help from the outside world, there were no doctors to help them.

The entire country is controlled by the Army of the World government.

All ships were destroyed.

Nearly a million people across the country have been quarantined.

Wright handed the diary to Connor.

After a quick glance, Connor frowned and said, "It's related to World government."

Wright said: "That's why the Buster Call was issued."

"Give it to the senior first."

At this time, Wright said to Connor.

Connor nodded.

Immediately, Connor and Wright found Victor.

They are responsible for clearing the east and looking for survivors.

"Senior." Wright handed the diary to Victor, and said in a low voice, "The World government is hiding the truth."

After reading it, Victor threw the diary into the fire.

Victor patted Wright on the shoulder: "Remember what I told you?"

"Obey orders." Wright stood up straight and replied loudly.

"Yeah." Victor walked on.

This scene was watched by someone from a distance.


The Kingdom of Ratar, with a population of nearly one million, all died under Buster Call.

However, no one will care about it.

Because they have been forgotten by the world.

Over the years, the World government has isolated the Kingdom of Ratar, and no information can be transmitted to the outside world.

Similar things, there is also the country of Frevans, which is called "white town" by the world.

The World government has long deliberately concealed the toxicity of lead ammonium and its characteristics of accumulating toxins in the bodies of long-term contacts.

As a result, the residents of Frevans all suffered from the "Poly lead disease" that had abnormally pale complexion, shortened life expectancy, and eventually resulted in the cannibalization of children.

Moreover, because the World government deliberately ignored it, and neighboring countries mistook the Pb disease as a terrible infectious disease, they successively imposed isolation measures on Frevans, and even killed the infected residents of Frevans.


Mariejois, Pangu City.

Between powers, the Five Elders are watching cp0's report.

According to cp0's monitoring, Victor's performance in Buster Call is very good.

Resolutely execute the order, and transfer all soldiers who refuse to execute the order from the special forces.

Any evidence that might endanger the World government was also destroyed by Victor.

The straight-haired old man smiled and said, "He really didn't disappoint us."

"This is in line with our expectations."

The old man with glasses said with a smile.

The bald old man chuckled, "The youngest and most powerful Admiral in Marine history will be the new face of World government."

The curly-haired old man said: "Indeed, he is much more reliable than Garp."

At this time, the blond old man asked: "Then should he be transferred to New World?"

The bald old man said: "It is necessary for him to accumulate more military merits, and it will also enhance his deterrent power."

The old man with white straight hair said: "Well, I think so too."


The Five Elders looked at each other tacitly.

Victor was a sword they forged.

Not only must you have strong strength, but you must also have terrifying prestige!

Just like Garp, pirates shudder when they hear Garp's name!