
One Piece: The Strongest Admiral

DaoistfuvGEp · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 19: Return Of Life Eight Inner Gates Biao Lianhua

At this time, Redfield's eyes became sharp and fierce, and his hand holding the umbrella sword had bruised veins and blood vessels, and dense cracks appeared on the ground under his feet as he exerted force.

He is not just serious now, but prepared to fight for his life.

Redfield knew Victor was strong.

Facing the strong, there is no luck, only to fight with all your strength!

"Very well, you are a qualified stepping stone." Victor said calmly, and then made a pose.

Redfield had never seen this pose.

However, he hasn't seen it, which doesn't mean that Wright and others don't know each other.

"It's the return of life. Eight Inner Gates. Open the gate!"

The eyes of Wright, Connor and others were full of excitement.

Victor once wrote in "Six Types of Derivative Techniques".

Life Return · Eight Inner Gates · Open the door, by removing the restriction of the brain region, in order to achieve the purpose of exerting the physical ability of 100.

Of course, the price is to overload the body's energy to increase strength and speed.

However, they haven't been able to master it yet.

Because it is crazy for them to solve the problem of brain domain limitation!

Eric murmured: "Colonel Victor wants a quick victory!"

as predicted.

Under the excited eyes of everyone, Victor disappeared in place in an instant.

So fast!

If the speed of Victor and Redfield were ghosts just now, then Victor's speed is already unbelievable.

Wasn't Victor's full strength just now?

Is it now?

While Redfield was shocked.


Victor lifted his foot and kicked Redfield hard.

Redfield raised the umbrella sword in his hand, trying to block Victor's attack.

However, Redfield was kicked away.

Crash la la la.

After Leiderfield's feet slid on the ground for a certain distance, he barely stopped.

Is there such a strong power without accumulating power?

Redfield was shocked.

However, before Redfield could stand still, Victor had already launched an attack from behind.

boom! ! !

With the sound of a gas explosion, Victor began to attack Redfield with heavy punches.

This punch is 100 strength again!

That kick just now was also 100 strength!

After the punch hit Redfield's cheek, Redfield was in pain.

This punch directly collapsed his nose, and blood dripped down the corner of his mouth.

However, before Redfield could react, Victor kicked out with the other foot, kicking Redfield hard in the abdomen, causing him to fly backwards again.

The attack is not over yet.

Victor is catching up again!

boom! ! !

Another hard kick.


Redfield spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, he felt as if his internal organs had been kicked to pieces.

The current Redfield hasn't eaten Devil Fruit yet, and doesn't have the ability of vampires and the recovery ability of Zoan phantom beasts.

bang bang bang! ! !

Victor's fists and feet hit Redfield like a violent storm.

Redfield could only resist and dodge with all his strength.


Redfield gritted his teeth and held on.

He had thought it would be a tragic life-and-death struggle.

Unexpectedly, he was suppressed by Wanquan in terms of speed and strength!

Victor is not talking nonsense, his current state will put a super high load on his body, so the sooner the fight is resolved, the better.

Two hours, within two hours!

He was going to end the fight in two hours.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The high-intensity battle between the two has lasted for an hour and fifty minutes.

Redfield's chest heaved violently.

And Victor can feel pain in muscles and bones.

A tearing pain.

Wright and the others were stunned.

As mentioned in Victor's book, the use time of Eight Inner Gates should be controlled as much as possible.

If it exceeds ten minutes, it may cause blood vessels to rupture, muscles to tear, and bones to shatter!

At this time, Victor disappeared in place again, and his terrifying speed appeared in front of Redfield in an instant.

Victor moved at high speed in front of Redfield, leaving afterimages in front of his eyes.

"Breakthrough." Before Redfield had time to react, Victor attacked suddenly.

Victor kicked Redfield in the jaw.

This blow sent Redfield flying to an altitude of more than a thousand meters.

At this time, Victor also disappeared.

At a terrifying speed, he flew towards the sky on Moonwalk.

"Oh my god, I caught up!"

"Senior Victor is too fast!"

Wright, Connor and others exclaimed.

At this time, Victor came behind Redfield and hugged Redfield.

Then it rotated at high speed in the air and hit the ground.

Redfield was hit on the head!

There was a loud bang, and the entire island was shaking, as if a major earthquake had occurred, and the entire island was full of cracks!

This time the impact caused Redfield to suffer great damage.

Thanks to Redfield's strong physique and tough life, for other people, this move can be said to be a fatal move.

"It's Life Returning Eight Inner Gates Biao Lianhua!"

Wright, Connor and the others held their breaths, this was the first time they had seen this move.

Victor looked at Redfield who was lying on the ground, and then released the 'open door' status.

Victor felt tired when he lifted the door.

It's like running 1,500 meters in a previous life.

Although it is tiring, it is acceptable.

At this time, Wright, Connor and others all ran over.

The Marines raised their knives and pointed at Redfield on the ground.

"Don't worry, he has lost consciousness." Victor said to Wright and others.

"The Red Earl has been defeated by Colonel Victor!"

"Long live Colonel Victor!"

"Long live Colonel Victor!"

"Long live Colonel Victor!"

The Marines recovered from their shock and started cheering and shouting.

Although many comrades were killed just now, it was enough for them to capture Redfield alive!

Victor said to Eric: "Send a report to the headquarters."

"Yes!" Eric immediately went to send a fax.


Marineford, Naval Headquarters.

Sengoku is working on a new battle plan.

At this time, a Marine Commodore ran in excitedly.

"Marshal Sengoku!"

With the fax in his hand, Commodore excitedly said to Sengoku, "Colonel Victor captured the Red Earl alive."

"What did you say?" Sengoku was stunned when he heard the words, and after more than ten seconds, he asked, "What did you just say?"

Commodore repeated: "Colonel Victor captured the Red Earl alive."

Sengoku froze.

Victor actually caught the Red Earl!

at the same time.

In Naval Headquarters, everyone including Crane Vice Admiral, Wood Vice Admiral and others knew that Victor had captured the Red Earl.

As the Marine Marshal, Sora naturally knew about this.

He had the same reaction as Sengoku et al. They were shocked.

Speaking of which, when Sora was serving as Admiral, he wanted to capture the Red Earl.

It just didn't work out!

Boom boom boom.

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in." Sora called towards the door.

Sengoku opened the door and walked in.

Kong asked seriously: "Are you going to talk about Victor's promotion?"

Victor captured Jonathan alive, which was no small feat.

Now, Victor has captured the Red Earl alive again.

It would be unjustifiable not to give Victor a promotion.