
One piece :The strongest academy

Tanuj_Roy · Anime & Comics
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One piece :The strongest academi

East Blue

Windmill Village Harbor.

"One day I will find a partner who will not lose

to your group, and find the world's number one treasure. I will definitely become the Pirate King."

A child shouted loudly with a determined look.

"Oh~ you want to surpass us! Then..."

The redhead took off his straw hat and put it on the child's head, agreeing:

"This straw hat will be handed over to you for safekeeping. It is my most important hat. You must take good care of it."

Say goodbye to Luffy, say goodbye to the villagers, the pirate ship raised the high sails of the skull and sailed away from the windmill village.

Rakiru held a barbecue, his mouth was full of oil, and his eyes with small sunglasses looked at the windmill village only the size of sesame seeds.

"Boss, you said we would meet Luffy in the future, right?"

"Well, but next time, it will be in New World."

Vice-captain Benn Beckman looked at the red haired left arm, worried: "Captain, without the left arm, the road to New World is not easy."

Just yesterday, the redhead was bitten off by the King of the Sea in a desperate attempt to save Luffy.

And the redhead is left-handed, which is undoubtedly the most deadly for a team core.

"It's really unaccustomed to missing a hand."

The red-haired right hand rested on the dull aching left arm, and his mood was low.

He debuted as a swordsman when he was young, and later became one of the great swordsmen, and fought with Hawkeye for many times.

But now, the feeling of holding a sword in the right hand is the same as someone who has not written for many years suddenly holding a pen.

"Don't worry Captain, there will always be a way."

Yasopp stepped forward to comfort him, but his eyes were attracted by the distant island.

"There seems to be a academy ahead!"

"Where is the academy, why didn't I see it?"

Laziru covered his eyes with his hands and looked island. up, but there was nothing but the

"Yasopp, look at what kind of academy it is, and why it's on an island." Benn Beckman's eyes were solemn.

Yasopp jumped on the sails and had a wider view: "Above the door of the academy is written 'knowledge Pavilion', probably for training ."

"On both sides of the door frame are written 'Sword Splits Nine Heavens' and 'Wu Ding Qiankun', which looks quite powerful."

"What a big breath."

Benn Beckman figured out the meaning between the lines: "It should be a academy related to kendo and kung fu."

"Is there such a bookstore?"

The redhead's depressed mood suddenly became quite interesting.

If it's really like what Benn Beckman said, maybe it can solve the problem caused by his

broken hand.

"Maybe it's a black academy deliberately opened by bandits in this area to attract merchant ships."

The geographical location here is excellent, and it is almost the only way for most of East Blue. Benn Beckman thought of yesterday's bandit and made such an analysis.

"No matter what the other party is, lean on me."

As soon as he heard the bandit, the red-haired anger rushed up again.

The pirate ship approached and stopped on the shore.

On the coast it is a very luxurious academy made of wooden and iron and gold pieces . The pillars of the wooden

bridge in front of the academy are covered with moss and look a little old.

"anyone there?"

When the redhead came to the door, he tapped the big door twice, but when no one responded, he pushed it twice.


"Can't open?"

The red hair is a little suspicious, it can't be the sequelae of the broken arm.

But when he still did not move with all his strength, it was more of an accident.

"Who's inside..."

The red hair gradually became dignified, but when he was about to draw a knife and break into the door.

The door suddenly opened automatically.

A figure slowly stood still.

"Don't push it, there is a fee to come in."

Yawning, the man said sleepily.

hear this voice.

The red hair was stunned for a moment, and when he looked up, there was a young man standing there.

The young man was wearing a loose robe, with a thin body and a handsome face, looking about twenty years old.

But...it always feels like something is not right...

"Hey Suspended in mid-air!"

The redhead noticed the young man's feet off the ground: "Demon fruit power?"

"Are you going to join in the academy ?"

The young man rubbed his eyes before he could see the person in front of him.

Red hair, three scratches on his left eye, and a broken arm.

"Quality is not bad!"

knew that there was finally hope for the first the first student to join the academy

Kai wasn't born into the world of pirates.

Kai came from a blue planet and crossed to this isolated island in the pirate world half a month ago.

Kai, who came here at first, was not panicked, on the contrary, he was very calm and calmly analyzed the current situation.

It didn't take long for his system to arrive, which is the academy in the back:

"Wanjie academy."

As the name suggests, there are books from all over the world in the academy.

The difference is that the books inside are all about martial arts, classics and the like, all of which are related to improving one's own strength.

Like exercises, swordsmanship, palm techniques, scriptures...

Everyone here, as long as it is approved by kai, can be eligible to join

The first thing kai needs to do is to identify the other party's qualifications. If it is mediocre, then I'm sorry, joining you is also a waste of national treasure-level resources in the academy

If the qualifications pass the test, you can join the exercises in the academy , and kai can also get the exercises of the same level.

In addition, the bookstore also restricted kai's freedom of life, requiring him to only move within 100 meters around the academy .

Whenever he goes out of the 150-meter range, he will automatically return to the academy.

According to the academy 's requirements, kai needs to join ten students to get out of this ghost place.

Well, now I finally have a decent student .

Sir, what is written on your door frame is both swords and martial arts. Does it have something to do with the academy ?"

The redhead asked in confusion.

"Supreme swordsmanship, exercises, secret techniques... What you can get depends on your own good fortune."

Kai's tone was calm and his eyes were red.

"Supreme Kendo! Then can I go and have a look?"

Redhead holds the mentality of giving it a try.

If you can really get the supreme swordsmanship as the young man in front of you said, then the problem caused by the broken arm in front of you may be solved.

If it's all deceptive tricks, it's a big deal to slap the butt and leave.

"Yes, but as I said before, there is a charge for entering the door."

"Seeing that you are the first student of our academy , we will charge you a friendship price..."

Kai's tone was flat, and he held out five fingers.

"Only five million Baileys."