
One piece :The strongest academy

Tanuj_Roy · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Five thousand catties! How can you move it?"

The redhead sucked in a breath of cold air.

With such a weight, even if he breaks an arm, it is not unbearable, but if it is in battle, he has undoubtedly added a set of chains to his hands, which cannot be used at all.

"You can try."

A cold smile appeared at the corner of kai's mouth, and with a wave of his hand, the surrounding environment changed, turning into an island and the boundless Wangyang sea.

Driven by his thoughts, the figure moved.

The silhouette didn't make any extra moves, and swung the huge black iron epee straight at it.

"Ordinary moves, full of flaws."

Looking at the figure charging directly, the redhead calmly observed, thinking about counterattack.


The next second, the redhead realized that something was wrong. It was obviously just a simple hack. For some reason, his heart was filled with an unprecedented sense of crisis.

The redhead did not choose to go straight up, but ducked sideways, avoiding the sharp blow.

"What a brutal attack."

With that sword just now, even the surrounding air was shaken.

The redhead was secretly shocked, but before his feet landed, the giant sword that was stabbing just now slashed horizontally with a fierce sword energy. It was as powerful as a thousand catties, and its speed was extremely fast, without giving the opponent a chance to breathe.

In an instant, the giant sword reached his neck, and it was too late to dodge.


Shanks' red hair and cape were raised straight back, and the great sword stopped in front of his neck.

He looked back slowly, the house behind him had been overturned, and the mountain in the distance was broken in half and sank to the bottom of the sea.

"What a domineering swordsmanship!"

A pea-sized sweat flowed down his forehead, and he was defeated with just two moves, and he was powerless to fight back.

Moreover, every time the opponent makes a knife, it is unreasonable. It is obviously only the most basic sword move, but it makes people not dare to hard steel easily.

If it hadn't been for the figure to stop, he would have separated his head now, but there was still one thing that the redhead couldn't understand.

"Mr. Kai, he is clearly using a heavy sword that weighs 5,000 catties, but why is he as flexible as using an ordinary tachi?"

"This is the subtlety of "Mysterious Iron Sword Art"."

Kai said slowly: "The black iron swordsmanship is about 'the heavy sword has no sharp edge, and the skill does not work'.

"The more ordinary the sword move is, the harder it is for the opponent to resist, and the power is far greater than the ever-changing sword move."

"It's a brand-new swordsmanship again, with a fierce and domineering swordsmanship, and being able to do whatever you want with the weight, hardness and softness, it really suits my heart."

The redhead's cognition was refreshed again, and he was full of desire for the swordsmanship in front of him.

"Mr. Kai, can I learn that. how much is the fee to enter the academy , please be sure to join me the academy. and teach me the swordsmanship.

Five billion beileys to join the academy. kai said indifferently.

Five billion baileys is equivalent to there revenue that Red Hair Pirates has hoarded in the past two or three years.

But for the swordsmanship in front of him, the red hair did not feel distressed at all, and he only had that swordsmanship in his eyes.

The redhead exited the academy , said a few words briefly, and under the puzzled eyes of the crew, he carried a bag of Baileys into the academy again, and served it respectfully.

Sir kai there is three billion Bailey in the bag and remaing Bailey will be given when I join the academy.

"OK Mr. redhead, then I will give you some techniques in that book so you can defend yourself from others.

Three billion Bailey disappeared into kai's hands out of thin air, and then he put his index finger on the redhead's forehead, and the ancient book with pale golden light turned into a golden light, and was imprinted in the redhead's mind.

"This is..."

Feeling the changes in his mind, the surprise in the red-haired eyes became more and more intense.

The experiences, some moves, and some techniques recorded in the book are deeply imprinted in my mind, as if they were familiar with them for a long time.

He felt it deeply.

In the body, there is an innate instinct, an instinct that has integrated all the moves and techniques, and can fight immediately.

Everything seems to be familiar.

It's just like...

Suddenly realized it!

The control of the black iron swordsmanship, as well as the skills in it, appeared one after another in the redhead's mind.

The feeling of red hair cannot be described in words.

It's like, a crawling baby suddenly finds the feeling of walking and learns to walk, it's all so natural.

Originally, he thought that it might take him a year or two, or even a decade or two, to comprehend the profound meaning and master it.

But now...

Thinking of this, the redhead looked at kai with more admiration and taller eyes.

"Thanks to Mr. Kai's gift, Shanks will never forget Mr. Kai in the future, he will never..."

The redhead was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

Kai is in the redhead's mind now what Roger was in his mind.

Roger is his guide, teaching him what it means to be a pirate and how to survive in this sea.

Kai, on the other hand, had the grace of rebuilding for him, giving him hope at the low point of his life.

"Okay, okay, you can go, the fate of the two of us is here."and I will wait for your to join acacademy

Kai issued an expulsion order, and he didn't have the patience to be hypocritical with the redhead, especially two big men.

The redhead respectfully exited the academy .

"Captain, how is the situation, has it been successful?"

"Why did it only take ten minutes to come out, the captain said something, a 3 billion Bailey won't just go to waste like this."

The crew members crowded around, and kai's hand in front of the house just now really opened their eyes.

They also want to know what's going on inside, but this bookstore is so strange, let alone peeking, even if a bullet hits it, it won't be affected at all.

"I felt incredible myself, and now I feel like I can change everything."

The redhead looked at his palm with hope for the future in his eyes.

"That's right, our captain is back."

Seeing that the captain regained his confidence, the crew also felt relieved.

"Captain, what kind of book did you buy, I'm curious!"

Benn Beckman asked, breathing out a ring of smoke.

"Yes, what kind of book is it, we are also very curious."

Looking at the crew members who looked like curious babies in front of him, the redhead scratched his head in embarrassment:

"I don't know what to say, Mr. Kai just put a finger on my forehead and the some content of the book was automatically imprinted in my mind."

"It's so amazing? How about we open the head's head and take a look?" Fatty Razilu joked.

"That's right, captain, don't hide it, we don't practice kendo." Yasopp became more and more curious by the 'flicker'.

"Looks like I can't tell..."

The redhead had no choice but to say: "Let's get on the boat first, and I will definitely find an opportunity to show it to everyone in the future."

Although the crew felt a little disappointed, as long as the captain is full of confidence, the pirates will have hope.

As soon as he got on the boat, the helmsman Razilu asked, "Boss, are we still going to New World?"

"Of course I will.and have to come back to join academy.

What boss are going to join the academy. Why are joining the academy boss. I want to learn this swordsmanship totally.The red hair paused, recalling the heavy sword used by the figure before, his eyes firmly said:

"I just happened to go to Upside Down Mountain first. There is the best blacksmith shop there. I want to build a sword, and come back to learn.

"All right..."

The crew members were stunned, and although they had doubts in their hearts they finally followed the captain's orders.


Inside the academy.

"Huh~ The first student is finally completed, and it's finally off to a good start."

Kai sorted out today's gains, recharged one billion Baileys to the system space, and look at

his system panel at the same time.

Bookstore owner: Kai

Books sold: "Xuantie Sword Manual"

"Xuantie Sword Manual" - red hair, fusion degree: 40%

Host synchronization: "Xuantie Sword Manual": 100%

Free range of movement: 150 meters+

The magic of the academy is that the books just bought can be automatically integrated by 100%, and the proficiency and the understanding of the highest realm after that have to rely on themselves.

Now, Kai is most concerned about the last item, the scope of free movement, which is his biggest support at present.

System open my Status


Name: kai

Age: 26


Strength : SSS+

Agility : SSS+

Vitality : SSS+

Intelligence : SSS+

Will : EX+

Skills :




Swordsmanship (Ex)
