
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Victim of Circumstance #90

I stood at the bow of the marine ship, the wind whipping through my hair as we sailed toward the Flying Fish Riders' base. The vessel cut through the waters, driven by the determined marines aboard.

As we approached the archipelago, my thoughts swirled with curiosity and anticipation. Duval, the leader of the Flying Fish Riders, had caught my attention, and I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing in Sabaody so early.

As far as I recall, Duval was a small-time mafia boss in some unnamed kingdom before the Enies Lobby incident. Because he resembled Sanji's ridiculous sketch, people mistook Duval for the Strawhats' cook, causing marine soldiers and Bounty hunters to go after Duval.

Ultimately he covered his face with a steel helmet, fled his country, and came to Sabaody, starting the flying fish riders, hoping to find Sanji and exact his revenge on the cook.

But this deviation from the original timeline raised several questions in my mind. How did Duval end up in Sabaody Archipelago so early? What events had transpired to bring him to this point in time? Was it a butterfly effect because of my presence? And most importantly, what impact would this have on the future?

I never cared about preserving the future since it felt like a pain in the ass, and I preferred to rely on my fists rather than flimsy future knowledge that could change with the flap of a butterlfy's wing, but I couldn't help but feel curious. Besides curiosity, Duval also had dealings with Disco and the slavers, so it was like hitting two birds with one stone.

As the marine ship neared the Flying Fish Riders' hideout, the tension among the crew intensified as they prepared for the upcoming battle. The vessel anchored near the base, and I also took a moment to gather my thoughts and get ready.

The marines onboard were seasoned fighters, each with their own skills and abilities, and I intended to stay out of the fight, merely directing the soldiers and giving them orders.

I glanced at the marines around me, their faces filled with determination. They knew the risks they were taking, but they believed in their cause. It's my job to ensure that their bravery was not in vain.

"Listen up, everyone," I called out, projecting my voice to be heard by all. "Our objective is to neutralize the Flying Fish Riders and apprehend their leader, Duval. We will minimize casualties, but do not hesitate to use force when necessary."

The marines nodded in understanding, their expressions resolute. They were ready to follow my lead and carry out their duty. I took a deep breath, focusing my thoughts on the task at hand.

"Divide into teams and approach the hideout from different directions," I continued, outlining our plan of attack. "Coordinate your movements and communicate with each other. We will strike with precision and overwhelm them with our superior numbers."

The marines quickly formed smaller groups, each led by a capable officer. They dispersed, disappearing into the surrounding area as they prepared to surround the Flying Fish Riders' base. I watched as they moved with purpose, their training and discipline evident in their every step.

I knew Duval's gang would not be an easy opponent for the soldiers. They were notorious for their flying fish mounts and their skill in aerial combat. However, I also knew that with proper planning and execution, they could outmaneuver and overpower them.

As the marines positioned themselves, I propelled myself into the air with Geppo, floating over the hideout to get a better vantage point over the battlefield, fully intent on putting everything I'd learned on display.

As the marines breached the Flying Fish Riders' base, chaos erupted within its confines. The narrow walkways around the port tured into battlegrounds, filled with clashing weapons and echoing cries as the gangsters used their flying fish to hit and run from the water.

Using my elevated position, I directed the Marines, providing tactical guidance and relaying crucial information. I observed their movements, analyzing the enemy's defenses and strategizing our next moves.

The Flying Fish Riders, though outnumbered, fought fiercely, displaying their aerial prowess and mounted attacks. Their flying fish mounts soared through the air, making it challenging for the marines to maintain a solid footing.

As I floated above the battlefield, observing the intense clashes between the Marines and the Flying Fish Riders, my mind raced to find a solution. The enemy's flying fish mounts gave them a significant advantage, allowing them to strike from unexpected angles and evade our soldiers' attacks.

I knew we needed to neutralize their aerial advantage to gain the upper hand in this battle. Drawing on my knowledge and experience, I formulated a plan to counter the Flying Fish Riders' tactics.

"Listen up!" I called out, my voice projecting clearly across the chaotic battleground. "Focus on grounding the flying fish mounts and disrupting their coordination. Target their wings and create obstacles to limit their mobility!"

Still engaged in fierce combat, the marine soldiers briefly turned their attention to my voice. They trusted in my leadership and knew I had a plan to turn the tide.

I continued to direct them, pointing out vulnerable spots in the flying fish mounts and suggesting effective maneuvers to bring them down. The marines adjusted their tactics, targeting the wings of the flying fish and using flintlock rifles to disrupt their flight patterns.

"Use your environment to your advantage!" I shouted. "Create barriers and obstacles to restrict their movement! We need to ground them and bring the fight to our terms!" I instructed, crossing my arms.

The marines responded swiftly, improvising barricades and leveraging the structures within the base to hinder the flying fish riders' maneuvers. They strategically positioned themselves, cutting off escape routes and isolating groups of enemies.

As the Marines adapted to the changing circumstances, I noticed a shift in the tide of the battle. Once confident in their aerial superiority, The Flying Fish Riders struggled to maintain their advantage. The soldiers exploited their grounded positions, closing in with relentless attacks.

With each passing moment, the Marines grew more confident and coordinated, effectively countering the Flying Fish Riders' assaults. The enemy's mounts became a liability rather than an asset as the Marines exploited their vulnerabilities and limited mobility.

As the battle raged on, the Marines gradually gained the upper hand. Our soldiers fought with unwavering determination, encouraged by their success in adapting to the enemy's tactics. The Flying Fish Riders' resistance waned as their forces dwindled and their aerial advantage diminished.

However, just as it seemed the Marines would claim victory, Duval, the leader of the Flying Fish Riders, stepped forward, his steel helmet gleaming in the sunlight. He had been watching the battle unfold, biding his time, and now he was ready to take matters into his own hands.

Duval charged at the marines, his flying fish mount soaring through the air with incredible speed and agility. His attacks were swift and precise, catching the marines off guard and pushing them back.

Realizing I needed to intervene to stop casualties, I swiftly descended from the sky, landing between Duval and the Marines. "Give up while you still can... I don't want to beat you up unless I have to..." I said as I slapped Duval and his flying fish away with a quick backhand, stopping him from attacking one of my subordinates.

Duval stumbled backward, his flying fish mount crashing into a nearby structure. He looked up at me with a mix of surprise and fury, his hand instinctively reaching for his steel helmet. However, before he could react, I cut off his path.

As I stood before Duval, his eyes widened in recognition. A flicker of realization quickly replaced The anger in his gaze. "You!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with bitterness. "It's all your fault that I had to leave my hometown and put on this ridiculous mask!" He bellowed through gritted teeth as he removed the metallic helmet, revealing his cartoonishly strange face.

I raised an eyebrow, barely resisting the urge to laugh. "You must have me confused with someone else, friend," I remarked, crossing my arms as I gathered my bearings. "I don't recall ever meeting you or causing you harm..." I added, firmly shaking my head.

Duval's face contorted with disbelief and frustration. My denial seemed to have shattered his perception of reality, leaving him confused and searching for answers in the most comical way possible as he seemed to shut off completely.

"There's no use lying!" Duval's voice trembled with anger and desperation as he struggled to reconcile his beliefs with my words. "You just came to my hometown one day and captured the bastard Captain Morgan!" He added, accusingly pointing his index at me.

"Not only that, but you exposed everyone who dealt with him..." Duval went on as he shot me a resentful glare. "I just sold some goddamned guns to the bastard, and that was enough to turn me into a wanted man after the kingdom investigated my small-time gang!" He added.

'Now that he mentioned it... I guess something like this did happen...' I mused, my eyes widenning in surprise. 'I had no idea it'll affect Duval though, though... heck, I didn't even know he was on that island. what an unlucky son of a bitch...' I shook my head, and barely holding back my laughter.