
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Unforeseen Words #82

The sun began its descent, casting an amber glow over the open seas as the Phoenix Pirates' ship sailed steadily through the waters. Puzzle, the crew's captain, stood at the helm, his red hair catching the warm hues of the setting sun. The birthmark on his forehead, resembling a phoenix, stood out prominently, marking him as a man of strength and determination.

On the ship's main deck, the rest of the Phoenix Pirates gathered, their eyes fixed on their captain. They were a loyal and tenacious crew, ready to defend Puzzle with their lives. Puzzle had earned their trust through countless battles and displays of unwavering courage. They believed in him, seeing him as the future Pirate King.

As the ship sailed onward, approaching The Sabaody Archipelago, a commotion broke out among the crew. The pirates had spotted a vessel on the horizon, a marine ship flying the colors of justice. The tension rose as the marines approached, their cannons ready for a fight.

Vigaro, the captain's first mate, frowned as he noted a towering young marine with blonde hair standing at the bow of the battleship, spear in hand. "Captain... that should be Commander Cedric Strode..." He calmly explained, getting Puzzle's attention.

"He's a ruthless marine officer who has recently transferred to the Archipelago several weeks ago..." Vigaro said, his tone grim. "I've heard that only a few pirate crews managed to cross into the New World since he arrived..." He added.

"What's more, he annihilated every pirate crew to cross his path..." Vigaro concluded with a grimace.

Puzzle's eyes narrowed, his grip on the ship's helm tightening. He knew the New World was treacherous territory but had never backed down from a challenge. Puzzle was not one to be intimidated by the presence of a formidable marine officer. His crew had vowed to protect him with their lives, and he promised the same to them.

A determined smile crept across Puzzle's face as he turned to his crew. "Prepare for battle!" he instructed, his voice carrying with an air of confidence. "We won't let anyone stand in our way, not even the Marines!" The pirate captain declared, causing his shipmates to roar in unison.

The Phoenix Pirates sprang into action, their movements quick and purposeful. They readied their weapons, their spirits ablaze with determination. Puzzle's crew members knew the risks they faced, but they believed in their captain's strength and their own skills.

As the two ships drew closer, the tension on board the Phoenix Pirates' vessel grew palpable. Puzzle took a moment to gather himself, his eyes scanning the marines for any signs of weakness. He had faced numerous challenges, but this encounter felt different. Cedric Strode had developed a fearsome reputation, and Puzzle knew he couldn't afford to underestimate him.

The marine ship finally came within range, and the Phoenix Pirates unleashed their first volley of cannon fire. Explosions rocked the water's surface as the cannonballs soared through the air, aiming to cripple the marine vessel. However, the experienced marine crew swiftly maneuvered, skillfully evading the onslaught.

On the marine ship's bow, Cedric Strode maintained a composed demeanor, unaffected by the chaos surrounding him. He surveyed the Phoenix Pirates' vessel, his gaze eventually locking onto Puzzle.

The young marine's sharp blue eyes held a glimmer of excitement, relishing the chance to face a notorious pirate crew head-on.

Puzzle leaped from the helm, landing gracefully on the deck. The Phoenix Pirates gathered around him, their faces filled with determination. "We fight as one!" Puzzle shouted, his voice resonating with unwavering conviction. "No matter the odds, we will overcome everything as long as we're together!!"

As Cedric and his marine comrades prepared for the imminent clash, Puzzle unsheathed his chain weapon. Its metallic links gleamed in the fading sunlight, reflecting Puzzle's unyielding resolve. He swung the chain in a wide arc, his movements fluid and precise.

Cedric observed Puzzle's fluid chain movements with a discerning eye. He recognized the skill and control in Puzzle's attacks, but he also knew that his own mastery of the spear would prove equally formidable. With a confident smirk, Cedric tightened his grip on his spear and leaped to meet Puzzle head on as the two ships closed in on each other.

As Puzzle swung his chain, aiming for Cedric's midsection, the marine officer swiftly sidestepped the attack, evading the deadly chain links by a hair's breadth. With a surge of agility, Cedric closed the distance between them, thrusting his spear with lightning speed toward Puzzle's exposed flank.

Puzzle's reflexes were sharp, and he managed to twist his body at the last moment, narrowly avoiding the full brunt of the spear. The chain swung back in a counterattack, but Cedric anticipated the move, using his Rokushiki technique to propel himself into the air. He somersaulted over the chain, executing a mid-air spin that unleashed a devastating kick aimed at Puzzle's chest.

Caught off guard by Cedric's aerial maneuver, Puzzle staggered backward, the impact of the marine officer's blow reverberating through his body. As Puzzle struggled to regain his footing, Cedric seized the opportunity, closing in with lightning-fast strikes. He combined his brute strength with his mastery of Rokushiki, unleashing a flurry of attacks that pushed Puzzle to his limits.

With each strike, Cedric displayed the versatility of his training. He utilized Soru, the high-speed movement technique, to dodge Puzzle's retaliatory swings. His body blurred as he circled around Puzzle, launching powerful strikes that tested the pirate captain's endurance.

Puzzle, fueled by his unwavering determination, refused to back down. He blocked and parried Cedric's attacks with his chain, showcasing his own resilience and agility. The clash of their weapons echoed through the air, a testament to the pirate captain's unyielding spirits.

But Cedric had an ace up his sleeve. He activated his Geppo ability, granting him the power of flight for a brief moment. Ascending above Puzzle, he rained down a barrage of precise spear thrusts from mid-air. Puzzle strained to defend against the relentless assault, his arms and legs aching from the force of Cedric's blows.

The fight seemed to reach a critical turning point as Cedric capitalized on his advantage. He combined Shigan with his spear mastery, delivering bone-crushing strikes that threatened to shatter Puzzle's defense. Despite Puzzle's indomitable will, he struggled to withstand the sheer power and precision of the attacks.

The battle raged, the clash between Puzzle and Cedric reaching its crescendo. For thirty grueling minutes that felt like an eternity, Puzzle refused to stay down, his indomitable willpower pushing him beyond his limits. He rose again and again, defying the marine officer's relentless onslaught.

However, as the fight continued, the Phoenix Pirates' numbers dwindled. Marine soldiers swarmed the deck, overpowering Puzzle's crewmates and restraining them, their spirits dampened by the seemingly unsurpassable power of the Marines.

Puzzle's chest heaved with exertion as he stood alone, his body battered and bruised. Blood trickled down his forehead, mingling with the birthmark that marked him as the captain of the Phoenix Pirates. The weight of his crew's hopes and dreams rested upon his shoulders, urging him to fight on.

Sensing his opponent's fatigue, Cedric saw an opportunity to deliver a decisive blow. With a surge of strength, he lunged at the pirate captain, spear aimed directly at Puzzle's heart. The marine officer's attack carried the full force of his training and experience, a testament to the young marine's relentless training and hard work.

Puzzle's eyes widened, his body reacting instinctively. With one last burst of energy, he deflected Cedric's spear, the chain clashing against the weapon with a resounding clang. Despite his valiant efforts, Puzzle found himself on the defensive, the strain of the prolonged battle taking its toll.

Cedric, fueled by the thrill of the fight, seized the opening. He unleashed a devastating combination of Rokushiki techniques, his movements becoming a blur of speed and precision.

Still, Puzzle refused to give in, and as their weapons collided, a flicker of surprise flashed across Cedric's face. At that moment, a spark of realization ignited within him. He had been chasing mastery of a specific spear skill, and now, in the midst of this fierce battle, he found the missing piece.

With a focused determination, Cedric tapped into his reservoir of power. Thrusting his spear forward, he infused the simple attack with the advanced principles of the Shigan technique.

The air around the spear's tip condensed and transformed, taking on the appearance of a spinning vortex charged with immense energy.

In a swift motion, Cedric unleashed the now-perfected technique. The compressed air, now transformed into a bullet-like projectile, shot forward with astonishing speed and precision. It tore through the air and the ship's main deck with a haunting whistle, leaving behind a trail of swirling energy.

Puzzle's eyes widened in disbelief as he barely had time to react. The unique shape of the compressed air bullet allowed it to pierce through anything in its path, breaking through defenses with ease. With a thunderous impact, the projectile struck true, crashing into Puzzle's chest and sending him hurtling backward.

The force of the attack was staggering. Puzzle's body collided with the ship's mast, the impact reverberating through the entire vessel. Wood splintered and cracked while Puzzle's figure slumped to the deck, gasping for breath, his body trembling.

Silence enveloped the scene as Puzzle struggled to rise, determination etched on his face. Despite the overwhelming odds, his spirit remained unyielding. With a fierce resolve, he forced himself to his feet, his body aching and battered.

Cedric's expression hardened a mix of respect and caution in his eyes. He recognized the indomitable will burning within Puzzle, the unyielding determination that refused to be extinguished. This battle had pushed them both to their limits in different ways.

"You fought well, but I'd stay down if I were you..." Cedric calmly said with a pleasant smile as he looked at Puzzle. "You've got several broken ribs and a punctured lung..." He added, stabbing his spear into the deck and crossing his arms.

"As far as pirates go, I know you're not threat to civilains... I'm not here to capture or kill you lot," Cedric explained, much to the confusion of the pirates and the marine soldiers.

"In fact... I'm here to ask for your help..."