
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

The Mock Town Spectacle #182

Perched at the bow of the Golden Ape, the ship gently swaying with the rhythm of the waves beneath it, Cedric's gaze was transfixed on the unfolding commotion that emanated from the distant streets of Mock Town. 

A smirk played upon his lips as he observed the pillars of shadow stretching skyward, accompanied by the resounding echoes of explosions. His massive frame seemed at ease as he patted Chuchun's head, the gigantic super sparrow that had become an integral companion on his journey.

Blinking his eyes slowly, Cedric's focus remained fixed on the spectacle. He couldn't help but chuckle under his breath, his voice a low murmur carried by the breeze. "Kieran, huh?" His words held a mixture of amusement and exasperation. 

As the echoes of chaos continued to resonate from the distance, Cedric's smile broadened. "I didn't think he'd be the first to get into an altercation..." 

Kieran had a penchant for laying low and avoiding all but necessary confrontations. The fact that he was the first to get into a fight surprised Cedric, but maybe the former assassin was trying to make a name for himself. 

In this lawless haven of pirates and miscreants known as Jaya, Cedric was acutely aware of the environment they navigated. While he knew the strength and abilities of his crewmates, especially Kieran, he also recognized their relative anonymity in these waters. 

Unlike Cedric himself, they lacked the distinctive bounties that drew attention and announced their presence to the world. It was a fact not lost on ruley pirates, who, in their thirst for power and recognition, often sought to pick fights with those they perceived as newcomers.

Undeterred by the unfolding chaos, Cedric's avian companion, Chuchun, seemed to share in his calm demeanor. The giant bird chirped contentedly, its beady eyes reflecting a sense of trust and companionship. 

Pressing his head against Cedric's back, the gesture was met with an appreciative chuckle from the captain. "Oh, well... I just hope he doesn't go too far and topple too much of the town..." Cedric's voice held a blend of wry humor and a distinct lack of concern. 


In the heart of the chaos that had engulfed Mock Town's bustling streets, Kieran moved with an otherworldly agility, a fluid dance that saw his shadowy form flickering from one point to another. The air seemed to ripple in his wake, his presence a blur of motion as he sought to evade the relentless pursuit of Killer. The latter, a formidable figure armed with his spinning Punisher blades, moved with calculated precision, his gaze locked onto Kieran's elusive figure.

Kid, a red-haired powerhouse, remained rooted in his stance amidst the tumult, his devil fruit power at the forefront of his strategy. With a focused intensity, he summoned clusters of metal to his magnetic influence, wielding them like deadly projectiles aimed at Kieran. The metallic shards cut through the air, glinting menacingly in the sunlight, and Kid's control over their trajectory displayed a mastery of his unique abilities.

However, Kieran was far from defenseless. As he deftly maneuvered, his very being seemed to meld with the shadows around him. The darkness responded to his will, manifesting as an arsenal of weapons that erupted from the gloom. Guns and cannons materialized in his path, their fierce projectiles lashing out at both Kid and Killer. The sharp cracks of gunfire echoed through the chaos, punctuated by the resounding booms of the cannons.

Kid, undeterred, called upon his magnetic prowess to freeze the projectiles mid-flight, turning them into suspended instruments of destruction. This display of power was accompanied by Killer's agile maneuvers, his Punisher blades dancing through the air to intercept or deflect the incoming onslaught. The two operated in harmony, their synergy evident as they countered Kieran's every move.

Meanwhile, amidst this clash of forces, Duval stood as a stark contrast to the surrounding turmoil. Absorbed in his own narcissistic world, he struck poses with an air of grandeur, his expressive face contorting into a series of exaggerated expressions. His flamboyant display seemed entirely disconnected from the ferocity of the battle around him. To Duval, it was as if the crowd had gathered solely to bask in the radiance of his handsomeness.

Observing this peculiar scene, Kieran couldn't help but be plagued by doubts. The contrast between the intense combat and Duval's theatrics was jarring, casting a shadow of uncertainty over his decision to intervene on behalf of the ostentatious pirate. 

Within the heart of the frenetic fray, Kieran's movements were a seamless meld of agility and anticipation. His lithe figure flowed effortlessly through the turmoil, his shadowy form evading Kid's metallic projectiles and Killer's spinning Punisher blades. Despite the intensity of the confrontation, Kieran's demeanor was one of composed calculation. He wielded his skills with finesse, a silent force to be reckoned with.

In truth, Kieran's mastery over the situation was palpable. He was well aware that he could bring an abrupt end to the clash if he so desired, his formidable abilities providing a decisive advantage. However, Kieran was a practitioner of strategic restraint. He valued the element of surprise, preserving the depths of his strength for encounters where it truly mattered. It was a calculated choice, driven by a desire to keep his adversaries guessing.

As the battle raged on, Kieran's mind remained steadfast on his objective. He couldn't help but feel exasperation, bordering on frustration, at Duval's obliviousness to the gravity of the situation. 

Kieran knew he could easily manipulate the course of events by employing a simple distraction if Duval was so inclined to provide it. But the narcissistic pirate's self-absorption left him utterly consumed by his own theatrics. This blatant disregard for the conflict unfolding around him was a thorn in Kieran's side, testing his patience in unexpected ways.

However, a sudden twist of fate altered the dynamic of the confrontation. Like a timely intervention, two slender arms materialized on Killer's shoulder, their grip firm and unyielding. With a swift and unexpected maneuver, the arms twisted, sending Killer's head tilting backward. The abrupt imbalance caused Killer to lose his footing, crashing down onto the unforgiving ground.

Kieran's eyes widened slightly at the unforeseen turn of events. Seizing the opportunity, he instinctively capitalized on Killer's vulnerability. Swiftly and decisively, he charged toward Kid, his movements guided by a mixture of calculated precision and the pulse of the moment. It was a testament to Kieran's adaptability and resourcefulness, each action taken with a clear sense of purpose.

Amidst the tumult and chaos, the unfolding sequence of events was a testament to the rapid shifts of battle. Kieran's charge toward Kid was met with the red-haired pirate's characteristic quick thinking. In a swift and fluid motion, Kid manipulated his metallic powers to create a hovering platform beneath him. With the agility of one who was intimately connected to his abilities, Kid propelled himself into the air, narrowly evading Kieran's oncoming assault.

Killer, too, exhibited his resilience and swiftness in the face of adversity. As the arms continued to restrain him, he wasted no time in recovering his posture. Springing to his feet, his blade swept through the air in a calculated arc, only to meet empty space as the arms dispersed. A renewed determination gleamed in his eyes as he prepared to reenter the fray.

However, the unexpected continued to unfold. Once again, the arms sprouted from the ground and held Killer's ankle. The sudden restraint caught Killer off-guard, momentarily thwarting his efforts to re-engage. His eyes scanned the scene for the source of this enigmatic intervention, settling upon a woman with ebony hair who approached with an air of quiet confidence.

Nico Robin, a woman of many talents and secrets, moved gracefully through the chaos with her arms crossed in an 'x' shape over her chest. The purposeful calmness in her demeanor stood in stark contrast to the disorder surrounding her. As she closed the distance between herself and the restrained Killer, her voice held an undercurrent of authority as she addressed Duval, who appeared to be utterly absorbed in his self-absorbed theatrics.

"Come here and give me a hand," Robin's words resonated with a blend of command and exasperation. Duval's obliviousness persisted, seemingly deaf to the tumult around him. 

Robin's sigh was audible, an almost imperceptible display of frustration as she utilized her formidable Devil Fruit power. An arm materialized on Duval's shoulder, and a resounding slap was delivered with a swiftness that jolted him from his self-centered stupor.