
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

The Call of the Sea #77

Four months have passed since the incident at the Reverie, and I found myself back at Marineford. The air was thick with anticipation as I resume my training under the watchful eye of Vice Admiral Garp. The days blured into a relentless routine of physical conditioning, combat drills, and honing my skills. Garp pushes me to my limits, demanding nothing short of perfection.

During these intense training sessions, I have managed to master Geppo, the last of the six powers of the Rokushiki. The ability to move swiftly through the air has elevated my combat prowess to new heights. Each leap and glide feels effortless, as if I am defying gravity.

As our training progressed, Garp proposed a friendly spar to test my skills against his own. It was an opportunity to gauge my progress and understand the gap between the vice admiral and myself. I welcomed the challenge, knowing that facing Garp would be no easy feat.

We stepped onto the training grounds, surrounded by fellow Marines who watched with excitement. Garp stood before me, his imposing figure a testament to his legendary strength. With a nod, we began our duel.

I launched into action, my body a blur of motion as I combined the Rokushiki and Shaolin Kung Fu techniques. I darted around Garp, utilizing my incredible agility to close the distance and strike with lightning speed. The sharp end of my spear sliced through the air, aiming for Garp's defenses.

But Garp, with his unparalleled instincts and experience, evaded my attacks effortlessly. His body moved with a grace that belied his immense power. He sidestepped, ducked, and weaved, always remaining one step ahead of my strikes. It was as if he anticipated my every move, countering my attacks with precision and finesse.

Undeterred, I adjusted my strategy, relying on the unpredictable nature of Shaolin Kung Fu. I utilized spinning kicks, agile flips, and swift punches. I aimed to overwhelm the vice admiral with a barrage of strikes from unexpected angles. My limbs became extensions of my will, delivering calculated blows with the utmost speed and accuracy.

But Garp's defense remained unyielding. He blocked, parried, and redirected each of my strikes with uncanny skill. His reflexes were honed to perfection, allowing him to counter my every move effortlessly. Despite my best efforts, his defenses seemed impenetrable.

In a display of sheer, brute power, Garp launched a devastating punch toward me. I twisted my body, narrowly evading the blow, but the force behind it sent tremors through the ground beneath me. Before I could recover, Garp seized the opportunity, closing the distance instantly.

His fist connected with my abdomen, sending a shockwave of pain surging through my body. The impact sent me hurtling backward, crashing to the ground. Gasping for breath, I struggled to regain my composure.

Garp stood over me, his smile a mix of pride and reassurance. He offered me a hand, helping me to my feet. "You might have some skill and agility...." he said, his voice filled with genuine approval.

"But you're still a hundred years too young to face me, kiddo," The vice admiral continued with a loud laugh as he turned around and left the ring after giving me a devastating, playful slap on my back.

As I stood on the ring, bruised and battered, I couldn't help but sigh and make my way out, thinking about everything that happened in the past several months.

Naturally, I received a stern talking-to about attacking and injuring a king during the Reverie once I returned to Marineford. And it was by none other than the fleet admiral himself.

News of what happened also reached WENP (World Economy News Paper), but it was nowhere near the headline. Wat'smore, It was on the last page, proving how little everyone cared about Wapol, a fact I found most amusing.

I didn't care much, but the same newspaper issue had one article that instantly caught my attention regarding a group of young pirates (led by a specific red-haired maniac with magnetic powers) murdering two marine captains in South Blue.

They called themselves the Kid Pirates, and from then on, they made the news almost on weekly bases, always robbing everything that moved and murdering everyone that got in their way.

On a personal level, I kept up with my navigation and steering lessons and went out on several deployments, which allowed me to increase my mastery of the Method at a steady pace.

I was already capable of twisting my muscles to catch bullets, even if they penetrated my skin and drew blood, but now I have mastered that technique and even learned how to stop any resulting bleeding.

In other words, my time with the Marines was slowly coming to an end, I only needed to finish my navigation studies and wait for the right time to leave, which might be tommorow, next week, or even one year later, but that's for the future.

As I nursed my wounds and contemplated my future, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude toward Vice Admiral Garp. Though the spar had showcased the vast gap in our power, it had also ignited a burning resolve within me. I would continue to train relentlessly, pushing my limits and honing my skills.

"Hey, boy," I said in greeting as I walked into the courtyard of my house, and Chuchun instantly flew toward me. "Alright, alright, geez... I got your treat right here..." I said, chuckling and reaching into my backpack as the giant bird pushed his head against my stomach insistently.

I pulled out a bag of Chuchin's favorite snacks and fed him, relishing the bond we had formed over the past few years. Chuchun's company provided solace in the midst of my intense training and the challenges I faced as a Marine.

"How about we go and play around the shore...?" I asked, patting the Super Sparrow's head as he finished his snacks, and he let out an excited chirp of agreement, having filled his stomach with fish.

As the sun set, casting a warm golden hue over Marineford, I leaned against a tree on the coastline, lost in my thoughts. The events of the past months had shaped me in ways I couldn't have imagined.

I gazed at the vast ocean, its endless expanse stretching above me. The call of the sea grew stronger with each passing day, beckoning me to explore the unknown, seek adventure, and uncover the secrets that lay hidden beyond the horizon.

But I knew I couldn't leave just yet. I still had obligations to fulfill and duties to uphold as a Marine. My navigation studies were nearing completion, and soon I would be ready to embark on my own journey. Until then, I would continue to train diligently, preparing myself for the challenges ahead.

As I looked up at the night sky, anticipation filled my heart. I knew my path would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but I was ready to face it head-on. With nothing but myself and Chuchun's company to rely on, I was determined to carve my own destiny.

The future awaited, filled with untold adventures and opportunities for growth. And as the stars twinkled above me, I made a silent promise to myself—to embrace the unknown, to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and to sail the seas and see everything this world had to offer.

With that thought in mind, I bid farewell to the sea for now and headed home, ready to rest and prepare for the grueling training ahead. Tomorrow would be a new day, another step on my journey, and I was eager to embrace it with open arms.


Over the next few months, I immersed myself in my navigation studies, honing my ability to navigate treacherous waters and chart unknown territories. I ventured out on several more deployments, putting my skills to the test and gaining invaluable experience. Each mission brought new challenges and further honed my abilities.

During this time, the news of the Kid Pirates' exploits continued to make headlines. Their reckless and ruthless actions stirred the world, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the brats as they finally stopped playing around entered the Grand Line. The thought of meeting Kid, Killer and the others again made me smile, and I couldn't help but look forward to it.

I was losing patience with every passing hour as I longed to get back to my travels, and just as I was about to snap and make my escape, Isuka came knocking on my door, bringing news that would change everything.

"The fleet admiral wishes to see you, Commander Strode..."


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