
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Shifting Sands of Loyalty #160

On the shores of Sixis, an island in East Blue, Ace stirred awake, his eyes blinking as he found himself surrounded by the wreckage of his small boat. The island stood before him, a rugged terrain with a central rocky protrusion that seemed to reach for the heavens.

Lush trees surrounded the rocky outcrop, their leaves swaying gently in the sea breeze. However, it wasn't just the serene scenery that caught Ace's attention; the violent currents that encircled the island had been the cause of his shipwreck.

"Agh... my head..." Ace muttered, rubbing his temples as he gradually regained consciousness and managed to stand up. He gazed down at the wreckage of his boat, a mix of frustration and resignation crossing his features. "Looks like I'll need to build a new one. Luckily there's plenty of trees here," he said, trying to find a silver lining in the situation.

As Ace turned to survey the island's greenery, a sudden growl from his stomach interrupted his thoughts. He chuckled at the timing. "Gotta find something to eat first..." he mumbled, recognizing the need to prioritize his immediate survival.

With determination in his eyes, Ace set out to explore the island in search of food and resources. The vegetation seemed rich and abundant, offering a variety of fruits and plants that he could forage. He moved cautiously through the dense foliage, careful to avoid any potential hazards that might lurk in this unfamiliar territory.

As he ventured further into the heart of the island, Ace discovered a small stream, its cool, crystal-clear waters inviting him to quench his thirst. Cupping his hands, he took a refreshing sip, feeling revitalized and ready to continue his quest for sustenance.

Feeling refreshed, Ace decided to continue looking for food. But he did not go far before encountering another young man, seemingly in the same position as him-- stranded on the island.


Cedric let out a sigh of disappointment as he watched the soldiers of Alabasta securely cuffing the defeated Baroque Works agents, ready to escort them to prison.

The three hours he had given Crocodile had already passed, and it was evident that the cunning villain had no intention of taking the bait and revealing himself. Beside him, Princess Vivi let out a matching sigh, clearly feeling frustrated by the turn of events.

"So much for that plan," Vivi said, her voice tinged with exasperation. "He's not falling for it... What do we do now?"

Cedric shrugged nonchalantly, maintaining his composure despite the setback. "No worries," he said, trying to sound reassuring. "I had hoped to beat up the big boss in front of his subordinates to win them over with a little show of force, but that plan didn't pan out..."

No big deal, though. I'll just have to pay a visit to Rain Dinners and drag him out. Simple as that." He concluded after a brief pause.

Vivi's eyes widened in surprise and concern. "Rain Dinners? You don't mean..." she started, unable to finish her sentence.

Cedric flashed her a confident grin. "Yup, that's exactly where I'm headed," he confirmed. "Turns out Crocodile is the mastermind behind the Baroque Works and the one responsible for tarnishing your father's reputation."

Vivi was taken aback, her mind trying to process the revelation. "Crocodile... behind all of this?" she murmured, disbelief evident in her tone. "I can't believe it..."

Cedric couldn't help but enjoy the moment, seeing the shock on Vivi's face. He added a hint of mockery to his voice as he continued, "Surprising, huh? Who would have thought that a former pirate was behind all this?"

As Vivi absorbed the shocking news, Cedric's expression softened with understanding. "Don't worry, Princess. I'll handle Crocodile. Trust me, I've faced worse."

Vivi looked at Cedric with a mix of gratitude and determination. "Thank you..." she said, finding her resolve once more. "I believe in you, but please be careful..."


In the scorching desert of Alabasta, the carriages carrying the captured Baroque Works agents rumbled along the sandy terrain. The guards were on high alert, knowing they had dangerous criminals in their custody. Suddenly, as if from nowhere, grotesque arms sprouted from the bodies of the carriage drivers, choking them into unconsciousness, causing the carriages to grind to a halt.

Before the guards could react, a figure gracefully approached them. It was Nico Robin, her expression calm and collected. As she crossed her arms, more hands emerged from her body, swiftly incapacitating the guards. With a quick and precise motion, she retrieved the keys for the carriages and the seastone shackles that bound the Baroque Works agents.

Freed from their restraints, the bewildered agents began to gather, unsure of what was happening. Among them, Gem, still recovering from the battle with Cedric, caught Nico Robin's attention. She pulled him aside, her eyes showing a mix of curiosity and calculation.

"Well, how strong was he?" she inquired, referring to Cedric and his impressive display of power.

Gem let out a heavy sigh, his previous confidence replaced with a humbled tone. "Stronger than anyone I've ever met," he admitted, "He was holding back, yet he effortlessly dealt with all of us. It was like we were nothing but children before him."

Nico Robin's expression became contemplative as she further probed, "Who do you think would win in a fight: him or Crocodile?"

Gem was taken aback by the question, his confusion evident. "Wait... he told me that our hidden boss was Sir Crocodile... are you saying he was right?" he asked, his mind trying to piece together the revelation.

Nico Robin's frustration surfaced briefly before she composed herself, nodding at Gem's realization. "Yes, that's why I'm asking," she confirmed. "We need to make a choice. It seems Cedric knows more than we thought, and it's crucial to align ourselves with the winning side."

Before Gem could even reply, a feminine voice cut through the air, accompanied by a sharp whooshing. "Maybe I can be of help..."

Gem and Robin turned to the source of the sound and spotted a blonde woman in professional black attire, floating as she kicked at the air. "If you want to pick the winning side and keep your lives and freedoms, that is..."

The two exchanged uncertain glances, realizing that their loyalties were being put to the test. With Cedric's strength now evident, and the knowledge of Crocodile's involvement in the organization, they found themselves in a dilemma. The sands of Alabasta were shifting, and they had to decide where their allegiances truly lay.


In the heart of Rainbase, the bustling casino known as Rain Dinners, Crocodile sat in his usual spot, observing the gamblers and scheming with his enigmatic demeanor.

Suddenly, the air was filled with a thunderous exclamation, a masculine voice that seemed to shake the very foundation of the city, declaring, "Crocodile! I'm here for your bitch ass!"

Crocodile's expression twisted into an ugly scowl as he realized the gravity of the situation. He took Cedric's challenge as a bluff, but it appears he was mistaken. He knew he couldn't avoid confrontation any longer.

Before Crocodile could react, chaos erupted as the ceiling of Rain Dinners was torn asunder by a fiery explosion. The flames danced and devoured the structure, revealing Cedric's imposing figure in his hybrid Heavenly Ape form. He kicked at the air with tremendous force, using Geppo to stay afloat and loom over Crocodile.

Their eyes locked, and Cedric's intense gaze bore into Crocodile, showing no hint of fear or hesitation. The two adversaries stood locked in a silent standoff, each aware of the gravity of the moment.

Around them, the casino's patrons and workers fled in panic, seeking safety from the impending clash of titans. The atmosphere was charged with tension, and the air crackled with anticipation.

With a sinister smirk, Crocodile finally spoke, his voice dripping with venom and arrogance. "What is the meaning of this, you damned pirate?" Crocodile asked, grinding his teeth forcefully enough to snap his cigar in half. He was fuming, but the warlord was determined to maintain his facade.

Cedric's response was a cold chuckle that echoed through the chaos of the feeling patrons. "You know damn well what I'm here for..." he retorted, his confidence unwavering. "Since you're too much of a bitch to show yourself, I decided to drag you out just as promised..."

"You must have had me confused with someone else... but as a warlord of the sea, I can not let a wanted pirate like leave now that you've shown yourself before me..." Crocodile replied with a scowl.


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