
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Reserving Judgment #179

On the deck of the Golden Ape, a buzz of excitement hung in the air as the ship stood ready to embark on its journey. The assembled crowd, a mix of locals and curious onlookers, whispered among themselves, their gazes fixed on the grand vessel and its crew.

With a confident stride, Cedric stood at the helm, his eyes alight with anticipation. His crew members, each a distinct presence in their own right, stood at various points on the deck, their faces a mix of excitement and readiness. Cedric's gaze swept over them, and he raised his voice above the murmur of the crowd.

"We're ready to leave! Raise the flag!" His command was met with swift action. From his vantage point, he watched as Duval, agile and determined, ascended the crow's nest with purpose.

At the pinnacle of the main mast, the pirate flag unfurled with a triumphant flourish, its design catching the wind and billowing majestically. As Cedric beheld the flag, he felt a surge of pride and satisfaction. It was a symbol that resonated with him on multiple levels, a visual embodiment of his essence.

The flag, black as night, bore a stark white skull at its center. Between the skull's bared teeth, a chain was rendered in vivid detail, its links seemingly on the verge of snapping. This representation of a shattered chain stood as an overt declaration of Cedric's stance against authority, particularly his defiance of the celestial dragons.

Notably, instead of the usual crossbones, polearms stretched out behind the skull, reflecting Cedric's weapon of choice. Further behind, a crimson sun graced the backdrop, reminiscent of the emblem used by the Sun Pirates. This sun marked not only his fiery abilities but also his disdain for the celestial dragons.

Yet, beyond these symbolic elements, the flag also conveyed his straightforward character. Cedric was unapologetically himself, unwavering in the face of challenges. The flag's message was clear: he would confront whatever the world threw at him with his head held high, and he was determined to emerge victorious.

Navigating through the throngs of well-wishers and admirers, Cedric reached the ship's steering wheel. With a final glance toward the crowd, he offered a broad smile, acknowledging the sea of faces that had gathered to see off the Golden Ape on its maiden voyage.

His gaze specifically found Iceburg and the contingent of shipwrights who had dedicated their skill to crafting his magnificent vessel. Iceburg's nod and the shipwrights' appreciative waves warmed Cedric's heart, a testament to the camaraderie he had fostered.

Raising his hand in a farewell gesture, Cedric waved to the crowd, his expression radiating gratitude for their presence. Cheers and shouts of encouragement echoed in response, a chorus of voices celebrating the departure of this remarkable ship and its audacious crew.

As the crowd's well-wishes washed over him, Cedric turned his attention back to his crew, the heart of this endeavor. His voice, firm and decisive, cut through the bustling energy of the moment. "Lower the sails! We're heading to Jaya!" His words were met with immediate action as crew members rushed to execute his orders.

The air resonated with a flurry of activity as sailors worked in unison, deftly manipulating ropes and rigging. The sails unfurled one by one, capturing the wind's embrace and causing the ship to stir with life. The creaking of wood and the fluttering of fabric blended into a symphony of readiness.

Cedric's gaze swept over his crew, his comrades in this shared endeavor. Each member moved with a sense of purpose, a dedication to their roles, and a shared determination to embark on this new adventure. Amidst the organized chaos, the ship's deck transformed into a dynamic tableau of coordinated effort.

With the sails fully extended, the Golden Ape's majestic form responded to the winds, its massive frame gliding forward with a sense of purpose. Cedric's hands took hold of the ship's wheel, his fingers curling around the worn wood as he felt the ship's response beneath his touch.

Looking ahead to the open sea, Cedric couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and anticipation. The journey was afoot, and the Golden Ape was setting a course for the unknown horizon. The crew, the ship, and Cedric himself were all bound together in this shared chapter of adventure and discovery.


Atop the Moby Dick, within the New World's unpredictable currents, Whitebeard's brow furrowed as Jinbe recounted the name "Cedric Strode." The name stirred something in the depths of his memory, a sense of familiarity that he couldn't quite place. His eyes, marked by both wisdom and the weight of countless battles, shifted away from Jinbe as he delved into his recollections.

"Where have I heard such a name?" Whitebeard mused aloud, his voice carrying a gruff yet contemplative undertone. The world he had navigated held stories and secrets aplenty, but this name seemed to strike a chord in him. Jinbe's presence pulled his attention back, and the implication of Cedric's identity began to dawn on him.

With a subtle clearing of his throat, Jinbe interjected, his words holding a hint of urgency. "He's the same young man who struck down a celestial dragon some time ago." The mere mention of a celestial dragon immediately caught Whitebeard's attention, snapping his thoughts back into focus.

"You did say something about a brat like the last time you visited," Whitebeard murmured, realization glimmering in his eyes. The name Cedric Strode connected with the audacious act that had made waves in the world and echoed even within the New World's remote corners.

Jozu, who had been listening to the conversation with a quiet intensity, added his own insight. "I heard he escaped an admiral only to be confronted by three admirals blocking his path after the fact."

Jozu's disapproving shake of his head reflected the audacity of Cedric's actions. "In the end, Silvers Rayleigh had to help him escape..." He couldn't help but express his incredulity at the young man's ability to land himself in such perilous situations.

A gruff chuckle, as unmistakable as the man himself, reverberated from Whitebeard. "So that guy is still alive... that's good to know." The chuckle carried a mixture of amusement and respect at the mention of Dark King Rayleigh.

Turning his attention fully back to Jinbe, Whitebeard's gaze bore into the fish-man, his demeanor direct and expectant. "This is the second time you've brought this brat to my attention. If you have something to say, speak your mind." The weight of Whitebeard's words hung in the air, the authority of a captain accustomed to hearing truths, regardless of their gravity.

Jinbe's sigh carried the weight of a story he was about to unveil. He looked upon the towering figure of Whitebeard, the commander of the Whitebeard Pirates and a man of great influence, with a mixture of respect and resolve. His voice carried a solemn tone as he began to recount the tale he held close to his heart.

"In truth, I owe this youngster a big debt," Jinbe began, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the matter. With a steadying breath, he delved into the narrative, his words weaving the tale of Cedric's unexpected arrival on Fishman Island.

"After escaping Sabaody," Jinbe continued, his voice steady yet carrying the weight of memory, "Cedric crashed into Fishman Island." He paused, collecting his thoughts before proceeding. "A lot transpired, but he found himself in a position to save the island from destruction. He even aided the princess during that tumultuous time."

Whitebeard's eyes, usually calm and contemplative, narrowed slightly at this revelation. The mention of such significant events occurring within his territories without his knowledge stirred his interest and concern. His haki surged involuntarily, a manifestation of his presence that rippled through the air. Some of his crew, familiar with the captain's power, instinctively stepped back, their respect mixed with an innate awareness of his strength.

"Why am I only hearing about this now?" Whitebeard's voice held a stern note, reflecting both his desire for knowledge and his concern for the stability of his dominion. He turned to Jozu, his gaze piercing as he spoke. "Oi, Jozu. Accompany Jinbe to Fishman Island. Lend your assistance and support to whatever they require."

Jozu's response was immediate, his loyalty to Whitebeard evident in his readiness to follow orders. "Sure thing, pops," he affirmed, a gesture of understanding and agreement.

Returning his focus to Jinbe, Whitebeard's expression softened slightly. "As for this Cedric Strode brat," he addressed Jinbe directly, a hint of intrigue entering his voice, "I'll reserve judgment until I lay eyes on him in the New World." A grin spread across his rugged features, a mixture of curiosity and a hint of amusement coloring his words.


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