
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Lucci's Lucci's #138

Cedric's punch landed, the force behind it causing Franky to stagger back, his facade of endurance starting to crack. A wicked grin spread across Cedric's face as he watched Franky's pained expression, relishing in the impact of his blow. He knew he had delivered a significant strike that even someone as resilient as Franky couldn't shake off.

Jumping back, Cedric maintained a safe distance, his eyes locked on Franky's struggling form. He took a moment to savor the scene, reveling in the cracks appearing in Franky's enduring facade. The cyborg's facade began to crumble, his attempts to mask the pain becoming futile as he cursed through gritted teeth.

"Looks SUPER painful..." Cedric taunted, his voice laced with amusement. "Seems like I managed to find your weak spot."

Cedric didn't rush in for another attack. He patiently waited as Franky slowly regained his composure and fought the pain, demonstrating his resilience. Cedric respected Franky's tenacity and wanted to give him a fair chance to recover before continuing their battle.

"Just you wait..." Franky said, nursing his abdomen with a pained expression. "I'll give you a super taste of your medicine in a minute...." He said, slowly recovering his balance and posture as he spoke.

Cedric said nothing, but with a surge of power, his form underwent a dramatic transformation. His muscles bulged, and his skin sprouted fur as he assumed his hybrid heavenly ape form. The air around him crackled with energy, a fiery aura engulfing his trident.

Cedric twirled his weapon, flames dancing along its length, casting an eerie glow in the dimly lit scrapyard. His voice carried a note of challenge as he addressed Franky.

"I've been holding back considerably, pal," Cedric declared, his tone dripping with confidence. "But if you want to keep fighting, I don't mind playing along."

Franky's eyes widened at Cedric's transformation, a mix of surprise and resolve evident on his face. He clenched his mechanical fists, steeling himself for the renewed clash.

"That supposed to scare me or something?" Franky responded with a scoff. "Let's see what you've got!"

"Only if you were smart enough..." Cedric replied with a sigh.

With that, the battle reignited with a newfound intensity. Cedric lunged forward, his flaming trident poised for attack, while Franky unleashed a barrage of his arsenal. Rockets flew from his shoulders, bullets sprayed from his fingers, and violent gusts of air were released from various parts of his body.

Cedric skillfully evaded, blocked, or absorbed each attack with calculated precision. His hybrid heavenly ape form granted him increased speed, strength, and agility, enabling him to keep up with Franky's onslaught. With each swing of his trident, he countered with fierce strikes, aiming for the vulnerable spots on Franky's heavily armored body.

The clash between their powers created a spectacle of fire and metal, the sound of impact echoing through the scrapyard. The ground beneath them trembled as they traded blows.

Despite Cedric's unleashed power, Franky refused to back down. He utilized various techniques, such as the powerful Strong Right and the destructive Coup de Vent. The scrapyard became a battlefield, debris flying through the air as their clash intensified.

As the battle raged on, Cedric's grin remained easygoing. He enjoyed the fight despite holding back considerably. The flames on his trident burned brighter, his attacks becoming more ferocious but still subdued.

Finally, seizing an opportune moment, Cedric delivered a devastating punch to Franky's gut, sending the cyborg hurtling through the air. Franky crashed into a pile of scrap metal, his body temporarily incapacitated by the impact.

"Good fight, buddy," Cedric said, a note of respect in his voice. "You've got some toughness. But I think it's time to call it a day.. unless you want to be a permanent resident of the scrapyard, that is..."

Franky sighed as he slowly stood up, shooting Cedric a reluctant look.

"You're not bad...." Franky admitted, a mix of exhaustion and admiration in his voice. "I'll just look the other way and leave you be until you conclude your business in Water Seven and set sail..."

Cedric nodded in agreement, not wanting to escalate the situation further. And with that, Franky turned to leave, grumbling about lucky hits as he went, much to Cedric's amusement.


Khalifa groaned as she slowly regained consciousness, her head throbbing with the remnants of a pounding headache. The room spun around her as she blinked her eyes open, squinting against the harsh light filtering through the curtains. The previous night's events came rushing back to her in a hazy blur, and she winced as the memories collided with her present state.

Her gaze shifted downwards, and her eyes widened in horror as she took in the sight before her. Her clothes now lay in tatters, revealing patches of bare skin and leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable. Anger and frustration rose within her, fueled by the realization of what had transpired and the ensuing shame.

Last night, after a wild evening of revelry, Cedric had taken her home. Her CP9 colleagues had abandoned her, their loyalty to their strict code outweighing her well-being. The memory of their rejection ignited a fierce fire within her, her teeth gritting in anger and resentment.

Just as she was about to descend into a boiling rage, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows. Rob Lucci, her superior in CP9, stood before her with a smug expression. Khalifa's seething anger momentarily subsided, replaced by a mix of annoyance and apprehension.

"This is what you get for disobeying my orders," Lucci's voice dripped with condescension as he delivered his cutting remark. "Remember this the next time you get the urge to act on your own..." Without another word, he turned on his heel and began making his way toward the room's exit, confident in his authority and superiority.

More anger, hate, and shame filled Khalifa's heart at Lucci's words. That damned pirate had not only embarrassed her in front of her colleagues, but he even had the gal to have his way with her.

As Lucci's silhouette grew smaller in the distance, more memories flooded Khalifa's mind, replaying a similar scene. She remembered how Cedric had walked away from her.

And with that, more hazy memories came to the surface. Khalifa remembered everything, how he merely put her to bed before leaving, and as she looked down at her tattered clothes, she came to a realization- a realization, that promptly shattered her worldview.

"Rob Lucci..." Khalifa growled under her breath, her eyes narrowing as her gaze followed Lucci's retreating figure. She knew he was the mastermind behind her torn clothes, a malicious attempt to manipulate and humiliate her. The realization hit her like a tidal wave, intensifying her hatred and anger.

Her hands clenched into fists, her nails digging into her palms as a storm of emotions brewed within her. Her hate and anger, directed solely at her Cedric a moment ago, now shifted squarely to Rob Lucci.

With a fierce determination, Khalifa pushed herself off the bed, her torn clothes dangling from her body like a reminder of her vulnerability. She took a deep breath, steadying herself as she made a silent promise to rise above the manipulation and reclaim her independence.

"No more," she whispered through gritted teeth, her voice filled with a newfound resolve.


Cedric stepped aboard The Silver Gale, his trusted pirate ship, and was immediately greeted by the lively sight of his crew engaged in their usual antics. The pirate port on the other side of Water Seven was a place of freedom and camaraderie. It reflected in the carefree atmosphere surrounding the ship.

His eyes were drawn to Duval and the Flying Fish Pirates, who were gathered in a circle, dancing and singing with wild abandon. Their synchronized movements, accompanied by the infectious music, created an energetic display that brought a smile to Cedric's face. Duval led the group with his distinct style while the Flying Fish Pirates twirled and leaped in perfect harmony.

Not far behind them, Chuchun joined in the dance with his own unique movements. His wings fluttered and flapped in rhythm, creating a mesmerizing display of grace and agility.

Meanwhile, Baby 5 was pestering Den. She followed him closely, her tone filled with enthusiasm as she repeatedly asked him what he needed. Her desire to help and be of service seemed boundless as she proclaimed her willingness to assist with anything he desired. Den seemed slightly overwhelmed by the attention but couldn't help but crack a small smile at Baby 5's persistence.

Before Cedric could greet his shipmates, Kieran materialized from the shadows beside him. "That ridiculous plan of yours worked..." the former calmly said, her tone carrying a hint of shock.

"Not only did I find the missing CP9 agent, he spiked your drink, by the way..." Kieran continued, prompting Cedric to shrug and give the former assasin a knowing look. "But I also confirmed the fact that Khalifa and Rob Lucci are indeed spys..."