
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

Distraction? #153

In the serene mountains of Dawn Island, the wind whistled through the trees, and the sun cast a warm glow over the landscape. The peaceful atmosphere, however, was about to be disrupted by an unexpected visitor.

Garp, Vice Admiral of the Marines and a legendary figure known as the "Hero of the Marines," marched determinedly up the mountain path. His imposing figure, clad in his marine uniform, caused a commotion as he approached the humble dwelling of Dadan.

After taking some time to run some errands and meeting some old friends, his vacation had finally came to an end and he came to say goodbye to his two grandsons before leaving East Blue again.

As Garp arrived at the front of the house, he was met with a nervous and anxious Dadan. Her heart raced, and beads of sweat formed on her forehead. Garp's stern expression did little to ease her apprehension.

Garp frowned as he noticed Dadan's demeanor. "What happened?" he asked bluntly, sensing that something was amiss.

Without wasting a moment, Dadan immediately prostrated herself in front of him, tears streaming down her cheeks. She cried as she tried to find the right words to explain the situation. "Ace... Ace has left the island," she managed to say between sobs. "He said he's become a pirate and sailed away a week ago!"

The news hit Garp like a tidal wave. His anger swelled, and he clenched his fists tightly. "That idiotic boy! After eveything I told him!" he bellowed, his frustration evident.

Without any warning, Garp gave Dadan a light knock on the head, causing a lump to instantly form on her forehead. "What about Luffy?" Garp demanded, looking around for any sign of his grandson. "Where is he?"

Dadan sniffled, trying to collect herself after the unexpected blow. "Luffy... Luffy ran into the forest, afraid that you'd come to take him away and force him to become a marine," she explained, her voice quivering. "He said he won't leave the forest until he's old enough to set sail like Ace.."

Garp's frustration reached its peak. He looked up at the sky and shouted at the top of his lungs, "LUFFY, YOU GODDAMNED BRAT!"


As Cedric arrived at Alubarna, he was met with the breathtaking sight of the city spread out before him. Alubarna, the majestic capital of Arabasta, was nestled in the northeast part of the kingdom, built on a plateau near a serene oasis. The city's strategic location made it a significant hub for trade and cultural exchange in the region.

The architectural wonders of Alubarna were evident as Cedric approached the city gates. Most of the structures followed the conventions of Islamic architecture, adorned with intricate patterns and designs, featuring domed buildings and elegant towers that reached towards the sky.

Access to the city was provided through five long flights of stairs, each located at different cardinal directions - west, southwest, south, southeast, and east. These stairways were not only functional but also added to the city's grandeur.

As Cedric made his way towards the southern gate, considered the main entrance, he couldn't help but marvel at the group of ruins nearby the southeastern gate. The remnants of the past lent an air of mystery to the city, hinting at the rich history that lay within its walls.

In the heart of Alubarna stood the magnificent Alubarna Palace, where the royal family and their devoted servants resided. Its grandeur was unparalleled, with lush rooftop gardens that boasted an array of vibrant flowers and carefully trimmed shrubbery. The palace was a symbol of the kingdom's prosperity and the pride of its people.

Cedric stood at a distance, his keen eyes surveying the plaza in front of the grand Alubarna Palace. The sight of the numerous guards patrolling the area confirmed his suspicions – they were undoubtedly on high alert due to the sudden influx of Baroque Works agents in the kingdom. The potential threat to Arabasta's safety was not lost on him.

As he continued his observation, Cedric's attention was drawn to one of the palace's towers. Perched on its edge was a distinctive figure with the features and wings of a falcon, clad in flowing white robes. "Ah, there's Pell, one of the royal guard captains," Cedric muttered to himself, recognizing the loyal guardian of the king.

Cedric ruffled his golden hair, deep in thought. He needed a plan to sneak into the palace and meet King Cobra beofre making a move against Crocodile. Remembering that there were secret passages within the palace from his knowledge of the anime, he racked his brain, trying to recall their exact locations. But alas, the specifics eluded him, and he felt too lazy to embark on a thorough search.

"I guess I'll need a distraction," Cedric mumbled, his mischievous grin returning as he contemplated his options.

Cedric's gaze landed on a fruit cart situated conveniently nearby. His eyes glinted with an idea, and he couldn't help but approach the cart's owner, a middle-aged man with a weathered face. "How much for the entire stall?" Cedric inquired with a grin, causing the merchant to pause momentarily in surprise.

The stall owner blinked, clearly taken aback by the unexpected request. However, he quickly recovered and realized that this must be a generous customer willing to pay a premium price. Collecting himself, he named a considerable sum, expecting Cedric to haggle or hesitate. To his surprise, Cedric paid the amount without any hesitation, pulling out a pouch of coins and handing them over.

The fruit vendor's eyes widened as he counted the coins, unable to believe his luck. "Uh, thank you, sir!" he stammered, feeling both grateful and puzzled by the unusual purchase. With a broad smile, Cedric waved the man goodbye before expertly pushing the entire fruit cart away from the vicinity of the palace.

As Cedric blended into the crowd, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. "Now I just need to make that special sleeping concoction and find someone to deliver it for me..." he mused, a glint of mischief in his eyes.


Sometime later, the sun had begun its descent, casting a warm glow over the bustling plaza. The sound of laughter and chatter filled the air as the people of Alubarna went about their daily activities, seemingly oblivious to the impending diversion that Cedric had set in motion.

As the stalls began closing down and people prepared to return home, a child appeared, pushing a cart-full of fruits toward the vigilant guards with an air of innocence. He skillfully maneuvered the cart through the crowded plaza, catching the attention of the guards prowling around the palace's perimeter.

With an air of excitement, the child called out to the guards, his voice carrying through the air. "Hey, you brave protectors of Alubarna!" he shouted, drawing the guards' attention. "These fruits are a gift from one of the city's traders, as a token of appreciation for your hard work in safeguarding our beloved city!"

"Oh?" One of the guards smilingly intoned. "And who is this generous merchant?" He asked.

"He's a man of grace! He refused to reveal his name because he didn't want anything in return! He simply wanted you all to enjoy a small snack before going home!" The child explained, speaking with the shrewdness of a veteran merchant. "Come on, now! Enjoy the fruits!"

The guards exchanged bewildered glances, not expecting such a generous gesture from the traders. Nonetheless, they couldn't resist the temptation of the refreshing-looking fruits, especially after spending hours under the scorching desert sun. With a mix of surprise and delight, one by one, they approached the fruit cart.

The fruits looked enticing and delicious, a vivid assortment of colors and flavors that promised a delightful respite from their duties. The guards, grinning with anticipation, took handfuls of the various fruits and indulged in their succulent taste.

Meanwhile, atop one of the palace's towers, Pell, one of the royal guards, observed the unfolding scene with a keen eye. His keen instincts warned him that something wasn't quite right. As he watched the guards partake in the fruits' offerings, a sense of suspicion gnawed at him.

He was prepared to intervene, to remind his fellow guards to be cautious of any unexpected gifts. However, just as he was about to act, a spectacular pillar of flames erupted beyond the palace walls to the north, capturing everyone's attention.

The sky above the palace seemed to ignite with fiery hues, creating a breathtaking spectacle that drew gasps of awe from the onlookers. Pell could only grit his teeth and fly north to investigate.