
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Cedric's Knowledge #172

Cedric's lips curled into a playful smile, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Well, this particular Poneglyph talks about the ancient weapon, Pluton, doesn't it?" His words hung in the air, causing a flicker of surprise to cross Nico Robin's features.

Her practiced composure swiftly reasserted itself, however, as the realization settled that if Crocodile had managed to decipher this information, then it wasn't beyond the realm of possibility for someone else to have done the same.

Yet, the shock was far from over, as Cedric's next words seemed to push the boundaries of incredulity. "It talks about how Pluton was created inside Water Seven and how it ended up hidden in Wano country, right?" The mental gymnastics required to process this information nearly elicited an overt reaction from Nico Robin, her jaw threatening to betray her astonishment.

She maintained her mask of composure through sheer force of will, recognizing Cedric's calculated intent to provoke a reaction from her.

A nod from Cedric followed, his amusement unabated as he pressed on. "I'm not really interested in the ancient weapons... if I were, I'd have simply stolen the Blueprints to Pluton when I was in Water Seven..." His words carried a casual nonchalance, a challenge implicit within them. He seemed determined to test the limits of Nico Robin's self-control, to gauge her reaction to a revelation that bordered on audacity.

Nico Robin's mind whirred with a flurry of thoughts, each one vying for her attention. The implications of Cedric's statements were weighty, and her analytical instincts surged to the forefront.

She schooled her features into careful neutrality, veiling her tumultuous thoughts behind a practiced façade.

Cedric's persistence remained unwavering, his words a cascade of revelations that seemed intent on unraveling the fabric of Nico Robin's composure.

Undeterred by her lack of immediate reaction, he forged ahead, his tone edged with casual confidence and underlying intent. "I met the shipwright who inherited the blueprints and even beat him in a fight..." A grin tugged at the corners of Cedric's lips, a glint of accomplishment gleaming in his eyes.

It was as though he reveled in the intricacies of the tales he spun, each word a brushstroke adding depth to the portrait of his experiences.

Cedric's gaze held steady as he continued, his voice tinged with a hint of mischief, "I also know that Poseidon is in Fishman Island, and I've met with her personally..." The implications of his words swirled in the air, a tantalizing enigma that prompted Nico Robin's curiosity to flare into a full-blown flame. The intrigue was palpable, a magnetic pull toward the unknown.

The spark of curiosity ignited a question within Nico Robin, a question that couldn't be contained. "Her? What do you mean?" The words escaped her lips, laced with surprise and genuine perplexity.

Cedric, ever the provocateur, was quick to capitalize on her reaction, noting her subtle astonishment as he replied with an air of nonchalance, "Unlike Pluton, Poseidon of flesh and blood. She is a mermaid princess capable of communicating with Sea Kings who would be born into the Ryugu royal family once every few centuries...."

Nico Robin's mind whirred, processing the implications of this revelation. Her lips parted slightly, caught between the awe of the information and the subtle notion that Cedric was privy to knowledge that had remained elusive even to her. Her voice trembled slightly as she sought to grasp the magnitude of what she had just heard. "What-- what else do you know?"

Cedric's response was delivered with a nonchalant shrug, a testament to his self-assured demeanor. "While I don't know much about Uranus, I know that Road Poneglyphs can show the way to Raftel..."

The statement was a subtle reminder of his own mastery over cryptic lore, a thread that tied him to the enigmatic history of the world.

The corners of his lips curled into a sly smile, his question a calculated prod, "It's why the World Government is so desperate to catch you, isn't it?"

Nico Robin's façade of calm finally crumbled, her façade giving way to genuine surprise that painted her features as she inquired, "How do you know all this...? Who are you, really?" Her voice held a mixture of curiosity and incredulity, the layers of mystery unraveling to reveal a depth that even her well-honed intuition struggled to fathom.

Cedric's response came with a casual shrug, as if he carried his secrets as lightly as the desert breeze. "I'm just a guy trying to stick it to the world government..." His words were a declaration both audacious and unapologetic, his gaze steady as it met Nico Robin's searching eyes.

Yet, even as he acknowledged her curiosity, he maintained an air of enigma, allowing his words to dangle like a tantalizing riddle. "As for how I figured all this out... it's for me to know and for your wonder..." The sentence hung in the air, a subtle challenge to peer beyond the surface and into the depths of his knowledge.

Robin's sigh carried the weight of a mind grappling with the unfathomable. The situation, for once, seemed to defy her capacity to decipher, leaving her momentarily at a loss.

Cedric, attuned to her reaction, chose to ease the tension, a smile curving his lips as he added, "I'll be heading to the Sky Island above Jaya where there is another Poneglyph... after that I'll return to Fishman Island where there are two more..." .

Turning away from the Poneglyph chamber, Cedric's steps carried him toward the exit of the Tomb of Kings. He didn't look back as he extended an open invitation, his tone inviting yet laced with an understanding of the gravity of their circumstances. "You're welcome to tag along, if you wish..." His offer hung in the air, a choice that held both promise and uncertainty.

Robin, ever the scholar and seeker of truths, gathered her bearings, her voice betraying a touch of skepticism. "Just like that? You're not afraid of the world government?" Her words were a challenge, a testament to her understanding of the stakes at play.

Cedric's laughter rang out, a sound filled with an irreverent confidence that bordered on audacity. "I'm not afraid of anything..." His response was candid, his demeanor reflecting a fearless spirit that had carried him through myriad trials.

His eyes met Robin's with a glint of determination, the flames of conviction burning brightly. "Though our arrangement would only be a temporary one..." The words held a note of practicality, a reminder of the transitory nature of alliances in a world defined by shifting allegiances.

Pausing, Cedric cast a parting glance over his shoulder, his gaze locking with Robin's. "Until you find the people who protect you..."


Sitting in the dimly lit confines of an office room, Khalifa was fully immersed in her task, her focus unyielding as she pored over a stack of meticulously arranged papers. The room itself bore an air of quiet industry, the soft rustling of parchment a soothing symphony amidst the hushed ambiance.

The papers before her held a weight far greater than their physical presence, embodying the culmination of Khalifa's ambitions and the path she had chosen to tread. The journey that had led her from Cipher Pol 9 to the enigmatic Cedric and now to the heart of Alabasta was a tapestry woven with determination and strategic foresight.

Her pursuit had borne fruit, for she now held in her grasp the very prize she had sought—leadership over the intricate web of operatives that constituted the Baroque Works Organization. The scope of her newfound responsibility resonated within the confines of the office, a testament to her resilience and tenacity.

Khalifa's gaze moved with precision across the contents of the documents, her mind sharp and analytical as she pieced together the intricate puzzle before her. Her interactions with Cedric had been a calculated dance, a strategic maneuver to align their interests and further her ambitions.

His departure had not marked an end, but rather a new beginning—a phase in which she had to prove her worth and solidify her usefulness.

Outside the window, the sun cast long shadows that stretched across the sandstone walls of the palace. The vibrant tapestries that adorned the room seemed to come alive in the golden light, casting a kaleidoscope of colors that danced along the edges of Khalifa's vision. Yet, her focus remained resolute, her thoughts consumed by the task at hand.

The intricate mechanisms of Baroque Works, a shadowy organization known for its secrecy and cunning, now rested within her grasp. The transition was not without its challenges; the mantle of leadership came with a weighty burden, demanding shrewd decision-making and the ability to navigate a complex network of agents and operatives.