
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

A City in the Clouds #149

Having absorbed the weight of Noland's story, Khalifa was the first to break the silence, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity. "Did you come to Jaya to clear your ancestor's name?" she asked, her words carefully measured.

Her expression remained composed, concealing the impact the tale had on her. However, Cedric, keenly observant, could discern the flicker of emotions beneath her facade. He chose to remain silent, an amused smile playing on his lips, allowing Khalifa to lead the conversation.

Cricket's gaze met Khalifa's, his weathered features etched with a hint of contemplation. "I came to Jaya by mere accident. Clearing Noland's name was never my primary motive," he responded, his voice steady and resolute. "To be honest, I hold no strong sentiment towards Noland, his legacy, or even the existence of the city of gold."

He sighed, a weary exhale that seemed to carry the weight of countless fruitless searches. "But it's fate that brought me here, and fate is not something one can easily escape. So, until my last breath or until I uncover the truth, I will continue my search, knowing well that the odds are stacked against me."

A flicker of sorrow danced in Cricket's eyes, a recognition of the arduous path he had chosen. "The city of gold, if it even exists, will likely elude me," he confessed, his voice heavy with the weight of years spent in pursuit. "But that won't stop me from trying. I will continue to search these seas every day until my death..."

Khalifa listened intently, her gaze fixed on Cricket, her respect for his unwavering resolve growing with each word he spoke. She understood the complex interplay between destiny and choice, recognizing the longing for purpose that propelled Cricket forward.

Cedric, leaning back in his chair, his eyes gleaming with amusement, interjected with a chuckle. "Well, luckily for you, it won't come to that...." he remarked, his voice laced with intrigue. "The city of gold does exist... you're just looking in the wrong place."

Khalifa's confusion deepened as Cedric's words contradicted the long-held beliefs of Cricket.

The treasure hunter's face flushed with anger and frustration as he retorted, "And who the hell are you to tell me that?!" He huffed, his voice laced with irritation. "How many years do you think I've spent diving in these waters?! I don't need some random pirate to console me!"

Cedric's laughter cut through the tension, his amusement apparent. "Oh, my friend, I'm not trying to console you," he reassured, his voice filled with a mischievous charm. "I'm merely stating a fact."

Leaning forward, Cedric met Cricket's fiery gaze with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "You see, the city of gold does exist," he proclaimed confidently, pointing his index toward the sky. "But you've been searching for it in the sea when you should have been searching up there."

Cricket's anger wavered, replaced by a mixture of confusion and intrigue, and his eyes narrowed, attempting to comprehend the audacious claim Cedric presented. "In the clouds?" he repeated, his voice tinged with skepticism. "What do you mean?"

Cedric's grin widened as he continued to unravel the mystery, his voice filled with excitement. "Think about it, Cricket," he urged, his words dripping with intrigue. "You're familiar with the knock-up stream, aren't you?"

Cricket nodded, his eyes widening with realization. "Aye, I've heard tales of its power," he confirmed, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Cedric leaned forward, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Exactly! If the knock-up stream can send a ship soaring high into the clouds, who's to say it can't have the same effect on a portion of Jaya Island?" he proposed, his voice filled with conviction.

Khalifa's gaze shifted between Cedric and Cricket, her mind working to grasp the implications of Cedric's theory. The thought of an island floating amidst the clouds seemed fantastical and awe-inspiring.

Cricket's weathered features contorted with a mix of disbelief and wonder. "You mean to say... Jaya itself is in the clouds...? No, that's impossible..." Shaking his head, he continued. "Even if the knock-up stream sent the city of gold into the clouds, it would fall into the sea."

Cedric's grin widened, his eyes shining with the thrill of unraveling the enigma before them. "Indeed, Cricket, think about it," he pressed on, his voice filled with anticipation. "How else could you explain the ships that were missing for centuries suddenly falling out of the sky?"

Cricket's brows furrowed, his mind racing to find a plausible explanation for the phenomena Cedric presented. His skepticism wavered, replaced by a glimmer of curiosity.

"You have a point," Cricket admitted, his voice laced with intrigue. "It would be too preposterous to dismiss the possibility that those ships were stranded on the clouds all this time, hidden from our sight."

Khalifa, her skepticism slowly giving way to wonder, chimed in with a thoughtful expression. "The knock-up stream's power and the mysterious descent of those ships... they do seem to align with Cedric's theory," she mused, her voice tinged with a newfound openness.

Cedric nodded, pleased to see his words resonating with both Cricket and Khalifa. "Exactly," he affirmed, his voice filled with conviction. "The city of gold, if it exists, could be nestled among the clouds, hidden from the world below. It would explain why you never found it..."

Cricket's gaze shifted between Cedric and Khalifa, his mind grappling with the implications of this audacious possibility. "So, you're suggesting that I should redirect our search, not in the depths of the sea, but toward the clouds?"

Cedric's eyes gleamed as he absorbed Cricket's response. "You do whatever you want, friend. What you choose to do won't hinder or affect my path in any way..." he replied, his voice filled with a sense of understanding. "I only told you about my little theory because I thought you, of all people, deserved to hear it..."

He leaned forward, a playful glint in his eyes. "But I must say, I have my own plans regarding the sky island above Jaya," Cedric revealed, his voice laden with intrigue. "There's a specific something I need to retrieve from there..."

Cricket's brows furrowed in curiosity, his interest piqued by Cedric's cryptic statement. "What could you possibly want from the sky island beside gold?" he inquired, his voice laced with skepticism.

Cedric's grin widened as he chose his words carefully. "Youd be surprise, actually, but that'ss a story for another time..." he replied, a touch of mystery in his voice. "Rest assured, once I've concluded some errands around the Grand Line, I'll make my way back here.... And if you're willing to wait, we can journey toward the sky island together."

A heavy sigh escaped Cricket's lips, a mixture of resignation and steadfast determination. "I've waited so long already," he confessed, his voice tinged with weariness. "What's a bit more time? Waiting won't kill me."

With a nod of agreement, Cedric rose from his seat, extending a hand toward Cricket. "Then it's settled," he declared, his voice filled with conviction. "I'll return when the time is right, and we'll make the journy there togather with my shipmates..."

Cricket met Cedric's outstretched hand with a firm grip, a silent pact sealed between them. "I'll be here, waiting," he affirmed, his voice carrying a newfound hope.

As Cedric and Cricket concluded their agreement, the door to the house swung open with a burst of energy, revealing Masira and Shoujou, the two monkey-like sworn brothers and loyal followers of Cricket. Masira, with his wild mane of hair and mischievous grin, balanced a barrel of rum on his shoulder, while Shoujou, his muscular frame adorned with tattoos, held a freshly butchered boar in his hands.

Cricket's eyes lit up with delight as he greeted his boisterous companions. "Ah, Masira, Shoujou, you're just in time," he exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across his weathered face. "We have reason to celebrate today!"

The two monkey brothers exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes twinkling with excitement. With a swift motion, Masira set the barrel of rum down, its contents emanating a tantalizing aroma that filled the room, while Shoujou placed the boar on a sturdy table, its succulent meat promising a feast fit for warriors.

Cedric, never one to turn down a drink, joined in the revelry, his laughter mingling with the infectious energy of the room as the two monkey brothers went to work. "Now we're talking! Let's get this party started!"

Khalifa, initially reserved and observant, couldn't help but be swept up in the atmosphere of camaraderie and celebration. Her lips curled into a smile as she clinked her glass against Cedric's, feeling the warmth of the moment wash over her.