
One Piece: the son of Kaido

i woke up to the sound of laughter, i opened my eyes and i saw a man with horns, along with a baby in his arms. right then and there, i realised that Yamato is mine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the picture is not mine, if you want me to take it off, just tell me. also this is not a story about luffy, so if you don't like that then i recommend not reading.

truepowerscaler1 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


this will be updated every time he gets stronger.

by the way, people like Big mom was able to kill fully grown giants at the age of 5 to 10, so don't think that the Mc is too strong

mc is is 16 years old.


Name: Akuma

Race: Half - Oni

Strength: 20000

Speed: 20000

Durability: 20000

Ability: Mythical Zoan, Model: Fenrir Lv. 150, Awakened

Special ability: Black flames that burn forever, temperature increases with the strength of the user.

Current temperature: 10000 Celsius.

Conqueror's Haki lv. 75: Allows user to speak through haki, able to use conqueror's coating, disable observation haki, influence the emotions of anything.

Armament Haki lv. 75: full body cover, emission, internal destruction, soul damage.

Observation Haki lv. 75: 3000km sense range, future sight ( 1 min ), memory read, mind read.

Swordsmanship lv. 90: breath of all things, master swordsman, soul cutting.

Full zoan form: 2000 meters.

hybrid form: 5 to 2000 meters.
