
One Piece: The Slowest Man

Follow Cade, a normal person that's been thrown into the dangerous world of One Piece with nothing but his wits, memories, and a power that was seen by everyone as a joke! Will he be able to survive? Will he thrive and fulfil his dreams? Or will he simply fail? Who knows? Read to find out!

Wistful_Sam · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Ch 31 - Rats End

And the worst part of this all? The huge rat wave Is actually heading right for me! Coming at me like a ravenous monster!

As I see these thousands upon thousands of ravenous rats heading towards my direction, I quickly reach into a pouch that I carry inside a pocket of my red jumpsuit and pick up a small airtight jar that holds some explosive powder made from the flowers of a special plant found on Lily Island.

I then reach into another pocket adjacent to the first, and find a small, hardened, sealed tube filled with black vicious looking liquid, appearing to anyone knowledgeable enough to actually be deadly poison.

I then remove the small lids from both containers, followed by quickly pouring in every drop of the black poison into the explosive jar.

I then toss away the small empty tube, and quickly re-seal the small jar of poison and explosive material.

I then quickly shake it in order to mix the contents and wait 5 seconds before I turn towards the incoming rat wave and throw it as close to the center of the rat wave as possible.

Not wasting any time, I quickly follow it up by Soru'ing out of there as fast as I could.

And not 2 seconds later, all I hear is a loud explosion followed by a huge plume of red/black gas.



What happened is that when those two chemicals are used separately, they can still be used in a satisfactory manner, with the explosive powder one could form small explosive pellets that when ignited can cause damage to an area of about 2-3 meters.

And the black poisonous liquid is self-explanatory, commonly referred to in West Blue as 'Ruin', as it's typically used for poisoning individuals of high importance, ruining the stability of an island; and in higher doses can be used to poison water reservoirs, ruining, and killing off small towns throughout history.

These two materials are strictly regulated by the World Government and by local authorities all over the world, but they can still be easily purchased and found in the black market, which can again be found in almost every island.

In fact, the black market on this island is managed by the Gambino family, ironic that I'm using their products against one of their own.

Anyways, when these two substances are mixed together, they create a much worse reaction than anything imaginable.

The effects of both chemicals are enhanced by at least 5 times, and the effects work beautifully together.

The explosion gets the benefit of having a dangerous aftermath: the poison cloud; and the poison gets a way to distribute itself to a large area very quickly: the shockwaves caused by the explosion; making it the most dangerous part of the concoction.

Ruin can enter its victims in many ways, it can be inhaled, making the lungs and the respiratory system fail, it can be ingested, affecting primarily the digestive system, or it can be absorbed through contact, destroying the integumentary, nervous, musculoskeletal, and even the skeletal system, amongst many others.

Overall, this is one of the worst poisons found here in West Blue.

I have heard that there are a few worse ones found in the Grand line and in North Blue, but they are not much worse, they just have different effects.

However, this poison is so well known and well used throughout history, that even though its effects are still deadly and exaggerated, the cure for it has been found a long time ago, making it not as deadly nor effective as before.

However, that's in the case for humans, not rats, and so, as the explosion goes off in the midst of them, it quickly eradicates the closest ones, a few hundred give or take, and then the poison starts spreading in a fine mist throughout the whole group, poisoning the rats in huge quantities.

And the effects of the poison are short to follow, not 10 seconds later, thousands upon thousands of rats are falling headfirst into the ground, dead.


And not long after this, I see the humongous 80 ft tall rat roar into the sky and angrily comment on my actions.

Apparently, he could tell that it was Ruin from this very island, probably from the shade of the black, those are usually affected by the environment of the islands, making the poisons color range from light gray to midnight black, this one was mid-black, not light absorbent in the least.

What? Is this guy stupid or something? Of course, I would use his own poison on him, this is a fight to the death after all.

Therefore, I don't feel the need to respond to his inane comment, and I quickly shave towards his position, intending on cutting his exposed tendons and hamstrings to shreds, making his mobility nil.

Unfortunately, it appears that he saw this coming, so he quickly opens his large mouth once again, and fires off 4 very large razor-sharp teeth, that look more like missiles than anything, at my direction.

However, just like the last time he fired off his teeth at me, I easily dodge them with my paper arts, not even halting my progress towards his person.

And it also seems that this time, those huge teeth take a minute longer to regenerate, making his most used strategy worthless in this giant form of his.

So, I quickly arrive at his legs and start wildly swinging and going to town on his huge skinny rat legs, making huge gashes appear, and ripping out large chunks of bloody meat from his person.

This seems to once again startle and make him feel frightened because I hear a nervous, "SHEE~!" However, unlike last time, he doesn't run, as rats are known to do at the first sign of danger, but attacks with quick swipes from his large claws on his skinny paws instead.

Huge claws rain down on me from my every direction, but I don't stop hacking at his legs. With the paper arts I can comfortably sit here all day, bending and dodging any of his incoming attacks, and unless he grows a lot faster out of the blue, he's done for.

However, just as I thought I would hack through his whole leg, he leans his head down, once again opens his large maw, and spits out a huge chunk of purple saliva at me. I'm startled by this, but I quickly calm myself and shave out of there to safety.

And seeing the melting road as well as the damage it caused to his own legs, I can comfortably say that I made the right decision.


He loudly rages once again.

This imbecile just will not learn, not only did he just damage his legs further, basically making them unusable, but his head and neck injuries are also getting worse as he moves and continues this fight, making fountains of blood gush out of his head and neck into the street.

Just as I predicted, this garbage man, known as Rotto or something, I don't know, I no longer consider him worthy of being remembered, quickly deflates back to his original size of 20 feet, then 15 feet, then 10 feet, and finally to 5 feet tall.

Making him shorter than I am.

I take this opportunity to quickly approach him and cut off all of his limbs.

I cut off both of his disgusting arms, and both of his disgusting, mangled skinny legs.

Leaving him as nothing but a bloodied torso and a blood covered brown mouse head.

He screams and roars in pain through all of this, but I ignore his annoying voice, and continue the slaughter.

I consider this man a waste of space. Not only did he have the resources to gain strength in this world through his powerful family and not use them appropriately, but he used his devil fruit in such a crude and unintelligent way.

I know for a fact that rats are amazingly quick and nimble creatures, amongst other things, and the fact that he just stood there, taking all of my blows, and even willingly slowing himself down by turning into a giant and remaining as one, is disgusting to me.

What a waste of a devil fruit.

And not long after I remove his appendages, he reverts back into his human form, even though it's hard to recognize him as one, with no limbs, and blood and dust covering all of his facial features. He seems more like a pile of red shit than anything else.

And just as I approach him further, I expect him to start begging for mercy, he surprises me one last time, instead of begging he begins to sob and cry tears of blood, mumbling and ranting of how he schemed for so long to get his dirty paws on that fruit, risking it all in offending the king to get his hands on that fruit, willing to go to any lengths in order to take revenge for his father, whom I believe was called Carlos Gambino, intending to kill Capone Bege and his whole family for what they did to him.

And with a few more mumblings about his crazy plan, his last bloody confession finishes, abruptly stopping mid-sentence, and dying.

Signifying the end of a waste of a man, Rotto Gambino.