
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

67- Zora VS Mihawk

"You stole my prey"

Mihawk looked at Ethan and his group of pirates, and decided that since his prey was taken by these pirates, he would make these pirates his new prey.

'Damn it, looks like Mihawk is targeting us now, even if we decide not to fight him, he will chase after us.' Ethan did not expect this development of events.

Zora also wants to fight him and doesn't want to go back on her decision.

"Kuina, give Zora your sword." Since Zora won't change her mind, all they can do for her is give her two more swords so that she can fight with her full strength.

'System, buy a katana in the shop'

Suddenly a sword appeared out of nowhere, Ethan grabbed it and gave it to Zora, "With this, you have three swords and you will be able to fight with your full strength."

"Thanks." Zora smiled, grateful that Ethan had allowed her to fight Mihawk, and grateful that he had given her a sword to fight with, although she felt strange how Ethan had brought a sword out of nowhere.

Zora jumped off the ship and landed on a large piece of a pirate ship that broke off. She then unsheathed all of her swords and spoke to Mihawk.

"Dracule Mihawk," she said getting everyone's attention.

"I challenge you to a duel for the title of world strongest swordsmen," Zora said with conviction, causing Mihawk to step off of his coffin- shaped boat and hop onto the same broken piece of the ship before he spoke.

"Sadly weak. If you are also a swordsman, the disparity in power between you and me should be clear at a glance! Does the courage to challenge me come from your ambition or ignorance?"

Mihawk crossed his arms in front of him, although he did not deliberately blurt anything out, but the aura of that strong man made everyone present feel breathless.

"This is my goal, and when I saw you I couldn't resist the idea of ​​challenging you even though I know you are very strong." There was matchless determination in Zora's words, and her eyes were shining in anticipation of the upcoming battle.

"Boy, quickly convince your girl not to fight him. It's impossible for her to beat Mihawk. She's going to die." When Zeff saw that Zora challenged Mihawk, he looked at Ethan and advised him to stop her.

The surprised Ethan looked at Zeff: "Persuade? I already tried but she didn't listen to me. That is the goal she pursued in her life! It is more difficult to let her abandon this duel than to kill her."

Ethan wouldn't expect Zeff to come over to talk to them about it, after all, they're strangers to each other and have nothing to do with each other.

Zeff originally planned to advise kindly, but he did not expect that Ethan not only did not appreciate him, but he did not know what was good or bad just like Zora. "Hey! Boy, you know yourselves a little more clearly. Courage and death are two different things."

Ethan shook his head: "Only by being able to see the gap between her and the strongest, can she better define her determination to work hard."

'Zora, After this battle, you will definitely practice harder' Although he said so, he was still worried about Zora, and would immediately intervene if she was in danger.

While arguing here, Mihawk had already drawn his knife.

However, instead of pulling out the big black sword, he took the cross pendant that hung from his neck in his hand .

"Hey, what do you mean?" Zora frowned, somewhat unsure.

She saw the Hawk-Eyes grabbing the piece of wood at the long end of the cross and gently pulling it out. The wooden sheath was pulled out, revealing a blade with only fingers inside.

This is a mini cross knife.

"I'm not the kind of stupid beast that uses all my strength to catch a rabbit. You're just a famous little swordswoman."

Mihawk took the crossed knife in his hand, and a scornful expression appeared on it, "Sorry, this is already my smallest knife."


A strong sense of humiliation is coming.

"Despise people. there must be a limit too! Don't regret it if you die !!" As a swordswoman, being so humiliated by another swordswoman, no one can bear it.

A sea breeze passed and several pieces of torn canvas on the deck flew off. Zora's eyes stared into the Hawk-Eyes without blinking. She moved when the torn canvas passed where her sights crossed.

Although the man in front of her brought her great humiliation, it also brought her great pressure.

That powerful invisible and spontaneous sword pressed heavily on Zora. Zora felt that if she didn't make any moves, she would definitely be crushed by this sword aura.

Zora's talent is very strong, and she is also a famous swordswoman in the East Sea.

Coupled with Ethan's assiduous practice on the ship, her sword skill has taken a step forward.

Although the current Zora is stronger than Zoro in the original plot. But unfortunately, What she met was the world's greatest swordsman in this sea.

Zora crosses her two swords across her chest and places the blade in her mouth horizontally behind them. Zora then approaches Mihawk at high speed and cuts through by swinging the swords across her chest, resulting in a descending diagonal-crossing slash from both swords while the mouth blade performs a horizontal cut from the left.

"Oni Giri"

There was a sound of iron and iron banging, and Zora's sword was locked.

It wasn't that one of them was blocked, but that the knife in Mihawk's hand was directly at the intersection of the three swords.

'It's the same thing that happened when I fought Ethan.'

At this moment, the small knife in Mihawk's hand actively detached itself from the three swords and approached Zora's shoulder. This is a very consistent action, and it's an almost flawless offense.

Ethan recalled that in the original plot, when Zoro faced Mihawk, his first injury was suffered by this trick. 'Is she going to reenact the plot?'

"Smug, don't think about it."

She immediately flew back, and the sword in both hands slashed toward the knife's line of attack.

The corners of Mihawk's eyes moved slightly, revealing a trace of surprise.