
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

210- Bath

After walking in silence for half an hour in the desert, Hina woke up and found herself lying on the back of a white tiger, with Tashigi and Miss Goldenweek next to her.

"Finally one of them wakes up~" Hina heard a sweet little girl's voice and after concentrating well she noticed a cute little girl next to her a raccoon sitting on top of a tiger.

'What's going on, is Hina drinking too much?' Hina grabbed her forehead while feeling some headaches.

"Are you okay~" Sora quickly approached Hina with a worried look on her face.

"It's just a small headache." Because of the effects of alcohol, Hina has a low concentration, but she can at least talk to Sora.

"But you seem to be in pain~" Sora still worried but after a moment an idea crossed her mind and showed a happy face, "I have an idea that will make the pain go away."

"Pain go away! Pain go away~" Sora kissed Hina's forehead and then continued patting her head while saying over and over again 'Pain go away.'

"Things like this are ...." Hina wanted to say it was useless but all of a sudden the headache started to disappear and her mind started getting clearer.

"Is the pain gone?" Sora asked innocently and upon seeing Hina nodding, she started jumping with joy on the tiger's back and almost fell, but soon Hina caught her.

"How could you do this?" Hina looked at Sora in shock because all traces of alcohol had completely disappeared.

"Sora doesn't know, Sora just wanted the pain to go~" Sora showed a sweet smile while blinking several times.

"Hi!" A green-haired woman jumped onto the tigress's back and looked at Hina in a gentle.

"You?!" Hina quickly stood up and was ready to fight.

"Calm down and let me explain your current situation." Makino sat on the tiger's back and showed her unwillingness to fight.

Then Sora sat on Makino's lap, Hina wanted to warn Sora to stay away from the pirates, but Sora's next words made her petrify.

"Mom, tell me more stories." Upon hearing this, Makino patted Sora on the head and apologized, "I'm sorry, I want to talk to this lady now. How about I tell you a bedtime story later?"

"But Daddy always tells me a bedtime story." Seeing the gentle frown on Sora's face, Makino let out a chuckle. "Then I will tell you a story after I speak with this lady."

Hina who saw this no longer had the desire to fight and she sat down, listening to the current situation she was in right now.

While Makino explains the situation, Tashigi and Miss Goldenweek wake up, but at least they don't try to start a fight like Hina, but rather listen to Makino's explanation quietly.

"So for short, we are hostages." After listening to everything, Miss Goldenweek simply said.

"If we're hostages, why aren't we tied up?" Hina looked at herself and then at the other two girls in the same position as her.

"We are not planning to hold you hostage, in fact Ethan said if you want to go you can." Makino smiled gently.

'We are in the middle of the desert. If I leave them now, I will lose directions, and without food or water, I will surely die.' After thinking about it, Hina and Miss Goldenweek decided to stay with Ethan's crew for the time being.

Upon seeing Hina want to stay, Tashigi agreed to stay too.

At the same time Crocodile woke up and she tried to start a fight but was defeated by Lucy again and then tried to escape but could not and in the end was forced to walk with them.

When Miss Doublefinger woke up, she didn't get into a fight and kept calm, because she saw how her boss was being beaten up by Lucy.


After an hour of walking, the sun set and night came, and the weather became very cold, so everyone decided to stop here for the day and continue the journey the next day.

Freya took out the ship and put it on the sand and after a few moments it returned to its original size.

"Finally we can take a shower." Nami and Hailey jump with joy as they board the ship.

These two girls weren't the only ones happy about it, everyone was.

"I'll go to the bath first." Nami walked towards the bathroom happily but was stopped by the girls.

The bath could accommodate a maximum of five people and all the girls wanted to be with the first group to enter.

Finally, the girls looked at Ethan and they told him to select the first group.

In order to avoid problems, Ethan talks to Freya, 'Freya, make the bath so big that everyone can enter here at the same time.'

[The bath upgrade will cost you some points.]

'It's okay, I'm rich, I can afford this little expense.'

"Girls, everyone can go to the bathroom at the same time. I made the bath big enough to fit everyone." Freya yelled and then went to the bath first.

Although she is a spirit and does not need a bath, she loves to join in with girls.

Ethan walked towards the bath too, but Misty tried to stop him. "Where are you going? Can't you see the ladies are taking a shower?"

"They're all my women, so that's fine, right?" Ethan looked at her while he raising an eyebrow.

"Not all of them." Obviously, Misty means Hina, Crocodile, and the rest of the girls who aren't part of his crew. Then she pointed to herself, "Also, if you go in, that means I have to go in with you."

A small smile appeared on Ethan's face, then he leaned a little and whispered in her ear, "It's okay, I've seen and touched everything already."

Her face turned completely red as she gritted her teeth angrily, she really wanted to tear Ethan to bits now.

When she had spoken to him before, she almost forgot that he was a pervert, but now she remembered how perverted he was.

Ethan didn't care about her expression, and he picked her up on his shoulder and started walking to the bath.

Then he undressed and wrapped a towel around his waist. Then he looked at Misty and saw that she hadn't undressed, "Why are you still wearing your clothes? No entry to the bath with clothes is allowed."

"I don't want to." She looked at him coldly.

"If you are forcing me to help you." A big smile appeared on Ethan's face and he started to take off her clothes and no matter how hard she tried to resist, she couldn't stop him and eventually became naked in front of him again.

She has many feelings at this moment: anger, embarrassment, shame, humiliation and hate.

But this time Ethan did nothing and gave her a towel to cover herself with, and then carried her into the bath.

As soon as the two of them entered, Ethan saw a tall and beautiful woman naked in front of him without any towel.

This woman covered her breasts and pussy with her arms and then looked at Ethan angrily and said in a deep voice, "What are you doing here?"

"Don't be angry, Croco-chan!" Ethan let out a chuckle while looking at her big boobs and he really wanted to play with it but he was controlling himself at this moment.

"Croco-chan?!" Crocodile pulled her arm away from her breasts and pussy, giving Ethan a good view of her nipples and shaved pussy.

She turned her hand into sand and then tried to attack Ethan but Ethan grabbed a nearby hose and wet her body, 'What a nice sight I wish I could play with that big boobs.'

Since she could not turn into sand or use it in the attack, she moved towards him while trying to punch him, but he easily dodged it and then pretended that his foot slipped and buried his face among the soft mountains.

Ethan then uses magic to make Croco's foot slip and then fall over her while Misty falls with them.

Ethan took advantage of this opportunity and put his hand on her boobs while trying to stand up and then quickly removed his hand and apologized, "Sorry, I didn't mean that."

"My Ass, you actually did this on purpose." When she tried to attack again, Misty stood in front of Ethan and said seriously, "You'd better give up before something worse happens to you."

Unfortunately, she did not listen to Misty's advice and what happened next was part of Misty's expectations.

Her body was touched everywhere, Ethan didn't leave a place unless he felt it.

And all this happened in front of all the girls.