
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

208- humiliation

After a few minutes the ice shattered and Ethan and Misty came out, the handcuffs still holding them together.

Misty didn't really have the key but Ethan had a satisfied smile on his face.

Unlike Ethan, Misty's face was completely red with anger, humiliation, shame, embarrassment and a variety of emotions but mostly she was very angry.

Ethan put his hands on her and touched her body, he touched everything without exception under the pretext of looking for the key.

He made her take off her clothes and looked at her while she was naked and then examined her body again and then inserted his fingers in a certain place to check if she was hiding the key there.

Ethan rechecked three times to make sure she didn't have the key.

Currently Misty gritting her teeth as she looks at Ethan as if she wants to eat him alive.

"Don't look at me like that, I just want to be freed from these handcuffs and it was necessary." In fact, Ethan can break free from these handcuffs without any key, and he has many ways to do so.

For example, he can make a key out of ice, or he can use magic to make his body smaller, or punch these handcuffs until they break.

But he didn't do that and he made the most of this opportunity.

"Then why didn't you get the girls in your crew to do that?"

"They don't have enough experience, and they may not check certain areas."

Ethan sniffed his hand, "You smell nice, I wonder what kind of perfume you use."

"I don't use any perfume, you pervert!" Misty cried out angrily as her face completely red because the hand that Ethan smelled was the same hand that touched her sensitive area.

The girls gathered around Ethan and then looked at Ethan and Misty with some suspicion. "What happened?"

"She doesn't have the key." Ethan sighed, as if sad that he hadn't found the key.

"As I said before, I don't have it, it's in my room on the ship." She told him this many times but he did not listen to her and examined her body, so she really wants to punch Ethan's face now, but she knows that Ethan will not be hurt, but rather she will be hurt so she did not.

"Okay let's check the ship." Ethan nodded and everyone walked towards the ship but suddenly for no reason the ship sank in front of them.

Everyone looked at this in shock except Ann, who looked at Ethan strangely, because she could sense that Ethan used magic to make this ship sink. 'What is he planning?'

(Ethan used magic to control the water and destroy the ship from below.)

Misty looked despondent but Ethan didn't care and looked at the girls seriously, "Bring Crocodile here, we'll continue our journey."

"What about the handcuffs? Shouldn't we hurry to find the key before the ship sinks even deeper?" Sanju was worried as she looked at the handcuffs on Ethan's wrist. "Should I go find the key? I'm confident in my swimming abilities."

"No, the Marines ship is very big and we don't know where this girl's room is and it would be dangerous to search for too long and you might sink with the ship because of it." Ethan sighed as he patted Sanju on the shoulder, "Also we have to hurry to save Vivi's mother and this kingdom."

'A pirate wants to save a kingdom? Does he think himself a hero?' Misty sneered in her mind but after a moment she remembered that Ethan had truly saved a kingdom before.

Sanju hugged Ethan with hearts in her eyes, "Dear Ethan, you are very gentle."

At the same time, Vivi felt strange feelings in her heart and tears started to fall from her eyes and then bowed towards Ethan, "Thank you!"

"You don't need to thank me, I'm doing this because I want to." Ethan patted her head and smiled gently at her.

Everyone was touched by Ethan's words and looked at him with admiration except Ann looked at him in a strange way because she knew it was him who destroyed the marine ship and made it sink but she didn't say anything and just kept watching from the side.

"Anyway, you guys did a good job." Ethan looked around and found that all of the Marines and Baroque work had been defeated except for Tashigi.

Ethan picked up Misty and placed her on his shoulder, then moved quickly and stood between Kuina and Tashigi. "This fight will end here!"

"Ethan!" The two girls said at the same time and then the two looked at each other.

Tashigi was very tired and breathing hard but there was no wound on her body while Kuina stood with a slight smile, not feeling tired at all as if she wasn't fighting in the first place.

After that, Tashigi fell unconscious because she was tired and put a lot of effort into this fight even though she was unharmed.

Kuina picked her up before she fell to the ground and then looked at Ethan, "We'll take her with us, I still want to talk to her more."

"do what you want." After saying that, he looked at Misty's round, peach-like buttocks and really wanted to take a bite of them.

"What are you looking at? Get me down quickly." Misty looked at Ethan coldly.

Ethan didn't say anything and simply dropped her and after a while the girls walked towards him while Lucy was holding Crocodile and Kaya holding Miss Goldenweek.

When Kaya saw that Ethan was looking at her inquiringly, she smiled, "This girl is amazing that she can use drawing to create a hypnotic-like effect, I wonder if we could have her on the crew."

Ethan: "It's okay with me."

After a while, Freya appeared with two girls on her shoulder, Hina and Miss Doublefinger.

"Where were you while we were fighting, and also why are you carrying these two girls?" Nami is envious of Freya for not participating in the fight.

"I used to think that a white-haired woman would feel lonely if she was with people she didn't know, so I brought someone she knew." Freya referred to Hina and then to Miss Doublefinger, "And this girl we will use as a witness to Crocodile's evil plans."

The girls were persuaded by Freya's words but her real goal was different and only Ethan knew what her goal was to get these two girls.

Then Ethan remembered that he had been given a lot of mission in such a short period of time and started checking them out.

He has mission for Crocodile, Hina, Miss Doublefinger, Miss Merry Christmas, Miss Goldenweek, Miss Mother's Day, Miss Father's Day, Miss Thursday, Miss Tuesday, and Miss Saturday.

He failed four missions due to the deaths of Miss Mother's Day, Miss Father's Day, Miss Tuesday, and Miss Saturday.

'Freya cancel the missions for Miss Merry Christmas and Miss Thursday I don't want to have sex with them.' Because of that, the missions were reduced to four missions only.

Unfortunately there is no mission for Misty, but she is sexy and pretty and Ethan wants to eat her anyway.