
One Piece: The Power System

Jason, a college student who is bored with his everyday life and is seeking change, finally gets what he wants. After Jason arrives home after college, a strange survey appears on his laptop and he curiously answers the questions that will change his life forever!

GodsDontBleed · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Plot Armor's Existence!

Both Nami and Nojiko stopped what they were doing and looked at Rein. "What is it that you want to ask us?" Nami curiously asked.

"Hmm, this isn't the right place to ask, let's head back to your house. We should celebrate your freedom from that tyrant Arlong." Nami and Nojiko thought that was a good idea. The group began to walk back, but the villagers were still raiding the park, one could even see windows being smashed out. Rein made sure to toss Nezumi and his group into his storage before leaving to be released at a later time.

Eventually, the group made it back to their home or Nami and Nokijo's house. None of them were hungry but Nojiko began to cook something up for Kuina who would be coming back later. "I guess we should celebrate a bit when everyone is in the village."

"So, Rein, what was it that you want to ask us earlier?" Nami asked again, she was always curious so she wouldn't forget to ask again.

"Well, first is Nojiko, I was wondering if you would join my pirate crew?" Rein said, "Hear me out for a bit, I know you want to look over your mom's tangerine business but if you follow me you can make an even bigger business."

Nojiko turned around with a bit of surprise, she thought Rein was joking earlier today when he first asked her that question. Rein knew she was bent on continuing her mother's business since she died.

"Someone like me being a pirate, I don't know if I can be such a thing. Would I have to rob people and... kill people to be accepted into the pirate community?" Nojiko thought that being a pirate was all about robbing, stealing and many other crazy acts and she was right. But in the one-piece world, it was more to it than just that, like way more.

"Being a pirate in this world doesn't mean stealing, killing, rape, etc. It's all about the adventure, you like to cook, don't you Nokijo? Well, have you heard of the all blue, it's a place where all types of underwater creatures go, they say it is the source of all tasty aquatic creatures." Before she could speak, Rein spoke again.

"In the future, you'll have people working for you at your business instead of having to be present. You can name your shop after your mom or whatever, do you get what I'm saying? Your cooking is good, so I want you as my chef, you will also get stronger in time." Rein ranted on and on to get his point across. Nojiko was stunned hearing his endless rant, it was very tempting.

"Hmm, then what about my sister, Nami? I'll join but I'm worried about my sister, what will happen to her?" Nokijo looked at Nami and said with a worried tone.

"Hehe, there is a different fate for her." Rein looked at Nami "Nami, let's talk over there for a bit." Nami was just listening at this point and nodded. Instead, they went outside to talk in front of the house.

"If you're going to ask me to join your crew then I will happily join, I want to make a map of the whole world!" Nami excitedly said.

"No, that isn't it." Rein shook his head and said.

"What? Why? Do you think I'm not good enough or something?" Nami didn't look happy, she thought Rein was ditching her.

"Oh, do you want to join me?" Rein was going to leave her for his brother but honestly, Luffy wouldn't have a reason to come here. In fact, he wouldn't be able to find this island. The only reason he came here was Because Nami stole his ship, so Luffy would have never found his way here.

"Okay, just give me a second." Rein turned around "System, is there a such thing as plot armor in this world?" The System never helped him by giving tips about anything or any warning about anything. But it would answer some of his questions while it ignored most.

[Yes, there is!]

"So it really does exist! So can you tell me some people who have plot armor?" Some people like Porgas D. Ace had plot armor for a while but that wore off when he was caught by the marines.

[Luffy, Akainu, Monkey D. Dragon, and anyone who joins Luffy's crew!]

"Damn, do I have some plot armor?" Rein wondered, he was a migrant so he should have some plot armor, right?


"Haha, nice to know that Luffy is still somewhat the main damn character, it's whatever though!" He had to be much more careful when in certain situations or else, he would really die. Rein wondered how long would Akainu's plot armor last, he would surely have to kill that guy later.

"How long does Akainu's plot armor last for?"

[It will wear off once he becomes the Fleet Admiral!]

Rein was relieved, so that meant that Luffy would find another navigator if he takes Nami. He wasn't sure where to find another navigator unless he went for Laffitte. Rein needed a Doctor and he was thinking about Law, who seemed to be the best choice.

Nami had her hands on her waist waiting for Rein who was silently thinking to himself while turned the other way. "I have no problem with that but you're still a part of Arlong's pirate crew, just look at your arm." Rein pointed towards the dark blue shark on her arm.

Nami's eyes dilated and she looked deeply and hatefully at the tattoo on her arm. She clenched her teeth and put her hand over the tattoo. Of course, Rein was just messing with her, he had some special remover that he could buy for cheap on the system that could remove the mark.

Suddenly, Nami pulled out a knife and started stabbing her arm with fierce and tearful eyes.

"What The Heck!? HEY!" Rein grabbed Nami's hand and discarded the knife. Nami was breathing deeply with bloodshot eyes. It was almost like a thought from the past had come upon, she forgot about the shark for a bit but was shocked that she had to live with this thing on her arm.

"Okay, relax, it was just a joke, I can remove the tattoo for you!" Rein was hoping that she wouldn't repeat what she did in the anime but did so anyway. Her mood changed so fast, it was completely unexpected, he was going to say just kidding, I can remove it but....

"I hate pirates, I hate Arlong, I hate them all but," Nami paused with a sobbing voice. "I saw your crewmates and can tell that they're good people, I don't mind joining the crew if you would let me," Nami said with a roughly breathing voice.

"Of course, we'll be like family, all of us can become friends, we have a long journey ahead of us!" Rein had a system so he might be able to go to the moon as well or crazy places no one has ever been to, who knows.

"Thanks, me and my sister will do what we can for this new family and new friends." Rein nodded and gave her some medicine that could heal her wounds. It would take 2 days to fully heal her wounds so it wouldn't be instantly.

"We'll set sail tomorrow, so I and my crew will sleep on our ship." Afterward, they both walked back into the house. Rein was going to reject her at first but knew she would never join Luffy at this point so he may as well take her, he came here for her anyway. He didn't expect to get a chef out of this, this was why he felt he could reject Nami, he had gained something.

Two hours later, Erica and Kuina came back with ฿35 Million in tow. They showed the money to Rein to confirm, Nami was shocked seeing so much money. She wanted to sneak a few Belis into her pocket but was halted by her sister.

Kuina ate like a beast, she was so hungry from the training and the run she had to do to the marines' base. Rein held onto Nezumi and his men until he was ready to go. Nojiko packed herself some clothes and many other accessories for the next day.

Erica talked to Nojiko about learning martial arts, which she was more than happy to learn. Nami wasn't so outgoing about learning the ability to fight. Rein already knew she wasn't a fighter and more of a trickster in grand theft.

Sadly, Nojiko was simply too weak to learn any Rokushiki and was definitely not qualified to learn Haki. Rein laughed just thinking we have some ways to go but all will be well with him around. Rein also made a great discovery.

He saw that the Water of Life could be sold to the system for 4 million system points! Rein had thought of using it on Bellemare but that would be a waste, sad to say. Honestly, it wouldn't benefit him and would probably hurt him since the two would probably want to stay home with her.

Erica and Kuina stayed at Nojiko and Nami's house to get to know one another. Nojiko wanted to know why Rein was wearing a ninja outfit but didn't ask since it might be related to some secret ninja clan. But she found out that he wasn't a real ninja at all. However, Rein could use shadows and become shadows if he wanted to. He could use something like the infinite Darkness Jutsu from Naruto that would cover a whole area in darkness.

This move wasn't for attacking but for blinding people since everything would become dark around them. The user, however, would not be blinded by the darkness released so they could sneak attack someone in the darkness or escape, their call.

Erica didn't delve into anything to private about Rein but she said they grew up together and were like brother and sister.

At this time, Rein was debating whether to sell the Water of Life or not. If he sold it, Four Million System Points will be in his possession just like that. With that many points, he could buy any Devil Fruit he wanted from the system. Even the Rumble-Rumble fruit that cost 3.5 million could be purchased.

"I'll have to think carefully about this one, this water of life is so important." What if he failed to save Ace when the time came, then how could he bring him back? Rein had a lot of thinking to do but he knew how it would go down so he could easily prevent it when Ace turned to fight Akainu or just watch Luffy's back when he fell.

"So much has changed, should I risk it and buy it?" Rein thought for a while and decided to not sell it. Afterward, he fell asleep after checking out the system for anything new or something he may have missed about it.

The next day rolled around and Rein got up to stretch, he didn't know the time but the sun rising gave him an idea of what it could be. Rein was hungry, so he got off the ship and booked it to Nojiko's house. He knocked and it was answered by Kuina, once he walked in, everyone was around the table while Nojiko was cooking something.

Erica and Nami seemed to have become quite close over the night when they talked. Erica was used to being around nothing but boys so for her to talk and be surrounded by girls was a good experience for her.

"Jeez, I gotta get some bros in this crew quick!" Rein thought about Law, he would have to head to that sea later but before that, he needed to head back to Castleford Island to get some info. Rein went to wash his hand then took a seat at the table with everyone else. He had his head down since he was thinking a lot.

Nojiko was making eggs, rice, and some beef. In his last world, the only thing that could be thought of as breakfast here was eggs. The group didn't question anything and began to dig in the minute she set the food on the table. Nojiko put the food in a pile, eggs here, rice there, and beef over there.

They would have to grab their own and add it to their plates. Everyone ate and chatted happily, especially Erica. Once everyone was done eating, Erica and Kuina took Nami to the ship while Nojiko prepared a few more things.

Nojiko liked make-up, if one were to remember, she wore it a lot in the show and this time it wasn't an exception. She had a lot to carry so Rein just put her stuff into his storage ring, she kept the important clothes she didn't want Rein to see, if you know what I mean, hehe!

Nojiko had a friend take care of everything while she was gone. She told him that she would grow the business and come back here to turn this place into a business district in the east blue. Nojiko was probably going to put it near the coast where Arlong Park was before it was burned down.

"Once they were on board, Nami took out a compass and map of the east blue. "Since we are pirates, don't we need to have a name and a jolly roger?" Nami looked at Rein and asked.

"True, but before that.." Rein jumped off the ship before they could set sail. He took out Nezumi and his men who were still fainted from their beating yesterday. They had swollen faces with sausage lips and missing teeth. Rein smacked Nuzumi but he didn't wake up, so he smacked him several more times and he finally woke up.

"Ah! Fuck, who hit me!?" Nezumi woke up and hollered, then he recalled the angry mob of people. But when he looked up, he saw a familiar ninja bastard he wanted to beat with all his might!

"Do you know what you've gotten yourself into doing this to me?" Rein didn't say anything and took out a knife which startled Nezumi.

"W-Wa-ait, don't kill me!" Rein threw the knife and it landed on the sand near Nezumi.

"Cut yourself free, you better hurry, I hear that there are wolves around here and you guys would make the perfect meal." Rein shook his head and turned around to leave. Nezumi wanted to curse Rein but he heard wolves far off in the distance and panicked.

Rein got on the ship and they set sail, their destination was Castleford city! They didn't know that trouble was already waiting for them.

Happy Reading!! :D

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