
One Piece-The Monkey Tales

Avi being a normal average man return home after a long day at the job and suddenly realized that an earthquake struck. And being the unlucky one, wait for it............... DIED. Get to know how Avi gets to the not-so-wonderful world of One piece and starts his journey. This is my first time writing and I don't own the one-piece series or the characters those are god oda's work. my English is also not so on point so please spare me.

aviral_anand · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

CHAPTER 1 Mistake and choice

"-" - Speaking

'-' - thinking

*-* - sound

[-] - system

As all stories in fanfics go, the MC of this story is no different. Dr Avi had just graduated from a dental college and joined a clinic to gain experience. as time went by, he somewhat felt that something was happening while returning home. After long seconds he knew that an earthquake was happening so he started to run toward the open park near his home. But as every story goes being not so lucky the electricity pole fell on him and our MC dies.

"Why does every Indian street need to have so many electricity poles" avi shouted in the endless white room while sitting and thinking ' why has this happened to me

as always a voice came to his ears "no son it was not your fault"

avi turns around to look at a slim man with long black hair wearing normal casual clothes, a plain white t-shirt with simple trousers and some canvas shows with a somewhat fair complexion

"who are you?" asked avi thinking that he might be just another casualty of the disaster.

" just a normal god, you can say," said the GOD to Avi

avi first thought that he might have heard it wrong but after seeing the smiling face of the GOD he realised that he was in the presence of a god.

"so which god are you?" asked avi with a shocked face.

GOD thinking what to say " ahh you people call me by many names but you can call me VISHNU," said VISHNU, the protector of the Hindu got trinity.

" so why I am in your presence my lord ?" asked avi. " because of the mistake of one of my retainers," said lord VISHNU confusing avi and continued " one of my retailers by mistake put your name in the list of people sent by YUMRAAJ( god of death) whose time has ended in the world of the living "

" so I really died. so what's going to happen to me now? "

LORD VISHNU said while thinking "let's see, first, i would say u are taking this more calmly and secondly I can give you two option ". confused avi asked " options?? is it something like reincarnation ?" " oh u got it right, " LORD VISHNU said while waving his hands and appeared a bowl full of balls.

" you can pick a ball and you will be reincarnated to a world that includes all the worlds u see in what u can anime and cartoons "

think avi about his luck might be good after being given a choice picked a ball from the bowl without thinking much and open it and see the name of the world screamed " why GODDDDDDD " confused VISHNU asked avi " what happened ?" and saw the name written #ONE PIECE# and asked, " you don't like this world ?"

avi answered with a crying face " who in the right mind will like a world where everyone is after other person life and a world filled with racial discrimination, slavery, war, injustice, mindless killing and whatnot and here i was thinking that my luck will be somewhat decent "

seeing the state avi was in, LORD VISHNU offered "ok I get it. I will give you some perks so be happy now " hearing this avi got up joyfully and said " that's what needed to have a life in the world of one piece. whats a reincartion without any cheat " " sorry to break your happy moment but i will be only giving you a simple 3rd grade system interface and another choice " said VISHNU with a smile which made avi shiver and another bowl came in his hand " this bowl contain the type of devil fruit you will get so make a choice "

avi, seeing how his luck was going sighed and picked a ball

" ohh I think you used all your luck on this " said lord VISHNU showing avi the ball stating what type of devil fruit he got

seeing this avi laterally thought " yup I thinking I used all my luck on this ......


i don't know if you all will like this story of mine or not just wanted to try some thing that came to my mind thinking want will happen if I was giving this type of choice in life

some facts about avi, he is an orphan who lived alone in his some what dicent house in the city of delhi the capital of India. he was also a lover of reading novels and manga but is he will not remember every single detail of the one piece world

thankyou for reading and I will try to upload on a steady rate

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

aviral_anandcreators' thoughts