
One piece: The Mob's Diary

Rell, a random guy from Earth, one day reincarnated into One Piece world after his death and became the small baby of a couple living in Loguetown. However, unlike most reincarnation stories, his life was pretty normal and average after that. No abnormal powers, no super talent in anything, no advantage over others... Nothing. There were no problems coming one after another, as reincarnators tend to have, and most of what happened around the world barely even affected him or his family. He was just another normal boy from Loguetown. Albeit, with the memories of an adult whom, you would say, knew about the future. That, however, was only until he became 8 years old, and a strange screen appeared in front of him. [Diary's System Activated! Write anything you want in your new digital diary, and you will be rewarded with special rewards depending on how important what you write in here is!] At that moment, Rell didn't really care all that much about the weirdness of his system. He was more focused on the free rewards other than anything. However, it was several years later that he finally noticed that something was wrong and that it probably was all his fault. "What in the world happened to the story?!" Some people say that diaries are a private thing. However, his system certainly didn't share that opinion ... °°° (A/N: The illustration of Nami is made by ᑕᕼᗩḰᕮ. If they suddenly want me to take the picture down or whatever, I will do so immediately. No problem there. One piece is not mine, and neither are the characters that exist there. I only have the rights to my main character and any other OC that I create for the sake of this story. I don't know what else to write here to not get sued, but if you read this, please don't sue me. UwU

Anonyrius · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Abnormal Birthday

|Rell's house, 9:00 AM...|



Waking up slowly from my sleep, I rubbed my eyes groggily while letting out a long yawn and immediately sat on my bed, trying to make myself wake up completely from my still drowsy state.


"What time is it...?"

Groaning slightly as I stretched my limbs and looked around my room not knowing what time it was, I let out a tired sigh, before soon I stood up from bed and started putting on some clothes. Throwing my pajamas away without caring about where they landed.

Then, walking out of my room, I entered the bathroom and started doing my... Ehem... Necessities.

As the cascade of golden liquid flowed down from the mighty dragon, I closed my eyes and began pondering about what I should do today.

Playing around was an option. I didn't really have many things to do as a child, and I had learned to enjoy it during all these years of acting like a kid.

Another option was practicing some Karate. While I might be average, it wasn't as if practicing didn't help, so it wasn't really a bad idea.

As some people used to say in my old world, practice makes the master.

Maybe I had a hidden potential that could only be unlocked once I reached a certain level... Or maybe I was just being delusional.

However, a man can dream. So don't judge me.

Anyway, it seemed like today was just going to be another normal day in my life, no matter what I decided to do. So I didn't bother thinking about all that stuff anymore and simply decided that I would do whatever seemed more fun.


Putting on my pants again and storing the raging dragon, I let out another bored yawn, before then I cleaned up my hands and washed my face, and proceeded to walk out of the bathroom while feeling a little bit more refreshed.

It was then, however, that three shadows appeared from behind me and grabbed me by the shoulders, making me jump out in surprise and almost curse.

Then, a loud yell reached my ears and made me frown slightly. Finally getting to know what was all this about.

""Happy birthday Rell!""

'It was today? Damn... I forgot. I guess I will eat cake today...'

Turning around, I saw both of my parents looking at me with smiley faces, seemingly having enjoyed scaring me a bit, and smiled at them like an excited kid.

Well, I was a kid. So I guess it was just an excited smile.

Then, not wasting any time, I asked them the most important question for any kid in this kind of situation.

"What present did you buy me?!"

Of course, after hearing me their faces turned a little sour, seemingly not liking that the only thing I cared about was the gifts.

But that was what almost every kid was like. So they could only blame themselves for expecting otherwise.

After that, my father sighed with a troubled tone, as he swept his hair with an overly dramatic expression on his face.

"Straight to the point as always... I wonder if he inherited it from me. My, it seems like my genes can be both a curse and a blessing..."

Hearing my father, both my mom and I deadpanned at him for a few seconds, before soon she ignored him and turned to look at me with a kind smile on her face.

"About your gift, It's a surprise, Rell. You will have to wait to discover it. Now, come on, we have already prepared the cake!"

"So early?"

"Well, your father has to leave in a few hours more since the company had asked him to deliver a product personally, so we decided to celebrate it right away"

"Indeed, those old bastards can't even let me celebrate the whole day with you, Rell. However, don't be sad, I will be sure to bring you a gift from wherever they are taking me this time"


Nodding my head without any particular emotion on my face, I walked towards the living room with both of my parents following behind me and saw a large cake on top of the table.

On top of it, there were nine birthday candles. Which represented me now becoming an official nine-year-old.

'It has been quite a long time, huh?'

Looking at the cake with nostalgia, as it made me remember all the years that I had been here, I sighed briefly, before then I took a seat and waited for my parents to serve me a slice.

Nine years had passed in one swoop, and I hadn't even noticed.

Aware of that fact, it really made me wonder if I would get to live all my life in this world, and if it would all pass in a swoop like these nine years had passed.

If that was the case, then it was very probable that I would simply live like a normal guy, working in whatever seems profitable, and watching from afar as the plot progresses.

'Surely, it will be pretty hilarious to see as the World government has their ass handed by a small and weak crew of pirates... As much as that doesn't even make sense...'

Of course, that was only if this wasn't an AU.

Or maybe, if I wasn't the only reincarnator, and there was actually some other guy out there with a system wreaking havoc.

Or in the case that my existence had already caused a butterfly effect... Though, from what I remembered about the butterfly effect, that shouldn't happen... Probably.

Certainly, now recalling all those possibilities, the future was very uncertain. But even then, I was too lazy to care that much.

I was going to be in the background. All I needed to do was to find a way to survive in my own environment, and everything was going to be okay.

Yeah, let the protagonists struggle with protagonist things, and let me, the background guy, struggle with my background guy things.

"Rell, here it's your cake"

Suddenly, as I was still lost in my thoughts, my mother approached me from behind and handed me a slice of cake. Making me gulp saliva unconsciously.

I had a sweet tooth. So it couldn't be helped.

"Thanks for the meal...~"

Then, shrugging my problematic reincarnator-like thoughts aside, I picked up the pastry fork and prepared to eat.

However, just as the fork was about to touch the cake, my father grabbed my shoulder and smiled at me with a gentle smile on his face.

"Wait, wait, Rell. First, make a wish"

Hearing him, I raised an eyebrow in confusion, before then I remembered what he was talking about.

'Ah, right, the wish that people do on birthday... Well, whatever. I can just wish for what I always wish'

"... Fine..."

Nodding my head, I acted as if I was thinking deeply about what to wish for, before then I smiled as if I had come up with something and leaned forward.

'I wish to be rich...'

Saying that inside my mind with a pleading voice, I then opened my eyes with a satisfied smile and proceeded to blow out the flames in each candle.


Then, seeing that I had finished, both my father and mother then hugged me with happy smiles on their faces and made me chuckle involuntarily.

'Well, who says a background life is bad... I'm pretty fine with this...'

Thinking that with a satisfied smile on my face, I then took my fork, and left my parents to talk to each other while I enjoyed the sweet flavor of the cake in front of me.

[Happy birthday host]

'Hmm, thank you...???'

It was then that a strange voice appeared out of nowhere, and made me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

'Wait, what was that?'

Turning to look at my parents from the corner of my eyes, I saw them talking to each other without minding me, and shook my head once I noticed that it hadn't been them who spoke to me.

'Maybe it was my imagination...'

Thinking that, I then rapidly went back to eating, before suddenly the strange voice appeared again and made me furrow my eyebrows deeply.

[No, it was not]


Abruptly stopping munching the cake in my mouth, I then glanced all around me, trying to find who had said that, before suddenly I turned to look at the cake in front of me with a suspicious gaze, and warily began sniffing it.

'Urgh... Don't tell me they bought some kind of drug cake without even noticing... Tsk, these parents of mine are always obsessed with saving money...'

[I'm not a subproduct of you ingesting hallucinogenic substances, host. Though, I don't know about that cake]

'Where it's this voice coming from? It almost seems like it's coming from... Inside my head...'

Looking around hastily, I frowned once I saw no one talking to me before suddenly a shocked expression appeared on my face as a realization struck me that moment.

'Could it be... So it finally happened?'

[Yes host]

'All this paranoia finally made me develop schizophrenia...'

[No host]


For some reason, it seemed like the uncertain future had turned a lot more troublesome out of nowhere...


-To be Continued-