
One Piece: The Lunarian

Kaido gave Crow two choices: join the Beast Pirates and create an unstoppable army for him, or die, and he'll give his family a fate worse than death. Having no other choice, he joins but promises he'll make the Strongest Creature in the world pay. (Massive crossover, powerful mc, large harem, and other surprises.) If you don't like crossovers or harems, don't read the story!

All_Watch44 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 30: Plans of Invasion

Ark One: Fate of Eostia Part Ten

(Third Person POV)

"When you told us that a Lunarian was with you, I didn't want to believe you. Unfortunately, you weren't lying. I can sense that he was here," a large demon said to Vult. The two were currently in the area where Crow defeated Alastor and Akuma. "The prince won't be happy with this discovery," the demon sighed.

The demon was massive, standing over ten feet tall, and had a broad, muscular frame. It was dressed in sleek yet heavy black demonic armor with spikes on the shoulders, arms, and legs. Its entire suit of armor has engravings that glow bright red, and on the middle of the chest plate was the Asmodeus insignia that gleamed along with the etchings. Its helmet has a T-shape opening and four long black horns at the top, with two on each side of the helmet.

Strapped to its back was an equally massive and spiky Warhammer. The head of the enormous weapon was square shaped, with the back and top having thick blades that could pierce virtually anything like butter.

This demon was Messorem, the right hand of Prince Asmodeus.

Vult looked at Messorem in surprise. "You didn't fucking tell him yet?" the logia user asked with disbelief in his tone.

The demon glanced at him. "I wanted to confirm your claim before informing him. Prince Asmodeus isn't the type you wish to report false or unverified information," the demon responded, holding its neck. "I learned that the hard way..." If it weren't for the helmet blocking most of his face, Vult would see the trauma in Messorem's eyes. Vult winced, understanding Messorm's implications. "It also appears that the Lunarian took their weapons," Messorm groaned in annoyance. 

"I'm assuming thats pretty bad," Vult remarked.

"Indeed. Besides anything holy, demonic weapons can also kill us," Messorem replied.

"Shit," Vult cursed. "Why didn't the weapons have any safety measures to prevent that?" he asked with a frustrated and worried tone.

"Because we didn't have to worry about our weapons being taken from a non-demon for centuries," the demon responded, equally frustrated.

"So, in other words, you guys got sloppy," Vult said.

"Pretty much," Messorem sighed, not even bothering to deny Vult's statement. "Well, I better call him, or else my ass will be grass when I return to the underworld," he held up a communication stone.

An image of the Asmodeus insignia appeared above the stone when the call was answered.

"What's your report? You better have a damn good reason why you went to the mortal realm, or else I'll give you another reminder of what happens when you piss me off, " said the deep chilling voice of Asmodeus.

Messorm gulped. "I do, my prince. Vult contacted me and reported that a Lunarian was with him--" he explained everything to Asmodeus, and when he finished, it was eerily silent on the demon prince's end. 

"Is anyone outside the Lust realm aware of this information?" the prince asked, his voice filled with anger and a hint of worry. 

"No, my prince," Messorem assured his superior understanding of his worry. 

"Good. If the king becomes aware of this knowledge and finds out we've been withholding this information from him, he'll have both our heads. I'll dispatch several high-ranking officers and an army to aid in the eradication of the Lunarian and its allies. Report any relevant information to me immediately."

"Understood my prince."


"Yes, my prince?"

"Don't fuck this up, or else consider your life forfeit," Asmodeus ended the call.

"Well...that was lovely," Vult sarcastically commented.

Messorem snorted. "I was lucky he was in one of his better moods, or else my existence would've been erased."

"So now we just wait for reinforcements?" Vult asks, changing subjects.

"Yeah, although the army will take a while to arrive as they'll have to go through the gates of the underworld due to most demons not having access to teleportation," the high-ranking demon explained. "But the officers will be here any minute, so we best be prepared for their arrival," Vult nodded, and the two made their way back to the Black Citadel.

For the next few days, Vult, Messorem, and the officers would make plans to invade Eostia.

They discussed the logistics, who they would attack first, how they would split their forces, who would lead what legion, contingency plans, and many other important matters relating to war.

After nearly a week of planning, everyone was settled on how the invasion would be executed. Now, all Vult and the demons needed to do was wait a month or two for the demonic legions to arrive, and then they would unleash a full-scale invasion on Eostia. 

However, little did they know that a Clone Kushina was spying on them the entire time.

When the Shinobi learned everything she needed, she popped out of existence, transferring all her knowledge to the original.

(With the others) Location: Ken

When the redhead got all her clone's information, she immediately called for an emergency meeting, and within minutes, everyone was in the council room. Kushina then told everyone what she had learned

"So we only have a month or two, huh? Shit..." Maia groaned when Kushina told them about what she learned. 

Not only had Vult and the Black Dogs betrayed them, but they also had to deal with a fucking demonic invasion in a month! 

If that wasn't a major "fuck you" by the cold reality of life, then she didn't know what was.

"We better start heading to our respective territories then and prepare for a demonic invasion," Kayuga stated.

"I can fly you guys to our forts if you all want," Crow generously offered, knowing it would take days or weeks for them all to return to their castles.

Everyone nodded at the suggestion.

"Thanks Crow. The faster I get back to Feoh, the quicker I can end Bearsly's life," Alicia growled in anger and hurt. 

"No problem, and since your and Prim's territories will be the first ones to be attacked, I'll reinforce your walls with my crystals first," both girls smiled at his thoughtfulness and thanked him.

"Thats good and all, my dear, but there are still a few issues," Olga chimed in. "While I have no doubt the Shield Princesses are capable of dealing the demonic armies, none of them are any match for the officers," Olga pointed out, making everyone grimace, knowing she was right.

If two mid-ranked demons nearly killed Crow, what chance did any of them have?

Besides all but one divine magic, none of them had the power to fight against such beings. Mikasa, Kushina, Page, and all the Shield Princess, excluding Prim, lacked the physical might and speed to combat demons. Uta, Ulti is heavily pregnant, while Celestine, Olga, and Chole are most likely knocked up, so they were a no-go.

Crow was the only one powerful and capable enough to face the demonic officers

"Then I'll deal with them," Crow replied. 

"Are you sure you'll be able to handle that on your own?" Uta asked, looking at her lover with worry. 

He looked at her and gave her a weak smile. "I have no other choice but to deal with them on my own."

Everyone frowned at Crow's reply, but before anyone could get a word out, a soldier barged into the council room. 

"Your grace! A tall woman with horns and another Lunarian appeared within the castle grounds! They wish to see Lord Crow!" he informed, shocking everyone at the last part.

Crow was happy at first because, due to the description, he knew the man was talking about Yamato, but he paled as soon as the soldier mentioned a Lunarian was with her, and it didn't take a genius to figure out who they were.


Uta, Ulta, and Mikasa paled along with him, knowing shit between the two Lunarians was about to get ugly, and they greatly worried for Crow. 

Knowing he had to face King, he got up from his seat abruptly and left the council room with Uta, Ulti, and Mikasa following in tow. The Shield Alliance members followed them soon after. 

Once they were in the courtyard, there stood Yamato and King, with a few servants from a distance looking at the pair in awe at their immense size. However, King was receiving the most attention out of the two.

Crow was happy to see them, as it had been months since he last saw them.

Yet he was also anxious as he knew King would be absolutely furious with him and receive the ass-kicking of a lifetime from him.

When the two saw him approaching, Yamato's face brightened like the sun, but her expression soon dimmed when she remembered King was with her.

When King's eyes landed on him, Crow's senses screamed at him to run away, and the atmosphere became eerily cold.

No one made a sound or moved.

Everyone looked between the two Lunarians, and they grew increasingly more nervous.

Crow, on the outside, appeared stoic, but anyone who knew him well knew he was nervous, and they couldn't blame him for that.

After what felt like an eternity, the silence was broken. 

"You have some explaining to do," King said with a calm tone, but if one listens closely, one could hear his barely contained anger.

"Yeah...I know."
