
One Piece: The Lunarian

Kaido gave Crow two choices: join the Beast Pirates and create an unstoppable army for him, or die, and he'll give his family a fate worse than death. Having no other choice, he joins but promises he'll make the Strongest Creature in the world pay. (Massive crossover, powerful mc, large harem, and other surprises.) If you don't like crossovers or harems, don't read the story!

All_Watch44 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 21: The Arrival

Arc One: The Fate Of Eostia Part One

(Crow POV) Location: Wano, Onigashima

Tomorrow was when I set off to Eostia, and the journey to the island would be a long one, even with one of our better ships. Eostia was on the other side of the world, so it would likely take two months to get there and back. That was problematic because, on top of that, my stay on Eostia would probably be longer than I'd like due to the Shield Alliances war with that Olga bitch. It's due to that I worry about as there's a high possibility of missing not only Uta's due date but also Ulti's, which was something I didn't want to happen because duh.

So I expressed my worries to Kaido, and he, fortunately, allowed me to take Uta and Ulti with me, but Page One would have to come with us so that he could watch over them whenever I was busy. I quickly agreed to this as he and I were on good terms.

Unfortunately, we can't take Yamato with us, and I feel shitty about that, but at least I don't have to worry about her giving any time soon. Still, I'll have to find a way to get those damn chains off sooner or later because they're pissing me off. Oh well, I guess I'll have to rob Kaido when we get back and wait until he's super wasted.

"Do you have everything packed up?" I asked Uta and Ulti.

"Yup," Uta chirped.

"Yeah, but I still can't believe Kaido is allowing us to come with you. You'd think he'd put up more of a fuss," Ulti commented.

I shrugged. "The old man probably knew it was better to compromise than to start an argument with me or beat me into submission," I said with an amused tone.

Both girls giggled at that because it's well-known across Wano that despite our significant power difference, I'm not afraid to speak my mind to Kaido, nor do I fear getting beaten to a pulp or possibly dying. Kaido would have better luck befriending an Admiral than breaking my spirit.

"One of these days, he's going to beat your ass," Mikasa chimed into the conversation.

I shrugged and said. "I'll just walk it off."

She rolled her eyes and shook her head in amusement. "You're impossible."

"But you still love me," I teased, causing her to turn red and steam to come out of her ears.

"F-Fuck o-off!" Mikasa stammered before leaving the room in a hurry.

We all chuckled at that.

"She's too easy," Uta said.

"I'm still surprised she's resisted you for this long. That woman has some incredible willpower to do that," Ulti remarked with an amused tone.

I shrugged. "Mikasa will eventually fold. Anyways, how are you guys holding up," I walked up to them and gently placed my hands on their bellies. "You guys aren't in too much pain, are you?" I asked, my voice filled with concern.

They looked at me lovingly and held my hands. "We're doing alright," Uta replied.

"Other than our backs killing us, having weird food cravings, and puking said food out, we're pretty good," Ulti joked, making everyone slightly laugh.

"That's good to hear..." I said with a distant voice.

They looked at me with concern. "Is everything alright, Crow?" Uta asked.

"Yeah...everything is good," they frowned.

"Bullshit," Ulti said sternly. "You can't lie to us; You're like an open book, so what's wrong?"

I sighed. "Even though I wanted you guys to come with me, a part of me is debating if I should still bring you or not. Where we're going isn't exactly safe, you know."

"Babe, we'll be fine. We can defend ourselves just fine, right Uta?"

"Yeah, plus we have Mikasa and Pay-Pay to watch our backs," she pointed out.

"Yeah, but still..."


I sighed. "Ok, ok, just please be careful and stay close to me, Page or Mikasa, alright? I don't want you guys straining yourselves too much."

"Alright, we promise," Uta said.

I smiled and kissed them both. "I'm sorry if I implied that you guys were helpless. I know you both aren't. I can't stand the thought of something happening to you two or our kids..."

"We know love, and we didn't think you implied that," Uta reassured and touched my cheek. "We know how protective you can get, and personally, it's one of the many things I love about you. Just don't stress yourself out, ok?"

"Ok," I smiled and placed my hand on hers.

"Good. Now..." Uta's hand went underneath my pants, gently grabbing my cock. "Why don't we have a little fun?" she grinned seductively and back stroking my member. "We haven't been able to have sex as much as we wanted due to you always being busy, so why don't you make up for lost time?" she leaned toward my ear. "How does that sound?" she asked with a husky tone.

I groaned. "S-sounds like a good idea."

Uta chuckled. "I thought so," she turned to Ulti. "Wanna join in?"

She grinned. "Fuck yeah."


Ulti came over to me and smashed her lips against mine. We battled for dominance while tearing each other's clothes off, and after that, we explored each other's bodies.

Her hands ran along my shoulders, chest, and abs while mine massaged her giant orbs of soft flesh and then pinched her nubs, making her moan blissfully into the kiss.

Ulti's will to battle wavered slightly, which cost her as I quickly dominated her and began to explore every centimeter of her delicious mouth.

Meanwhile, Uta was on her knees and undoing my pants. My rock-solid cock popped out and smacked her across the face.

"Looks like someone's excited to see me," she giggled and gently grabbed my member. "I can't wait for this monster to be inside me."

Uta then took the tip of my member into her and swirled her tongue around the tip before taking the entire thing into her mouth without gagging.

She then began bobbing up and down while swirling her tongue around my length occasionally, hitting every sensitive spot that made me groan heavily into the make-out session with my beautiful blue-haired girlfriend.

I placed my hand on Uta's head and momentarily broke the kiss with Ulti.

"Fucking shit, babe, you've gotten so fucking good at this," I complimented before returning to making out with Ulti.

My praise made Uta blow me even more enthusiastically, increasing my bliss tenfold and weakening my knees. Ulti soon joined Uta and was now sucking on one of my balls while gently massaging the other.

Not a single centimeter of my cock and balls was neglected by them, and there wasn't a moment I wasn't feeling unbelievable mind-numbing pleasure.

Every once in a while, they took turns sucking on different parts of my groin. Then they began to suck on my length together, with both of them sucking and licking on the sides of my shaft.

Uta then took my cock back into her mouth while Ulti gave the parts of my length that currently weren't in Uta's mouth the attention they deserved while making sure to stimulate my balls with her soft hands.

Fuck I wish Yamato was here for this. It would've been an awesome foursome. Oh well, we can always do that when we return from Eostia.

Uta soon began slamming her throat down my cock, causing her to gag and drool over my rod.

"Goddamn Uta, I knew you were a fucking whore, but this is something else," Ulti said with an amused tone.

I chuckled. "Uta's committed to draining me dry. Isn't that right, sweetie?" she hummed around my cock in confirmation. "I'll take that as a yes," I threw my head back. "Fuck! I'm about to cum!" I hissed.

I grabbed Uta's head and began slamming cock down her throat ruthlessly, not caring if she couldn't breathe. It seemed she didn't mind as I saw her fingering herself with one hand and playing with her tit with the other. Her moans sent vibrations throughout my length, which only enhanced my pleasure.

"Fuck that's so hot," Ulti praised while she was also fingering, banging herself, and playing with one of her tits.

I felt my release coming, so I increased the speed of my thrusts.

"Fuck!" I hissed as I cummed down her throat.

I released her head and turned my attention to Ulti, who looked scared and incredibly aroused by the look I was giving her.

I ripped off the remaining clothes she had on and ordered her to lean against the wall. Once Ulti was against the wall, I lined my member to her pussy, and slammed it into her.

"Fuck!" she moaned as she tightened around my member, signaling she just came.

I sank my fingers into her bubble butt and began thrusting wildly.

"I barely did anything, and you already cummed," I snorted. "And you say Uta's the whore!"

She growled. "Shut up and fuck me!"

"With pleasure!" I increased the speed of my thrusts and dug my fingers deeper into her ass.

I felt Uta's arms wrap around me, and I felt her hot breath touching my ear.

"Come on, is that all you got?~" Uta teased, causing me to growl. "I know you can do better than that, babe~."

Uta's taunting caused me to fuck Ulti so hard that her legs violently shook, to cum every few seconds, and made her scream in bliss so much that she lost her voice. If it weren't for me having an iron grip on her ass, Ulti would've been on the ground spasming.

"Fuck!" I cummed inside of her and gently placed her on the bed. My attention then turned to Uta, and I narrowed my eyes at her.

Uta looked nervous and began stammering. "H-Hey C-Crow, did I ever tell you how much I love you?"

I chuckled ominously. "I love you too," I approached Uta slowly, grinning like a madman. "However, I don't feel like telling you that is enough," I spun her around and rammed my cock inside, causing her to howl in pleasure.


I leaned toward her ear. "So, how about I show you."

After fucking Uta for several hours, she was in a similar state to Ulti. However, the difference was that Ulti could walk tomorrow while Uta would need a wheelchair for a day or two or, hell, maybe a week.

Oh well, thats what she gets for being a temptress.

(Timeskip & Lemon End)

I got up earlier than usual to see Yamato for a bit of fun time before I left. After that, I returned home, woke up the girls, and made breakfast. The three of us were now making our way towards the docks.

"Still can't believe you put me in this thing," Uta grumbed.

I was currently pushing her in a wheelchair made out of Titan Crystals.

"That's what you get for teasing me," I retorted with a grin. "If it makes you feel any better, Yamato, got the same treatment."

"Whatever," she huffed and crossed her arms.



"I looooooooove you."

"...I love you too." she tried not to smile but failed miserably.

Once we got to the docks, we were greeted by King and Page.

"Hey, King, what are you doing here?" Ulti asked.

King looked at Uta and quirked an eyebrow, making her look away, blushing in embarrassment. He shook his head and turned his attention to Ulti.

"I need to discuss something with Crow alone," they nodded and boarded the ship.

"So what's up?" I asked.

King's looked at me with a hardened gaze. "We received problematic reports concerning Eostia last night, and I'm here to warn you to be careful around the Black Dog Mercenaries, especially their leader, Vult."

"Why, what's their deal?" I asked with narrowed eyes.

"From my spy's reports, Vult is regarded as a hero among the people of the Shield Alliance and has been under their employ for several years due to the Alliance's forces being stretched thin due to being at war with Olga Discordia. However, what little did they know was that Vult, including several of their allies, plans to betray them. They intend to turn Eostia into an empire where men are the dominant power, and women are nothing but sex slaves," the longer he explained, the more heated his voice became. "Your secondary mission is to prevent that and expose Vult and his allies and then eliminate them."

On the outside, I was calm and collected, but internally, I was enraged by this information. There was no fucking way I was letting none of those fuckers accomplish their goals, and no way was I giving them a quick death.

People like Vult disgust me, and if it weren't for the fact he and his allies were respected amongst the people of Eostia, I would've killed them the moment I saw them. Unfortunately, I can't do that until I have solid evidence, and until I find said evidence, I'll have to be mindful of my actions.

Most importantly, I'll have to keep Uta, Ulti, and Mikasa away from the Black Dogs and their allies. I know they can handle themselves and are powerful in their own right, but I refuse to allow scum like them anywhere near them.

I nodded. "I understand. Anything else?"

King nodded and handed me two items. "This is the map of Eostia; several parts are marked with locations important to the Black Dogs. And the book is information on Vult, his mercenary Company, and their allies."


"Are you sure you still want to bring Uta and Ulti?"

"No, not really, but I'm not missing the birth of kids," I stated firmly. "Besides, if push comes to shove, they'll wipe the floor with whatever is thrown at them, and they'll also have Mikasa and Page to back them up."

King nodded and put a hand on my shoulder. "Good luck and be safe, alright?"

I nodded. "I will."

(Timeskip- Two months later) Location: Eostia, Hawken

"Finally, sweet, sweet land!" Uta exclaimed as she hurriedly got off the ship and walked down the docks.

I could honestly agree with her. I never liked being off-land for long periods, but I can't complain much as the journey here was more or less uneventful.

"Uta, slow down!" Mikasa yelled, chasing after her.


"Shouldn't you stop her?" Page asked. "People are staring," he pointed out, but I couldn't care less.

Besides, they're looking at me more so than her anyway, but I ignore the stares and comments.

I shrugged. "Let them stare. It's not like we're doing anything wrong."

"If you say so, bro."

"Bro?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you're going to be marrying my sister soon, and I always saw you as an older brother. Is that a problem?"

I smiled. "No, not at all. Come on, let's get everything off the ship."

Once our stuff was off the ship, I created two carriages, one for our supplies and one for us. I was at the back of the carriage on the right, loading it with our possessions, with Page helping me, but we stopped when we heard an unfamiliar female voice.


"Can I help you?" I heard Uta asked.

"Indeed, where is the individual known as Crow?" the unknown girl demanded.

"Right here," I said, appearing from behind the carriage.

The girl talking to Uta was a beautiful young woman with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She wore a forehead protector and silver-plated armor with blue accents that covered her entire body. She also had a sword strapped to her hip.

Behind her were forty equally armored and armed soldiers, with the only difference being they wore helmets.

When their gazes turned to me, they all went wide-eyed and visibly stiffened.

"A Lunarian..."

"Impossible. I thought Lunarians were extinct..."

"By the gods, he's huge..."

"His wings are so beautiful..."

"He's so handsome~."

Those were some whispers I heard from the soldiers before I tuned them out and turned my attention toward the blonde who stepped toward me.

"What can I help you with, miss?" I asked politely, giving her a friendly smile that caused her face to go red.

Quickly composing herself, the woman replied. "I'm Alicia Arcturus. I was sent here by Queen Celestine to escort you to the Citadel."

So this woman is one of the leaders of the Shield Alliance, huh? Not gonna lie thought she'd be older, but hey, I'm not complaining. She's easy on the eyes.

"That so? How'd she know we'd be arriving?" I asked with narrowed eyes, leaking a bit of my killing intent, making Alica and the men behind visibly uncomfortable.

"S-She h-has the power to glimpse into the future," she replied. "She saw you and your company arriving here at this exact time and day," I scanned her for any deceit and found none, so I ceased leaking killing intent, making Alicia and her men visibly sigh in relief.

Does Celestine have very advanced Observation Haki, or is her precognition of the magical nature?

Either way, it's pretty impressive.

"I see. Well, just give us a couple of minutes, and we'll be ready to go."

Alicia nodded. "Very well."


We had been on the road for a while, and it had been relatively peaceful. Uta and Ulti were napping in the carriage while Paige and Mikasa were steering the carriages with horses that Alica graciously provided.

While we were on the road, I kept watch for anything suspicious via my Haki. I also occasionally listened in on the soldiers' conversations, and most of them were about us, especially me.

Most of their comments were about either my looks, my wings, or how huge I was, which made me laugh. If they thought I was big, then they should see King. The guy was slightly over twenty feet, while I was barely hitting seven feet. Compared to him, I'm a fucking midget.

"U-Um Crow," I was snapped out of my musings by Alica.

I glanced at her. "Yeah?"

"Can I ask you something?"

I hummed. "Shoot."

"Earlier, before I approached your group, I saw you create those carriages out of those crystals. Was that magic?"


"Then what was that?" she tilted her head curiously.

"It's just one of my many abilities," I answered vaguely.

"Oh, what else can you do?" she asked curiously.

Seeing no harm in showing her some of my abilities, I conjured steam out of my palm and created several miniature dragons. Everyone looked in awe as they saw the dragons flying above them.

I then showed them I could also manipulate electricity and increase or decrease my size. The only thing I didn't show was my transformation, for obvious reasons.

"Since when have you been able to do that?" Page asked curiously. "Did you eat a Devil Fruit or something?"

"Nope, and I always had those powers, just never bothered to show them," I lied.

"Wait, what's a Devil Fruit?" Alica asked curiously, and we looked at her, surprised

I mean, we are in the East Blue, one of the weakest seas in the world, and where most people think Devil Fruits are a myth, so it's not that surprising she doesn't know about them.

"A Devil Fruit is a fruit that can grant you supernatural powers when eaten but at the cost of losing your ability to swim," I explained, making Alica and her men's eyes widen.

"Seriously, there's a fruit that can do that?!" Alica exclaimed.

I chuckled. "Yep!"

"What else can you tell me about them?"

"Well..." I then went on to explain everything I knew about Devil Fruits.

(Timeskip) Location: Ken, White Citadel

It took several hours to reach Ken, but when we did get there, everyone besides me was in awe of the fort. However, I wasn't as impressed as them. The fortress, in terms of size, design, and almost every category I could think of, is nothing compared to the Skull Castle.

However, I will admit that the structure was a beautifully designed stronghold with decent defenses. It's too bad they won't hold up against Devil Fruit or Haki users.

Once we were in the Citadel, everyone but I was escorted to guest rooms while I was taken directly to Celestine. I was now in a room with her and what I could assume were the other Shield Princesses. Each had various reactions when they saw me walk in.

The pink-haired one's face was about as red as the right half of Uta's hair.

The redhead looked at me like I was a full-course meal with a side of dessert.

The Wano-looking woman showed no visible reaction, but her eyes showed a mixture of awe, fear, and curiosity.

The tiny one looked at me as if I were prey and in a sexual way.

The woman standing next to Celestine looked at me with a neutral expression, but I could see her eyes were evaluating me.

Celestine, the woman herself, was looking at me as if I were...actually, it was kind of hard to describe. It was a blend of happiness, excitement, and astonishment, yet also a mix of sadness and guilt.

"Your grace," Alica respectfully bowed. "I've brought Crow as you asked."

Celestine smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Alica. Please take your seat," Alica nodded. She then looked at me. Her once bright smile was now one of sadness. "I once thought your kind was extinct...I'm glad to see that wasn't the case."

"You and your people seem to know a lot about my race. Why is that?"

"Thousands of years ago, before I became the High Queen, your kind once roamed the lands of Eostia. I even had the honor of befriending a few of them," she revealed, shocking me.

"They once roamed Eostia?"

She nodded and smiled. "Indeed, Lunarians were the original rulers of Eostia, with High and Dark Elves as their closest allies. Due to their rule, we only knew peace for thousands of years...unfortunately, that all ended nine hundred years ago..." she finished, a sad expression forming on her and everyone else's faces.

Ah, the Void Century, a period where my people were hunted like animals by the World Government...

"I see..." Changing the subject, I got straight to the point. "Anyways, let's discuss the reason why I'm here. My superior is aware of you're current predicament and has sent me to aid you in defeating Olga Discordia."

This information caused everyone to look at me in shock, and I saw hope in some of their eyes. Of course, some of them were skeptical.

"What does your superior want in return?" the woman standing beside Celestine asked.

I took out the documents and slid them towards Celestine. "His terms and conditions are all within those documents."

Celestine read through them, and after a few minutes, she looked at me and asked. "Could you please give me a moment to discuss these terms and conditions with my allies?"

I nodded and left the room.

(Third Person POV)

Once Crow was gone, Maia spoke up. "Is everything alright, your grace?" she asked, and everyone looked at Celestine.

Celestine took a moment to reply, but before she did, she sighed heavily. "It appears the Lunarian is affiliated with a group known as the Beast Pirates," she said, shocking everyone as they've heard of the group before.

However, their knowledge of them is limited.

"What?!" Alicia Shouted with rage.

She couldn't believe Crow and his companions were a bunch of filthy pirates as they didn't dress like them nor gave off the impression.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Why are the hot ones always scumbags!" Maia whined.

She was going to try and hook up with the guy later, but now that's no longer the case.

"We're not seriously considering allying ourselves with a bunch of honorless dogs, are we? It's already bad enough we have the Black Dogs under our employ," Alicia spat out venomously.

"What the fuck is that suppose to me?" Maia glared at the blonde.

Before she could retort, Claudia raised her voice. "Enough!" everyone went silent. "Please continue your grace."

Celestine explained what was written within the contract to the Shield Princess. She told them about what the Beast Pirates wanted, and in exchange, not only would Crow aid them in ending the war, but the Beast Pirates would lend their resources to help improve their kingdom's security and strengthen their military forces. After her explanation, the others let their opinions be known about the proposal.

"Are you considering their offer your grace?" Alica asked as Celestine had a look of contemplation on her features.

"Perhaps," she answered, honestly shocking everyone.

"But why?" Kaguya asked. "Pirates only care for themselves and cause nothing but suffering."

"I know, but at this point, we're running low on options. Our forces are stretched thin, and Olga's forces are getting larger and stronger by the day. If we don't act sooner or later, we will lose the war and doom Eostia," Celestine said grimly. "We need all the aid we can get, and who better than a Lunarian? You've all heard the tales of their kind, correct?" They nodded.

Lulu sighed. "I can see your point, but how can we trust the Beast Pirates won't go back on their word?"

"I acknowledge the fact we can't trust them, but would you rather make them an enemy and they go to Olga?" the high elf argued, causing everyone to grimace. "We may have little knowledge about the Beast Pirates, but if they have a Lunarian within their ranks, they're undoubtedly formidable and have connections worldwide."

"Agreed. I've witnessed some of the Lunarian's abilities, and to be frank, they're quite terrifying," Alicia added and told them what she knew.

The information they learned made everyone pale slightly.

"C-Can Lunarians normally do that?" Prim asked.

"No, they're only known for immense physical power, survivability, and ability to manipulate fire," Celestine informed them.

"Crow must be unique amongst his kind, making him even more dangerous than he already is."

"Fuck," Maia said, realizing they were fucked no matter what choice they made. "...So who's going to marry him?"

It was silent for a moment until Celestine spoke up. "I will. It's only fair, considering what I'll be putting us through," everyone looked at her, shocked.

"No, I'll do it!" Prim argued.

"Prim!" Alicia exclaimed, looking at her cousin in disbelief. "I won't allow this! You should only marry someone you love!"

The pink-haired girl looked at her cousin, annoyed. "Who says I won't fall in love with him in the future?" she argued. "I know we hardly know him, and he's a pirate, but he doesn't seem that bad. Plus, he's really handsome...." Prime blushed heavily at the end.

Everyone looked at Prim with disbelief but couldn't argue against her statement. Crow, the entire time, has been nothing but respectful, polite, and straightforward toward them. It also helped that the Lunarian naturally let out an aura that radiated warmth and serenity.

"Yeah, she's not wrong," Maia commented. "Fuck it, I'll marry him if Prim can't."

"No, I'll do it," Alica spoke.

Maia looked at her, surprised. "Seriously?"

The blonde nodded. "What Prim said was true, as, despite his occupation, he's been nothing but amicable. Besides, if I were to get betrothed, the marriage proposals I've been receiving nonstop would finally end," she added with an annoyed tone.

"Then why don't the four of us marry him?" Celestine suggested, shocking everyone.

"You can't seriously be suggesting this, your grace!" Claudia exclaimed.

"Why not? The document never stated he only had to marry one individual. This direction could greatly benefit us. Not only would we gain a powerful ally, but we'd also be doing a noble cause by aiding in the restoration of the Lunarian race," the high elf argued.

By marrying Crow, not only would they be gaining the vast resources of the Beast Pirates but also gain a massive boost in power if they were to sire Lunarian children.

After a lengthy discussion, they've come to an agreement and summoned Crow back.

"So, have you decided?" Crow asked, and Celestine nodded.

"Yes, Prim, Alica, Maia, and I agreed to marry you," Crow's eyes widened at this as he wasn't expecting to marry four women.

But he certainly wasn't complaining.

The End.

Author notes

Kuroinu characters, more specifically the female ones, will wear actual medieval armor and not whatever the fuck they had in the hentai. While I do admire the female form, as any other healthy male does, I don't like oversexualizing them. It's also a pet peeve of mine as I never understood why male characters from mmorpgs/anime/comics would look badass as hell while females look like glorified strippers. They deserve to have proper protection, too!!

Also, I hope you guys like the added lore about Lunarians once being the prominent power of Eostia and being the allies of the elves before the Void Century.

In this Arc, I plan to go in-depth about the Lunarian race and how they got nearly wiped out. I won't add too much, but enough for the readers to find out how exactly the Lunarians lost because I don't know about you guys, but the thought of Lunarians who were astronomically superior to humans in every shape or form, the ability to adapt to nearly any environment and manipulate fire but also were at the peek of their power at the time getting hunted and killed by mere humans sounds like a load of bullshit to me. Sure, there were Devil Fruits and Haki to slightly even the odds, but as stated in canon, possessing either of the powers was rare, even rarer to have both. So there's no way an army of Lunarians would lose to squishy and vulnerable humans, so I added my own twist to make things more believable.

Also, characters like Alicia, Maia, and Claudia have Haki. It just gets mistaken for magic by the common people, as they're completely unaware of the concept of Haki, so it's understandable why they would think that. Only the Shield Alliance members, magicians, and a few members of the Black Dogs can tell the differences between Magic and Haki and are aware of the power's existence.

As for Devil Fruits, I already showed that Alicia or her men had no clue what they were, so expect to see the same thing from other characters, although not everyone is ignorant of their existence.

Alright, that should be it for now.

Have a good one!