
One Piece: The Lunarian

Kaido gave Crow two choices: join the Beast Pirates and create an unstoppable army for him, or die, and he'll give his family a fate worse than death. Having no other choice, he joins but promises he'll make the Strongest Creature in the world pay. (Massive crossover, powerful mc, large harem, and other surprises.) If you don't like crossovers or harems, don't read the story!

All_Watch44 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 20:Oni's Delight

(Crow POV) Location: Wano

I opened my eyes and was greeted with the darkness of the night. I yawned, rubbed my eyes, and slowly got up so that I wouldn't wake up Uta.

I stretched a bit and got my clothes on. I then left the house and sneakily made my way toward a hidden cave that was on Onigashima.

Once I neared the cave entrance, I made sure no one was near, and when it was clear, I entered the cave and covered the opening.

Within this cave is one of Yamato's hideouts that she has across the island.

This hideout, in particular, is one of her favorites as it's the most spacious and has a waterfall with a stream beneath it.

Torches lit up the place, making it easy to walk around the area without getting lost or tripping over something. I quickly found Yamato on her makeshift bed, reading Oden's Journal.

"Hey, love," I said to my beautiful Oni girlfriend.

Yamato's ears perked up, and she smiled when she saw me. "Crow!" she squealed before getting up and bringing me into a bone-crushing hug.

I chuckled. "Careful, babe, we wouldn't want to hurt the kids," I reminded her.

When I found out both Uta would have triplets and Ulti would have twins, I inwardly joked that Yamato would have quintuplets, but I didn't actually believe that would be the case.

I mean, what were the possibilities of having another set of kids for the third time?

It had to be low, right?



My joke ended up coming to bite me in the ass. Yamato was indeed pregnant with five kids, three boys, and two girls, to be more precise.

I just had to open my big mouth, didn't I?

I didn't necessarily have a problem with the prospect. It was just surprising, thats all.

But fuck is it usual to have multiple sets of kids at such a rate?

Is this a Lunarian thing?

I'll ask King later. Right, I should worry about keeping this news on the low.

Kaido and his subordinates, except Ulti, are unaware of our relationship, and It's going to stay that way. I don't need Kaido's ass killing me before I can even meet my kids.

If he did find out and got pissed, I could throw it back in his face and say I was keeping my end of the deal, but I'm pretty sure that would only make things worse. While Kaido did say he wanted me to impregnate multiple women, I'm pretty sure his daughter was naturally off the table.

Even if she wasn't, I know his ass would still be more than pissed off with me, and I really don't need his bullshit nor to be put on life alert. It also wasn't his damn business if we fucked or not.

Plus, Keeping our relationship a secret wasn't that hard, considering Yamato avoided the skull dome like the plague and only went there if absolutely necessary.

Kaido doesn't bother to keep an eye on her because he knows she can't escape the island without risking her chains going off.

Yamato told me she'd gone several months without seeing Kaido, with the longest being an entire year, so we didn't have to worry about her being searched for anytime soon.

"Oh right," she put me down and then brought me into a soul-searing kiss. "I missed you, my love," she said lovingly.

I smiled. "I've only been gone half a day, my little Oni," I teased, causing her to blush.

She crossed her arms under her deliciously large bust and pouted. "Half a day is too long!" she said childishly.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "You're such a child."

"Am not!" she growled.

"Uh-huh, sure," I grinned, which only pissed her off more. "You're too easy to tease," I chuckled.

Yamato huffed and looked away. "Whatever."

"Aw, don't don't be like that..." I gently grabbed her chin and brought my lips to hers, kissing her passionately. She enthusiastically returned the liplock and moaned into the kiss. I then broke and looked into her beautiful orange eyes. "You done being mad at me now?"


She hummed for a moment and smirked. "Hmmm, I don't know," I felt her hand slip into my pants and gently grab my rod. "You were pretty me..." she began to slowly stroke my length, causing me to release a grunt.

"I take a simple apology won't be enough?" I asked rhetorically with an amused tone.

She smirked and kissed me before getting on her knees. "You'd be correct," she pulled down my pants, causing my rod to spring out and nearly smack her, but she managed to evade it time. "I want something more."

"And that is?"

"This," she grabbed my cock and looked at it lustfully. "God, I love this monster," she whispered before taking my entire rod into her mouth in one go.

I gritted my teeth at the blissful, near-nigh numbing sensations I felt around my sensitive appendage. It took all my willpower not to grab Yamato by the horns and ram my cock down her throat.

Letting her take charge for once is the least I can do for her.

Plus, it gives her poor throat a break from the brutal face fucking I give her.

But fuck she isn't making it easy for me.

It was even harder for me to control myself as she was currently looking into my eyes while swirling her tongue around the tip and effortlessly taking my entire length down her throat without gagging. She did all this without breaking eye contact.

It was hot as shit!

I threw my head back. "Fuck!" I hissed.

She then returned to the tip and began enthusiastically kissing and licking the sides of my shaft at a slow and soft pace, making my nerves go wild. She then went back to bobbing her head up and down my pole slightly faster.

While Yamato was sucking the soul out of my body, my balls were being gently massaged by her soft and smooth hands. She gave them the occasional gentle squeeze, heightening the bliss I was receiving by a wide margin.

Yamato then started to suck on my balls while jerking me off steadily. She gave each orb an equal amount of attention and didn't leave a centimeter untouched.

I don't know if it's just me, but I think it's ten times hotter seeing someone of Yamato's size sucking me dry than I do with a regular-sized girl.

Don't get me wrong, Uta and Ulti give me some pretty wild and amazing blowjobs, but Yamato is the soul-sucking queen. She can make me feel sensations I've never felt before and make me cum within moments if she really wants to.

I might have a giant fetish...

Oh well, it's better than having a foot fetish, thats for sure. I still can't find the appeal for that.

After several minutes of getting my soul sucked out, I feel my release coming.

"Yama-o, I'm about to--Fuck!"

Knowing what I was about to say, she sped up her pace, making my mind go blissfully blank, and soon enough, I released enough baby batter to get several dozen women pregnant into my sexy Oni's mouth.

Yamato released my rod from her mouth and looked with a seductive grin.

"Delicious," she licked her lips.

While my legs were shaky, and I felt milked for everything I was worth, my rod returned to its hardened state at the sight of her looking at me like I was prey.

I growled and quickly tore off her shirt, making her squeal in delight. I attacked her enormous tits and sucked on her pink nubs while squeezing her magnificent orbs of flesh. 

She moaned wildly; her fingers dug into my locks of hair and pushed me further into her lovely tits. "Crow...please fuck me...I can't...any longer..." she panted.

"With pleasure," I picked Yamato up and placed her on the bed.

I then tore her long skirt and panties off. She then got on top of me and grabbed my member. She angled my length toward her entrance.

She lowered herself, and we both moaned loudly at the feeling of being one with each other. We looked into each other's eyes and smiled. I then grabbed her soft yet firm ass and began to thrust inside Yamato, and she met my thrusts by ruthlessly pounding on my member without mercy.

She wrapped her arms around my beck and brought me into a passionate and tongue-filled kiss. We battled for dominance while ensuring every centimeter of our mouths was thoroughly explored, and after a long fight, I won the exchange.

She was now on top of me in a squat position and jackhammering herself on my cock like no tomorrow while moaning like a cheap whore. If it weren't for my heritage and regeneration, I'm pretty sure my pelvis would've been obliterated after a couple of slams.

"Fuck," I hissed as I felt her walls restrict around my cock. "God, your fucking pussy is so fucking tight!"

I was doing everything within my power to know cum, but it was so hard!

Yamato looks down at me and seductively grins when she notices men struggling. "Hehe, aww, going to cum already?~ How sad," she teased.

I growled and grabbed her ass. "No, but you are!!" I yelled and thrust into her ruthlessly.

"Fuck!~" Yamato screamed as she came hard.

"Aww cummed already, how sad," I teased back, looking at her smugly.

Yamato glared at me harshly and growled. "I-Is that all you got?"

I smirked.

After several hours of making Yamato cum numerous times, I felt my fifth release coming.

"Fuck," I hissed as Yamato's walls tightened around my member as I filled her insides. "Hey Yama-o..."

(Lemon End)

"Y-Yeah," she stammered.

"I love you."

She looked at me and smiled. "I loved you too," she pressed her head against mine. "Wanna go wash off in the stream?"


As we were at the shallow parts of the stream cleaning all the bodily fluid off our bodies, I informed Yamato of everything that had transpired today, and it was safe to say she was pissed.

"He's fucking unbelievable," she sighed and wrapped her arms around me. "Are you sure we can't get the others and just leave?" she asked with a hopeful tone.

Trust me, I've been thinking about doing that for a while now, but I ceased taking that thought due to our current circumstances. With how things are now, our chances of survival are low if we decide to escape today, tomorrow, next week, month, or hell, even fucking next year.

"As much as I'd love to do that...it would only end in disaster. Not only would we be on from Kaido, but we would also have to look over our shoulders constantly for other pirates, as I know he'll put a high bounty on us. We'd also have to worry about the Marines trying to capture us due to Kaido's interest in us and their interest in me. If they were to find out you're Kaido's daughter and that I have ten children on the way...they'd do everything within their power to get their hands on us. I could go on and on about the cons, but you get the idea."

Yamato sighed. "We'd be fucked," she said sadly.

"Correct. However, if you, Uta, and Ulti weren't pregnant and we had allies, I'd be more open to that suggestion, but since we don't, we have to wait."

"I know...it just sucks."

I turned around and kissed her forehead. "I know, my love, and I'm sorry you have to wait, but I promise it'll be worth it."

Yamato wrapped her arms around me. "I know...just promise one thing," she looked into my eyes.

I placed my hand on her cheek and smiled. "Anything, my Little Oni."

"...Promise me you won't become a monster like him," her voice was shaky, and her eyes were filled with worry and vulnerability. "You're the first person in a long time that ever showed me any kindness...and my first and only true love...I know the path we'll take won't be pretty, and we'll face many hardships, but please promise me you won't become like him...it's all I ask..."

"I promise," I lied and kissed her lovingly and held her tightly yet gently. "I'll be the man you three and our children can be proud of."

Yamato held me back and rested her head on my shoulder. "I know you will, and I'm already proud of you. You're everything I could ever want and hope for."

I honestly feel terrible for lying to her and betraying her trust, but the path I'll have to take is unavoidable because in order to kill a monster...

I have to become one myself...


As I said In the last chapter, I'll be taking a slight break from this so that I can work on the longer chapters without having to worry about a deadline.

So, in the meantime, I'll be putting more focus on the Silver Dragon.

That should be it for now.

Have a good one!