
One Piece: The Legend of the Star Sea

Eden Ragnell found himself in the world of One Piece. Rescued by fishermen, to feed himself he become one too. After a few months in this world, he already stopped thinking of going to the sea and becoming a pirate as he was just a weak normal human, but then he met Luffy, and from the ashes of his dreams, a new fire was born, and he becoming the Fisherman of the Straw Hats was just the start of his story. [This story follows the canon for only a few chapters, then everything change, as many butterfly effects happen, changing the story and the relationships of the characters.] [Check Out My Patreon For +20 Extra Chapters On All My Fanfics!! For $5] [www.p@treon.com/zaelum] >>[Check Out My Website! It Has +3 Extra Chapters For FREE!]>> [zaelumtranslations.com]

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Chapter 3

When Eden finally managed to bring the weak and waterlogged Luffy and the half-dead fat man back to land, he was utterly exhausted, gasping for breath with pale lips.

It was clear that saving Luffy and the fat man had nearly drained all of Eden's energy.

Initially, when Luffy sank to the seabed, it was more than a hundred meters away from the shore. This distance wouldn't usually be a problem for Eden, who could swim back and forth several times.

However, Luffy, being in the water, was completely powerless, so Eden was effectively swimming while carrying someone on his back. The water's resistance made it even more difficult.

The most challenging part was that Luffy alone was enough to make Eden struggle. As Eden swam toward the shore with Luffy, he glanced back and saw that the fat man, who had been clinging to a floating plank, had also started to sink.

The fat man was Eden's first friend in this world of One Piece, and his family had saved Eden's life. Seeing the fat man in danger, Eden couldn't just let him die.

Gritting his teeth, Eden turned back and saved the fat man as well.

So, with one hand grabbing the fat man and the other holding onto Luffy, Eden swam with all his might toward the shore.

If it hadn't been for the fact that Eden had been fishing for the past six months, strengthening his arms and body, he wouldn't have been able to pull both Luffy and the fat man back to shore.

However, this effort left Eden utterly exhausted. After saving Luffy and the fat man, he fell unconscious from sheer exhaustion.

When Eden regained consciousness, it was already evening, and he could hear a lively commotion outside.

Looking around, Eden realized he had been carried back to his house, presumably by another group of fishermen who found them unconscious on the beach and brought them back.

"Alright, time for a feast!"

As Eden sat up in bed, shaking his groggy head, he heard a loud and energetic voice.

A moment later, a person wearing a red sleeveless vest, a straw hat, and a bright smile burst into Eden's room. "You're awake! Come on, it's time for a feast. The main dish is the sea king we caught this morning. Its meat is delicious."

Damn, this guy nearly drowned this morning, and now he's acting like nothing happened, eagerly calling for a feast. His energy is terrifying.

Eden looked at the spirited Luffy in disbelief, feeling somewhat deflated in comparison.

When he moved, his entire body ached. Eden knew this was from overexertion, causing his muscles to be sore.

Hoping to rest a bit longer, Eden was dragged out by Luffy to join the feast.

"We're setting sail tomorrow, so we must enjoy ourselves today. This feast's meat is amazing."

Luffy was devouring a piece of meat bigger than his thigh while talking to Eden.

Eden, being dragged along by Luffy, wanted to clarify that he wasn't going to sea with him. However, at that moment, the fat man ran up, knelt, and hugged Eden's leg, crying, "Thank goodness you're alive. You looked like a corpse back then. I thought I'd have to attend your funeral."

"Get lost!"

Eden replied unceremoniously to the fat man. Seeing the village filled with joyful villagers, bonfires, and dancing, with everyone looking so happy, the fat man's mourning expression ruined Eden's slightly improved mood.

Villagers greeted Eden with smiles, and several young, pretty girls blushed and invited him to dance, but he declined.

It wasn't that Eden was being pretentious, but his head was still dizzy, and he worried that he might accidentally fall into the fire while dancing, which would be truly tragic.

However, one person was dancing happily: Luffy.

He was dancing with a group of girls, and as they danced, he began calling for more people to join in. He then started doing a belly dance, making everyone laugh heartily.

Watching Luffy draw a face on his belly and use his rubber body to make his stomach round, sticking chopsticks in his nose, looking extremely funny, and singing some pirate song, the villagers were thoroughly entertained.

With Luffy around, the feast was livelier than ever.

Eden had attended village feasts before, and while they were lively, none had ever been this vibrant, with almost all the villagers enthusiastically participating. Even Eden felt a bit carried away.

Eating and watching Luffy's performance, Eden asked the fat man beside him, "You can swim, so why did you nearly drown?"

As a fisherman, the fat man could certainly swim. But seeing him in such a dire situation, Eden didn't think twice before saving him.

This was Eden's first time eating sea king meat, which he found incredibly delicious and savory, making him want more.

But soon, Eden lost his appetite for the delicious sea king meat.

The fat man explained that he had started to drown because, after vomiting, he accidentally inhaled some seawater, which contained his own vomit, making him vomit again.

After vomiting, he was gasping for air with his mouth open, and a small wave hit him, sending his vomit back into his mouth, making him vomit again.

His vomiting was so violent that he accidentally cramped his leg and began drowning.

Unaware that his story had utterly ruined Eden's appetite, the fat man kept recounting his ordeal. Unable to take it anymore, Eden punched him, knocking him out.

Damn it, enough is enough!

Eden felt much better after knocking out the fat man, the nausea gone.

"Are you a Devil Fruit user?"

The village elder, seeing Luffy stretch his arm to grab meat from a plate not far away, causing the villagers to exclaim in surprise, couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, I ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi, so I'm a rubber man."

Luffy said, continuously shoving meat into his mouth and even using his long arm to snatch the meat from Eden's hand.

Eden, who had just adjusted his mindset to enjoy the delicious sea king meat, saw the meat in his hand disappear as soon as he opened his mouth.

You pig! You ate more than two-thirds of the sea king meat!

Eden picked up another piece of meat, but before he could eat it, it was snatched away by Luffy again.

Helpless, Eden had to settle for the vegetables Luffy showed no interest in.

"By the way, our village has a Devil Fruit."

The old village chief, looking towards Eden, spoke to the still-eating Luffy, "Do you want to invite him to sail with you?"

"Yes, he's very reliable. I can see that we get along well."

Luffy swallowed a mouthful of meat, causing his neck to bulge.

"Is your name Monkey D. Luffy?"

The village chief, stroking his long white beard, with a slightly hunched back and a face full of wrinkles, looked at Luffy with a piercing gaze.

"What's wrong with my name?"

Luffy, oblivious to the village chief's sharp look, asked, "By the way, what's his name?"

Without waiting for the village chief to answer, Luffy stretched his arm, grabbed a pole, and jumped in front of Eden.

Startled by Luffy's sudden appearance, Eden sprayed Luffy with vegetable bits.

"What's your name?"

Luffy shook his head, dislodging some vegetable bits that landed on the meat in his hand. After taking a bite, he said, "This meat tastes even better with these bits."

Hearing Luffy's words, Eden felt nauseous again but managed to tell Luffy his name.

"Eden Ragnell?"

Luffy muttered, then said, "That's a strange name."

Damn it, your names are the weird ones, long and complicated!

Eden thought, wanting to discuss something with Luffy, when the village chief said, "Eden, come with me. I have something to discuss with you."

Confused, Eden followed the village chief to a quiet, secluded spot.

"Over a year ago, someone entrusted a Devil Fruit to our village, saying it should be given to a suitable person."

The village chief's words made Eden's heart skip a beat. Could it be that the Devil Fruit was given by Rayleigh, who saved the fat man a year ago?

Or did Rayleigh come to the East Blue a year ago to deal with that Devil Fruit?

Eden's mind was racing with thoughts when he heard the village chief continue, "If you truly want to set sail with that man, I can give you the Devil Fruit."

The village chief's eyes gleamed as he looked at Eden, "I can tell that deep down, you long for an adventure at sea."

The village chief's eyes shone even brighter, his tone full of vigor, "This world is vast. As a man, it's normal to yearn for the endless, mysterious sea. Besides, you don't belong here. If you set sail, you might find what you're looking for. Whether or not you join him is your choice. I won't force you."

"So, what's your answer?"

The village chief smiled, as if he already knew what Eden would choose.