
One Piece: The Legend of the Star Sea

Eden Ragnell found himself in the world of One Piece. Rescued by fishermen, to feed himself he become one too. After a few months in this world, he already stopped thinking of going to the sea and becoming a pirate as he was just a weak normal human, but then he met Luffy, and from the ashes of his dreams, a new fire was born, and he becoming the Fisherman of the Straw Hats was just the start of his story. [This story follows the canon for only a few chapters, then everything change, as many butterfly effects happen, changing the story and the relationships of the characters.] [Check Out My Patreon For +20 Extra Chapters On All My Fanfics!! For $5] [www.p@treon.com/zaelum] >>[Check Out My Website! It Has +3 Extra Chapters For FREE!]>> [zaelumtranslations.com]

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Chapter 16

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[One Piece: The Legend of the Star Sea]


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"Our guns were destroyed by the weapon he threw!"

"Did you see that? The guy with the straw hat bounced the bullets back and stretched his leg so long. Another monster has appeared!"

"It's true that a monster's companion is also a monster. We can barely handle one with a strange weapon, and now there's a straw hat. Captain, we are no match for them!"

The marines panicked when they saw Eden and Luffy resolve the hostage crisis in an instant.

This time, Morgan didn't scold his subordinates. His swollen face turned even darker as he looked at Luffy. "That brat is not an ordinary person. He must have eaten a legendary Devil Fruit!"

Then Morgan looked at Eden. "You could recover from severe injuries because of a Devil Fruit too, right?"

Eden didn't respond to Morgan's words but thought to himself: He looks dumb, but he's not completely stupid.

"The legendary treasure of the sea?"

"The one who bounced the bullets back also used the power of the Devil."

"No wonder this injured guy is so tough. He's also a Devil Fruit user."

"How can we possibly face two people with Devil Fruit powers at once?"

The surrounding marines, hearing Morgan's words, looked at Luffy and Eden with fear.

"Why are you panicking? If guns don't work, use knives to kill them!"

Morgan waved his hand, ordering the marines to charge at Eden and Luffy.

"You hold them off while I rescue the others!"

Luffy, carrying Zoro's three swords, quickly ran towards Zoro while speaking to Eden.

Damn it, I'm injured. You should give me Zoro's swords and let me rescue him.

Eden was speechless. He hadn't even had time to complain when he heard Nami's voice: "Idiot, what are you waiting for? Come and save me!"

It turned out that the marines near Nami, although their guns were destroyed by Eden's nunchaku, still had their swords.

If a dozen armed marines couldn't deal with an unarmed woman, it would be a joke.

Facing the marines charging at her with raised swords, Nami decisively called out to Eden for help.

I can't be in two places at once. Do you think I'm a god?

Eden punched a marine who was rushing towards Luffy and shouted to Nami, "Get as close to me as you can and hold on for a bit!"

"You're asking an unarmed woman to fend off over ten fierce men on her own. Are you still a man?"

Nami's words made Eden want to cry. You're less than twenty meters away from me. Is it that hard to run over here? Why insist on me coming to you?

Eden didn't understand Nami's feelings at the moment. Earlier, she thought Eden would die from the gunshots, feeling devastated and heartbroken.

Now, seeing Eden alive and well, she just wanted him by her side to feel that he was truly alive and in her world.

Unfortunately, Eden wasn't a mind reader and was busy being attacked. He had no time to guess what Nami was thinking.

"Captain, the straw hat guy is untying Zoro's ropes!"

The marines, seeing Luffy's actions, quickly reported to Morgan.

"Stop him!"

Morgan knew how formidable Zoro was. If Zoro was freed, he wouldn't stand a chance against Luffy, Zoro, and Eden together, so he was genuinely anxious.

But with Eden in the way, Morgan couldn't lead the marines to Luffy quickly.

As Eden intercepted the marines, he kept an eye on Nami. He saw something fall from her hand when she was about seven meters away. She seemed oblivious to the marines chasing her and bent down to pick it up.

As Nami bent to pick up the item, the marines caught up and swung their swords at her.

"You idiot! What are you doing?"

Seeing that Nami was about to be struck, Eden panicked. He dashed to her side, pulled her into his arms, and delivered a spinning kick, knocking down the marines.

"Do you have a death wish?"

Eden genuinely thought Nami was acting strange today, completely unlike her usual clever self.

"Listen, if you're tired of living, don't wander around in front of me. If you want to die, do it far away!"

Seeing Nami's disregard for her life, risking it to pick up something, made Eden furious. He scolded her without any decorum.

While Eden was berating Nami, Zoro, tied to the wooden post, was urging Luffy, "Hey, hurry up!"

Luffy, pouting, complained, "It's so hard to untie. Damn, these ropes are really tight."

"Huh, what happened while I was out..." Koby, who had fainted from fear when Luffy got shot, had just woken up. Before he could finish his sentence, he saw a large group of marines charging at them with swords and shouted, "Luffy-san, Zoro-san, danger!"

"Wait a minute, so noisy."

Luffy seemed completely oblivious to the approaching marines and continued leisurely untying Zoro.

"Do we have time to wait?"

Poor Zoro was almost driven crazy by Luffy's unbearable slowness.

"Don't worry, with Eden here, we're safe. No one will interfere with us."

Luffy calmly reassured Zoro, unaware that the marines were closing in on them.

"Eden, that's his name?"

Zoro asked Luffy, "Don't you know he's injured? And you still asked him to hold off the marines. How can he possibly manage?"

Blocked by the marines, Zoro couldn't see Eden rescuing Nami and thought Eden was struggling due to his injuries.

"What? He's injured? How did that happen? Who hurt him?"

Luffy, wearing his red vest, was shocked. Then he said something that nearly made Zoro collapse: "I saw his back was all red. I thought he liked wearing red like me, so he dyed his back red."

"You idiot, it's blood! Blood stained his clothes red. Hurry up and untie me!"

Zoro, having a brief conversation with Luffy, was about to go crazy.

"Okay, I get it. We need to help him quickly! But which one of these three swords is yours?"

Luffy finally quickened his pace, becoming more serious.

"All three swords are mine because I use the Three-Sword Style."

Zoro glanced at the three swords on Luffy's back and explained.

"So you've decided to go against the marines and the government with us?"

Luffy grinned at Zoro. "If you don't join us, I won't untie you. You can fend for yourself. I need to help Eden."

"Are you a demon!?"

Zoro's eyes were sharp as blades. "Fine, better to try being a pirate with you guys than die here!"

"Great, you've finally agreed to join us."

Luffy smiled brightly, but Zoro was frustrated. "Now that you know, untie me! The marines are almost here!"

"You're just like Eden, so impatient. Look, I've already untied one hand."

As Luffy spoke, the marines were almost upon them. Zoro, unable to stand Luffy's nonchalance, reached out his newly freed hand and shouted, "You idiot, give me my sword!"

Just as Zoro said this, the marines swung their swords at them.

"Anyone who defies me will die!"

Morgan, slowly approaching, saw his men about to strike Zoro and Luffy, thinking they were doomed. He shouted confidently.

Morgan, having been severely beaten by Eden earlier, didn't dare to confront him again. He planned to regain his confidence by dealing with Luffy and Zoro first.

More importantly, Eden, enraged by Nami's actions, was too dangerous for Morgan, who had suffered at his hands. He chose to confront the seemingly easier targets.

But Morgan made a fatal mistake. Luffy and Zoro were far more dangerous than Eden.

Koby, seeing the marines about to strike Zoro and Luffy, was too scared to speak.

The marines' swords came down on Zoro and Luffy, but Zoro blocked them with ease.


Zoro crossed his swords, holding a third in his mouth, in a perfect Three-Sword Style stance, blocking the marines' attack.

"Ro... Roronoa Zoro!"

Morgan, his face swollen, sweated nervously as he saw Zoro easily parrying the marines' strikes.

"Wow, so cool!"

Luffy, eyes shining, shouted excitedly at Zoro's stance.

"You'd better not move. Anyone who moves dies!"

Zoro's aura, like that of a demon, terrified the marines attacking him, making them tremble and cry.

"Before we help our friend, I have something to tell you!"

Maintaining his stance, Zoro spoke seriously to Luffy. "I've decided to join you and become a pirate! Since I'm already opposing the marines, I'm a bad guy now!"

"But listen, I have my own ambition!"

Zoro continued, "I want to become the world's greatest swordsman! With that goal, reputation doesn't matter. Even if I become notorious, I want my name to be known worldwide!"

"You were the one who invited me. If you hinder my dream, you must commit seppuku to apologize!"

Zoro's words were solemn, his expression serious. At that moment, a cloud covered the sun, casting a shadow over them.

"The world's greatest swordsman, huh? That sounds great. To be the Pirate King's companion, you need at least that title."

Luffy looked at Zoro with confidence, a confidence that seemed to be part of his very being, without a hint of awkwardness.

"Hmph, you sure talk big. So your first companion must have quite a background too?"

Zoro suddenly thought of Eden. Even with his ambition to be the world's greatest swordsman, Luffy only said he was qualified. Eden must have a grand ambition as well.

"If you mean Eden, he's great at fishing. We'll never worry about running out of fish to eat."

Luffy said this while swallowing his saliva, clearly thinking of something delicious. His words left Zoro stunned. He didn't expect that the fierce fighter Eden was just a fisherman.

At this moment, Luffy and Zoro heard Eden's angry shout: "Have you two talked enough? Hurry up and help me!"

It turned out that while Luffy was untying Zoro, Eden was giving Nami a good scolding, spraying her with saliva.

To Eden's surprise, Nami just lay in his arms, not reacting to his words, seemingly not hearing him at all. But he kept scolding, feeling an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

In the future, on the Straw Hat Pirates' ship, Nami should not dare to use her "domineering" iron fist against me anymore. If she doesn't dare to retort after being scolded like this, she must be intimidated by me.

Eden thought about the bright future on the Straw Hat Pirates' ship without Nami's oppression, feeling that even the sunlight seemed brighter.

But as Eden continued scolding, he noticed that Nami was hugging him and crying, hitting his chest with her fists while crying, "I'll make you die, I'll make you die!"

Damn it, die for what? I'm still alive and well!

Eden looked at the suddenly emotional Nami, feeling perplexed. Was it really necessary to curse me to death just because I scolded you a bit?

This is his warmth, this is his heartbeat, it's real, I can feel it.

Nami thought of the scene where Eden was shot by the marines, feeling a deep fear, and couldn't help but hold Eden tighter. Her shoulders trembled, and tears streamed down her face.

Uh, what's wrong with this woman?

Eden was thoroughly confused, unable to understand what Nami was thinking.

In Eden's impression, Nami wasn't the type to cry easily. How come he had seen her cry more than once today? When did the "cat burglar" become a crybaby? This isn't logical!

Actually, Eden had saved Nami several times today, and her trust and reliance on him had grown rapidly.

At first, Nami disliked Eden because their first meeting was marked by him shamelessly groping her chest.

But during their journey to Shells Town on a small boat, Nami saw a different side of Eden. He trained tirelessly whenever he had the chance, far beyond the effort of ordinary people. This impressed and puzzled her, wondering what drove him to work so hard.

Eden would never know that during their boat trip to Shells Town, Nami had more than once considered throwing his exhausted self overboard while he was too tired to even lift a finger.

Considering how exhausted Eden was, if Nami had thrown him into the sea, he would have had no chance of survival.

But in the end, Nami didn't do it. She even took care of him a bit, sensing that he seemed to trust her a lot. This trust, where it came from, Nami didn't know, but she felt comfortable with it, causing a crack in the thick ice wall around her heart.

Having roamed the seas alone for many years, risking her life to steal treasures from pirates, Nami couldn't easily trust a stranger. Her painful childhood made her deeply resentful of the word "companion."

After landing in Shells Town with Eden, Nami hadn't had the chance to learn more about him when she was almost crushed by a falling statue of Morgan, half-saved by Eden's timely intervention.

This greatly changed Nami's view of Eden. Then she saw him, despite his injuries, trying to draw the marines' attention away to rescue Zoro.

Nami, who had always believed in mutual exploitation among companions, watched Eden fight the marines to the death, almost dying without any regret on his face. Somehow, she rushed to help him, almost getting herself killed in the process.

Luckily, Eden managed to defeat the marines and rescue her.

When Eden was about to be executed by gunfire, Nami realized how important he had become to her. Otherwise, she wouldn't have rushed out to help him, considering her hometown's situation.

Nami had countless opportunities to leave the marine base while Eden fought Morgan and the marines, but she didn't. She wanted to confirm with her own eyes that Eden was safe.

Smelling Nami's faint fragrance, Eden felt her arms tightly around him, so tight that he could clearly feel the softness of her chest.

Uh, the enemy isn't even defeated yet. What am I doing?

Eden forced himself to calm down, about to say something when he saw the marines he had kicked down getting back up and attacking again.

"Let go of me! They're attacking again!"

Eden, tightly held by Nami, couldn't fight properly and had to remind her.

"No, I won't let go!"

Nami, thinking of her impending departure to steal the Grand Line's map from the so-called immortal Buggy, felt she might never see Eden again, and stubbornly clung to him.

Sis, you're really something. Aren't you putting me in a tough spot?

Eden felt miserable. He tried to force Nami's hands off but found her grip surprisingly strong. He had to hold her while dodging the marines' attacks.

Held so tightly by Nami, Eden struggled to dodge the marines' attacks and couldn't counterattack.

Seeing Nami acting irrationally, like a madwoman, Eden didn't have the energy to scold her anymore. Talking sense to an unreasonable woman would make him look stupid.

Because of Nami, Eden could only take the hits, barely able to fight back. He wanted to call Luffy for help but heard Zoro talking to Luffy in a serious tone, so he waited for them to finish.

But as he waited and defended Nami, getting hit several times and enduring the punches, Luffy and Zoro kept talking.

Eden finally couldn't stand it anymore and shouted, "Have you two talked enough? Hurry up and help me!"