
One Piece: The Legend of the Star Sea

Eden Ragnell found himself in the world of One Piece. Rescued by fishermen, to feed himself he become one too. After a few months in this world, he already stopped thinking of going to the sea and becoming a pirate as he was just a weak normal human, but then he met Luffy, and from the ashes of his dreams, a new fire was born, and he becoming the Fisherman of the Straw Hats was just the start of his story. [This story follows the canon for only a few chapters, then everything change, as many butterfly effects happen, changing the story and the relationships of the characters.] [Check Out My Patreon For +20 Extra Chapters On All My Fanfics!! For $5] [www.p@treon.com/zaelum] >>[Check Out My Website! It Has +3 Extra Chapters For FREE!]>> [zaelumtranslations.com]

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Chapter 11

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[One Piece: The Legend of the Star Sea]


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In the East Blue, at Shells Town, Eden and Nami successfully infiltrated the Marine base. On their way, they encountered a cute little girl who was crying.

"Why are you crying so hard? Did something happen? What's your name, and where are your parents?" Nami approached the tearful girl with concern.

Eden noticed Nami's genuine concern for the girl, whose big eyes were swollen from crying.

"My name is Rika," the girl sobbed. "I made onigiri for a big brother, but a bad person stepped on it and ruined it. Now the big brother can't eat it, and I'm so sad."

"Who did that to you? Bullying such an innocent child—I won't let that person get away with it!" Nami said angrily.

"I think the one who did it is Captain Morgan's son, Helmeppo," Eden interjected. Nami paused, realizing the situation was more complicated than she initially thought. Teaching a lesson to the son of a Marine captain was no easy task.

Quickly recovering, Nami turned to Eden, "Alright, you go into the Marine base and beat up that Helmeppo guy!"

"Beat him up? Are you crazy? I can't just charge into a Marine base and beat up the captain's son!" Eden protested.

Despite sharing Rika's outrage, Eden knew his current abilities weren't enough to take on the entire Marine base alone.

Ignoring Nami's command, Eden approached the crying Rika, squatted down, and patted her head with a gentle smile. "Don't cry. I'm sure the big brother you made the onigiri for will eat it and be very happy."

"Really?" Rika stopped sobbing and looked up at Eden with teary eyes.

"Of course! The onigiri has your heartfelt care in it. Even if it's dirty, he'll eat it because he won't want to waste your kind gesture," Eden reassured her, picturing Zoro tied to a post, eating the dirt-covered onigiri with a satisfied smile, saying it was delicious.

"That's great!" Rika cheered, her tear-streaked face brightening with a smile. "Thank you, big brother and big sister. I need to go back and help at my mom's store now. Goodbye!"

Eden and Nami watched Rika run off and waved goodbye. Nami then turned to Eden, "How did you know who she was talking about?"

"Don't be silly. I had no idea who she meant. I was just trying to cheer her up," Eden replied, smirking at Nami. "For someone who likes kids so much, you sure don't know how to comfort them. That's pretty pathetic."

Nami huffed. "Yeah, right. You'll make a great dad someday."

Changing the subject, Nami led Eden through a side route into the Marine base. Meanwhile, Luffy and Coby arrived at the spot where Eden and Nami had met Rika.

By the time Luffy and Coby informed Rika that Zoro had eaten her onigiri, Eden and Nami had already snuck into the Marine base, searching for the Grand Line navigation chart.

"Listen, if we run into Helmeppo, make sure to give him a good beating," Nami whispered to Eden from the shadowy corner of a hallway, constantly glancing around.

"Why should I? And why do I have to listen to you?" Eden asked, relieved to see no one around. He had yet to spot Zoro tied up in the base.

"You owe me a hundred million Berries, remember? If you follow my lead, I'll consider reducing your debt," Nami said seriously.

"When did I ever admit to owing you a hundred million?" Eden thought, exasperated. He watched Nami deftly pick the lock of a door, swiftly entering the room, and sighed as he followed her inside.

The room seemed to be a Marine dormitory with four bunk beds and several lockers. Nami quickly rifled through the room, not finding the chart but collecting a few coins.

"This Marine base is so poor. The total money in four lockers is less than 300 Berries—you're even poorer than they are," Nami complained, glancing at Eden with dissatisfaction.

"What?!" Eden quickly checked his pockets, realizing his money was gone. "When did you steal my money?"

"Less than a thousand Berries isn't even enough to cover the interest. You owe me a hundred million, so taking a little from you isn't unreasonable," Nami said, shrugging innocently.

"Stop stealing from me!" Eden demanded righteously.

"Fine. You're so broke now, there's nothing worth stealing anyway," Nami replied dismissively.

After searching the base for about fifteen minutes and knocking out a few Marines, they finally found a lavish room with a large safe.

"This must be Captain Morgan's private room," Eden thought, noting the opulent décor.

"The safe looks pretty advanced; it won't be easy to open," Nami said, examining it.

"Can't you open it?" Eden asked.

"Of course I can, but it'll take time," Nami replied, focusing on the safe.

Suddenly, the door creaked open. Both Eden and Nami froze.

Nami hid behind Eden, who prepared to confront the intruder, only to see Luffy walk in.

"Maybe the three swords I'm looking for are here... Oh?" Luffy said, surprised to see Eden and Nami.

Eden's initial excitement at seeing Luffy quickly turned to anger, remembering how Luffy had unintentionally caused him trouble. Rolling up his sleeves, he prepared to give Luffy a piece of his mind.

But Luffy, overjoyed to see Eden, rushed over and hugged him tightly. "I'm so glad you're okay! I've been worried about you since we got separated. I'd have been sad for months and couldn't eat any meat if something happened to you."

Eden could feel Luffy's genuine relief and concern through the tight embrace. This heartfelt reaction melted Eden's earlier resentment.

Seeing Eden and Luffy hug so tightly, even Nami felt there was an unbreakable bond between them.

"It's great that you're okay! Now we can sail together happily again!" Luffy said sincerely, finally releasing Eden.

"Haha, of course, I'm fine," Eden replied, his earlier anger dissipating in the face of Luffy's enthusiasm.

"Who's she?" Luffy asked, noticing Nami.

"You! You're the one who caused me so much trouble!" Nami said, blushing as she remembered their previous encounter.

"Did I really?" Luffy asked Eden, confused.

"Yes, and you caused me trouble too," Eden confirmed honestly.

"You mean I caused trouble for both of you?" Luffy looked between them, shocked.

Eden nodded, thinking, "If you apologize, I'll forgive you."

"You two are so unlucky to be troubled by me! Hahaha!" Luffy laughed, holding his stomach, while Nami and Eden both turned pale with anger.

"How naive of me to expect an apology," Eden thought, rolling up his sleeves again as he and Nami gave Luffy a synchronized beating.

After venting their frustration, Eden crossed his arms, breathing heavily. "Reflect on your actions!"

Luffy, looking like a beaten pig, finally said, "Sorry, I really didn't mean to cause you trouble."