
One Piece; The Legend Of Madara

From the deepest level of Impel Down, the journey of the Uchiha Ghost begins to the world of One Piece. Because of the critical time he was out, Madara found himself in Marineford with many prisoners. The war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy has another flavor with the presence of the Uchiha ghost on the battlefield. ~ More Chapters; patreon.com/Sakana0

Ayaka0 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 17: The Chaos Unleashed

*Chapter 17: The Chaos Unleashed*

The once grand execution platform at Marineford lay in ruins, its fall a harbinger of the chaos that now consumed the battlefield. Sengoku stood amidst the destruction, his eyes darting through the pandemonium as Marines scrambled to locate Ace, buried beneath the debris. The air buzzed with tension, the desperate cries of Marines blending with the defiant roars of pirates as the battle raged on.

From beneath the wreckage, Ace lifted his head, a weary smile playing on his lips. "I've never seen Oyaji this angry before," he murmured, the flicker of hope in his eyes a testament to his unyielding spirit. Whitebeard's fury was not just palpable—it was a force of nature, one that demanded the attention of every soul on the battlefield.

Across the chaos, Akainu's gaze darkened, his eyes alight with a malevolent fire. "This is the perfect time to start my purge," he declared, his voice a low growl that promised devastation. His steps were slow, deliberate, each one leaving scorched earth in its wake as volcanic energy pulsed from his hands, a sinister glow that seemed to darken the very air around him.

"Arara," Aokiji sighed, his hand casually ruffling his hair as if the chaos around him was nothing more than a mild inconvenience. "Things are about to get really troublesome now." Despite his nonchalant tone, there was an undercurrent of seriousness in his voice, a recognition of the gravity of the situation.

Luffy, momentarily shaken by the tremor that had thrown him to the ground, quickly regained his footing. Marines charged at him with swords drawn, but he dodged their attacks with the fluidity of a seasoned warrior. Yet, even as he fought, his thoughts were consumed by Ace. The destruction of the execution platform had rattled him, a stark reminder of the immense power wielded by Whitebeard.

Madara Uchiha, a figure of enigmatic authority, moved with deliberate slowness through the chaos, his presence commanding and unassailable. A slight smile tugged at the corners of his lips, an expression of confidence that bordered on arrogance. Marines who dared to challenge him were dispatched with minimal effort—a swift dodge here, a precise kick or punch there, leaving a trail of fallen enemies in his wake.

Suddenly, the sky above Marineford began to change, the blue expanse giving way to an ominous orange hue. All eyes turned upward, confusion and fear rippling through the ranks as volcanic boulders rained down upon the pirate forces, each one a harbinger of fiery destruction.

Panic surged through the pirates. Even the most battle-hardened among them felt a chill of dread at the sight. Perched atop a nearby structure, Doflamingo cackled with unbridled glee, his voice cutting through the din of battle. "The admirals are losing it! Things are going to get interesting from here!" he exclaimed, his strings twitching in anticipation of the carnage to come.

"Is this Akainu's doing?" a lower-ranked pirate stammered, his voice trembling with fear.

From across the battlefield, Akainu's grin widened, his eyes locking onto Whitebeard with murderous intent. "Time for the counterattack," he snarled, the ground beneath him sizzling with the heat of his fury.

But Whitebeard remained unfazed, his towering form a beacon of unshakable authority amidst the chaos. "Why don't you light birthday candles somewhere else, you magma dog?" he retorted, his deep voice resonating with a mix of disdain and challenge.

Akainu's smirk remained, his eyes narrowing. "These flames are for your funeral, Whitebeard."

As the pirates braced themselves for the worst, a voice rang out across the battlefield, clear and commanding, cutting through the chaos like a knife.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu."

In the blink of an eye, seven identical clones of Madara Uchiha appeared, each strategically positioned around the battlefield. Their movements were fluid, synchronized, a display of skill that left both Marines and pirates alike in stunned silence.

"Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!"

The clones unleashed a barrage of fiery dragons, their blazing forms spiraling through the air to meet the descending volcanic rocks. The collision was cataclysmic, a series of explosive bursts that lit up the sky in a blinding display of power. For a moment, the battlefield was awash in a searing light, the sounds of the explosions deafening.

As the smoke began to clear, the clones of Madara vanished, leaving only the original standing amidst the stunned onlookers. He reappeared behind Whitebeard, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "This will be a party full of dancing," he remarked, his voice laced with a dark excitement.

The Marines and pirates alike were left in awe of Madara's display of power. Akainu's expression twisted with rage, the realization that Madara was now a formidable obstacle settling in. The balance of power on the battlefield had shifted dramatically, and the battle for Marineford had reached a new, more intense level.

Whitebeard cast a glance at Madara, a flicker of respect in his eyes. "Seems like you know how to make an entrance," he acknowledged, his voice tinged with a grudging admiration.

Madara's smile widened, his eyes alight with the thrill of battle. "And I haven't even started yet."

The stage was set for a confrontation that would be remembered for generations. The forces of justice and piracy were now locked in a deadly dance, with Madara Uchiha adding his own brand of chaos to the fray. The battle for Marineford was far from over, and the world would soon witness the true extent of the power that these legendary figures possessed.

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