
One Piece: The Hundred Swords Pirate [Rewrite]

Arima Koujiro, a middle-aged man who worked as a Yakuza was tired of his boring life. Being a Yakuza in modern time was not as exciting as he thinks it was when he read the stories about Yakuza in his childhood. Expecting life full of action and glorious fights with the rival Yakuza clan when he initially joined Yakuza, instead, he faced with boring ordinary office work with some "business visit" here and there to clients that late to pay their loans. On the night of his 40th birthday, he partied with a bunch of his colleagues on the penthouse apartment that he earned from his 20 years working as a Yakuza. Passed out after having too much drink, he woke up in the middle of nowhere instead of his apartment. Before he gets to process what happened and figuring out where he is, a blue hologram screen popped out in front of him with a mail sign in the middle of it. This is a story of Arima Koujiro fulfilling his dream of exciting and full of actions life that he always wanted. The cover picture is not mine, all rights belong to the artist if he wants me to take it down, I will. Disclaimer, One Piece and all characters in it belongs to GOda-sama except my OCs.

Kouhaii · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


°Trial participant detected, initiating Personal Assistant function.°


°Initiating...1%...5%...10%, confirming participant's identification.°


°Name, Arima Koujiro...Race, Human/Undead...Origin system, Multiverse-420/Earth-69.° (A/N There is no Earth-69 on Marvel multiverse, so I just create one but with no superpower people in it, for shits and giggles XD.)


°20%...30%...40%...50%, basic functions installed, please choose your Personal Assistant's type to proceed.°


°Please choose from one of these types:

1. Companion type Personal Assistant, various models available. *Expand/Collapse*

2. A.I or soulbound Personal Assistant, only one model available for each intangible Personal Assistant type. *Tap here for further details.*

3. Sentient object type, consist of wearable items and various weapons. *Tap here for further details.*

"Wait, who is this?"

I asked the voice inside my head.

°I'm the Admin of this trial, I am only here to monitor the process of the trial and managed your first Personal Assistant initiation.°


I thought, then I touched on the first type Expand/Collapse button and a new list replaced the last one.


°Companion type models divided by two different categories, please refer to the list below:

1. Animal/Pet companion, able to fight alongside you depends on the Animal species. *Tap here to test the basic features and the various species.*

2.Humanoid companion, able to fight alongside you depends on the model you chose. *Tap here to test the basic features and the various models.*

*Tap here to return to the previous display.*

I returned to the first page to check out the other two. The A.I and Soulbound type are basically a Technological type of Personal Assistant for the A.I, and a Magical type of Personal Assistant for the Soulbound. The A.I only had one model with various themes like Super advanced A.I, Cyberpunk A.I, and etc.

The Soulbound one got a few models like a floating spectre that only visible to me, an A.I like one but without the screen and stuff, just the sound inside that can monitor my body state and my surrounding, the other models are a few ethereal creatures just like the spectre.

The third type is self-explanatory, so I tapped the first type again to try out the various models, and try to find out their pros and cons. I tapped at the Animal/Pet companion, and another list showed up.

°Animal/Pet companion, please choose from the categories below to proceed:

1. Normal species. *Expand/Collapse*

2. Ancient/Extinct species. *Expand/Collapse*

3.Mythical/Mythology species. *Expand/Collapse*


-You will receive the animal starting from their infancy stage, and the growth rate depends on its species.

-The animal still needs to be fed.

-The animal will regain intelligence the moment you receive it, but you still need to take care of them.

Even though I need to raise the animal from an infant, I still tried to look at each category of the species. I started with the normal species and tried each type of animal available, there were various species with their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, a normal house cat only able to sense their surrounding areas, and being cute or annoying at the same time.

I tried each few more of the normal species, and I also can adjust their age only for testing purposes. I tried dogs, they had a great sense of smell and can be used for tracking or hunting, some dogs can help me fight, wolves are the better version of the dogs, but their abilities are better in a pack, so a lone wolf for a companion is not that great.

I tested the other two categories, for Ancient species I tried a few that I knew from a documentary I watched, it was not that great but not bad either, I basically had no knowledge about them, if I wanted to check them out thoroughly, I may be going to spend a few hours on this category alone, maybe the same with the last category.

I contemplated for a while on the Ancient category before deciding to go through the category to make sure I did not miss something useful or just skimmed it and did the same with the last category. Suddenly the voice interrupted me and said.

°I can help you sort out the animals based on what criteria you want to look for.°

'That's cool.'

I thought, then picked some basic criteria that I needed, for an animal companion or companion in general to filtered out the countless animals in the list. I started with basic battle oriented animals and made the list show the strongest based on their battle capability at the top of the list.

I picked the top five of each criterion I set up for the Ancient species and a few of the Admin's suggestions to try, I also did the same with the Mythical species. I finished the two categories in thirty minutes and got the conclusion that the difference between the three categories was the strength that the animals had, normal animals were...well, normal, and the Ancient were much stronger and had the ability that the normal animals didn't have. As for the Mythical animals, they had superpowers and various unique ability for each species.

I kinda preferred the normal species, because they were better than their Ancient ancestors, they evolved for a reason after all. The only Ancient animals' advantage over normal animals were, they were stronger. As for the Mythical species, they were great, but because I had to take care of them as a pet until they were able to take care of themselves, I just didn't feel like it would be easy to do, they were a myth after all, I didn't know what to do with them.

I moved on to the Humanoid companion, the Humanoid companion was pretty simple, all I had to do was choose the gender or I can do a genderless, then create him/her or it based on my preferences.

I opened the Humanoid creation menu, and I found out that the creation process was limited by points. Make sense, if there was no limitation, I could just create someone that an expert at anything. I tried different combinations to maximise the one hundred points of limitation.

At first, I tried to make a smart but also reliable in a fight type companion, I spent over two hundred points to make a pretty smart and good at fight companion. It was way over budget, but I can compensate that with adding negative traits to my companion, which is a counterproductive way to create a useful companion.

I contemplated for a while to think of a way to create a useful companion, having an empty stomach also not helping since I just woke up an hour ago and only drank a cup of tea. After a while, I thought of an efficient way to create a useful companion, my strats was basically picked one great main trait, and a good secondary trait then balances it with some negative traits that would not affect the two positive traits.

You might be wondering, why I put so much effort to create the Humanoid companion while there are other types to choose from. Well, because I think that a Humanoid companion was the most suitable choice for me, for my current plan at least.

After deciding the strats for my min-maxing decided, all I need to do was picked two positive traits that will benefit me for the long run. My first choices that popped out of my head were, a smart first trait and a fighting ability secondary trait, but a smart trait was a broad way to define a great trait I thought to myself, a smart human was just...smart, he/she might be smart but not as smart as a human that specialize in a specific area.

 Before you guys screaming about the genius trait, let me just tell you right now, there was no genius trait available, why? Because I'm the main focus of the trial, not my companion, or whatever the Admin said a while back when I asked her about the trait, even though it will be a perfect trait for my companion because what I lacked was on the brainpower department, but it is what it is.

So I needed to pick a trait that I didn't have for the first trait, I browse through the list with the best traits at the top of the list, tons of great traits listed both from brainpower and physical power department, I narrowed the list further by making the list only show the traits that belong to the brainpower department.

Even after narrowing down the list into a single department, the great traits that showed up were massive, so what should I do to make it easier for me to search what I want? Yep, narrowed it down even further. I checked out knowledge and skills that I didn't need, after a few minutes of nitpicking the traits that I didn't want, I was left with ten traits that caught my attention.

The top three were Medical knowledge, Espionage, and Military trained, the other five traits were a few of the branches of the top three traits on the list with two different traits, which was culinary knowledge, and craftsmanship. But the traits that I really liked were Medical knowledge and Military trained because both traits work well together.

As for why I prefer Military trained over Espionage was because, if I picked Military trained as the primary trait, the trait will consist a little bit of espionage knowledge in it even though it was not as good as if I picked the trait that specialises in espionage. Also, with Military trained as the primary trait which I planned to spend the most point on, I will get a great trait that I can develop further to a certain area that I need.

I selected the Military trained trait for my primary, then Medical knowledge for the secondary. All I need to do now was deciding if I wanted to go balls deep with these two traits and spend 100 points for both great traits then balance it out with some pretty bad negative traits to make room for some eye-appealing appearance traits because.

Because let's be honest here, I want my companion to pleasing to the eyes of others and myself. Or I can pick one great trait with the other one only a good trait, and spend only 80 points for both then made my companion looks good then balance it with a few minor negative traits to round up the number.

I fell into deep thought again from the two options, both had its pros and cons, the first choice pros were, instant expert on both traits, more free time for me instead of helping my companion to develop his/her traits, looks good. The con was simply the negative traits were kinda bad, from what I saw from the negative traits that I can choose to balance out the point for me to make room for appearance traits, they were pretty troublesome.

On the other hand, the second choice pros were, my companion would be most of the time well mannered and easy to manage, looks good, of course, and the con was definitely the time I would spend to help him/her to develop the trait that on the lower scale. Why should I develop the traits to an expert level you ask? Well, both Medical and Military traits were great together as I said earlier.

I tried out the first option with different negative traits hoping maybe I could find the right setup that might be not too troublesome and still manageable for me. But goddamn they all sucks ass, the negative traits were simply bad, it varies from PTSD, various mental illness, and etc.

Maybe out of pity or just because I was taking too long choosing my Personal Assistant, the Admin chimed in and said.

°I can help you with your specific option actually, there's a character from another Multiverse that has the same traits you choose.°

"Really? There should be some negative traits to balance the scale right? Just like you said, everything is within the scale no matter how good they are."

I shot back at her, because if I can't create a companion that I want without flaws then her suggestion might not be too far off from the one that I just created.

°Ooh, there are flaws, but not too glaring like yours, do you know about Dr John Hamish Watson? °

"Hmm...maybe, wait...John Watson? Like the one from Kanon Sherlock Holmes?"

I thought of an old memory, about my ten years old self, reading Sherlock Holmes stories at night before going to bed.

°Correct, you can try him out from the character template section.°

The Admin briefly replied. I then went back to the main page of the Humanoid section then looked for the character template. I opened the page, look for Dr John Watson, and try him out (not in a weird way). A middle-aged gentleman appeared in front of me, he wore a blacked-out suit with the vest inside and everything, a top hat on top of his head, a gentleman moustache on top of his lips and holding a cane with his hands.

He stood there silently, staring at me, probably waiting for me to talk to him or something. From a first look, I can tell this man was too gentlemanly to become my companion, and I pretty much sure that we will not match at all, I'm not Sherlock Holmes, he was Holmes' partner for a reason, even though his traits and abilities were the one that I was looking for, his character that made me decided to cancel the trial and went back to create my own companion.

 Before I was able to tap the back button, The Admin interrupted me again and said.

°There is another version of Dr John Watson, this time she's from your Multiverse, her name is Amelia Watson.°

"There is a female version of John Watson from my Multiverse? Why I haven't heard of her?"

I asked her because there were no books or movies that depicted John Watson as a female, even with gender equality shit show in the Hollywood, I never heard about the female remake of Sherlock Holmes movies or books.

I searched for Amelia Watson on the character template, I found one and I read her description. Amelia Watson, a Virtual YouTuber(Vtuber) under the agency of Hololive an Idol Vtuber group. 'What the fuck is a Vtuber' I Idol group, but I never heard of Vtuber before, so I tapped on the word Vtuber then an explanation popped up.

I read the explanation and found out what Vtuber mean, It was basically a person acting as an anime character by using a digital avatar generated by computer graphics, then streamed various types of videos on YouTube. I went back to her description and read it all like her age, which is nineteen years old, positive and negative traits, and etc. She got the Medical knowledge and Military trained traits which is good, but both traits were on the basic level because she's still a youngling.

She was not bad, but not that great either I thought to myself when I was about to reach the last line of her description, then on the last line, she had another trait, a trait that can't be picked if I had to create my own companion. The trait was a fast learner trait, and it was a unique trait because of her character background as the female counterpart of John Watson.

'She could work.'

I thought to myself then tapped the button to try her as a companion. A rather short blond young lady dressed in a white blouse with a small red tie on, short red skirt with medium size square pattern on it with the line coloured a darker shade of red and two white lines decorated the lower part of her skirt, a pair of stockings that reach her lower thighs exposing just enough amount of skin, she wore a pair of standard school shoes? I don't really know, looks like one to me, and top it off she wore a fancy early 1900s beige cape/jacket, both I think, whatever I don't know about 1900s fashion. Oh yeah, she got two syringes strapped on her left thigh, sigh, knowing that Sherlock Holmes was drugged most of the times in the original books, I kinda knew what those syringes were for.

I told her to do various things based on her traits using the trial simulation, she did fairly well for basic level traits. I converse with her after that testing out her interpersonal skills and whatnot, at first her Japanese was mediocre, I need to spoke using both Japanese and English to make sure she understood what I was saying, I can speak English pretty well from years of my interaction with some Gaijin that did business with our family. 

Then gradually over time, her Japanese improve to a pretty good level for a half that born and raised in the UK, her unique trait helped her a lot there, I can help her to become an expert in a few years, eeeh…probably, if I can found a teacher or maybe books about medical and military knowledge.

We both stood there on the beach facing each other, with me thinking if this the perfect choice or not, and Amelia just stood there silently waiting for me to talk or gave an order, her emotions and personality were locked during the trial to make sure I can test her without her nagging about everything. A nice feature I would say, because the negative traits can be a bitch sometimes.

After thinking for a few minutes, I dismissed the trial and tapped the button to choose her for my companion. You might be wondering why I decided to choose her instead of the original Watson or create my own, well, I planned to explore the world, I need someone I liked to be my companion, and I liked her. She was chatty, full of energy, and she was hella cute for a half (not that I was into woman half of my age), sooo...yeah, she seems fun.


°Companion chosen, initiating the 2nd half of the Personal Assistant function, 60%...70%...80%...90%...100%. Completed, Good luck for the participant on your trial.°


With a last beeping sound, the screen and voice of the Admin were gone.

"Woops…hello, are you my new partner?"

A young British lady called out to me in English from behind me.


Author Note/Rants

SMH, this chapter should've released yesterday. I finished writing it like 2 days ago and when I was writing I was like

I'm going to try something fancy, so I did some bold and italics shit then centred paragraph for some of the sentences, and also bullet points.

But Inkstone wants none of that shit, everything turned into a mess once I copy and pasted it, even before I got the chance to edit and proofread it. So I just fuck it all and left the chapter in the draft and went to watch Pewds stream.

Anyway, this second chapter supposed to had more interaction than the Admin and creating companion, but somehow it stretched into 3k words just from the creation phase alone, and I planned a 4 phase for this chapter.

Soo...welp, I guess you guys can expect a pretty fast update for the third one, or maybe don't expect for a faster release, my writing pace is garbage.

Well, hope you enjoy the chapter and I'll see you on the next one.