
One Piece: The Demon of the Seas

In a big and rich family, where there are more than three legitimate sons, and they are told to compete against each other for the right to be the head. What do you think will happen if the youngest one appear to be tough match for the others? Of course, they're going to eliminate him. But given a chance to live another life, in another world and in another body! Our main Character will try his best to survive and live his life to his fullest. _____________ This is a One Piece Fanfiction, so i don't own any of the characters except the ones i created of course. _____________ I'm kinda busy with studying in week days so I'm only going to upload chapters on Weekends. One on Saturday and one on Sunday. We will see in the future if I can increase the release rate. _____________ I hope you'll enjoy reading this novel. Thanks for coming by.

Taf · Anime & Comics
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I want to be that kind of pirate!

What kind of information did you gather?"

When they settled down Buggy went straight to the main topic. He was not the type of person to beat around the bush when talking to someone. He is not the type of guy that would hesitate when telling something or asking someone a question.

"I'll go first"

Osamu said as he took out two neatly drawn maps out of his pockets. He gave it to Buggy and stated to report.

"As you told, me to I went outside to draw the card of the village. It was kind of easy since nothing or no one tried to interrupt, so, I finished drawing a basic map of the village, it took me about two days to do so. When I finished, that, I decided also to draw the map of the whole South of Balmoral Village."

In the south of Balmoral village. I found a small group of bandits there, they have 20 people, and their chief does not have a bounty."

Osamu frowned, 'there was actually bandits inside the forest'. He never imagined that they would be so close to them. That means that the village is in constant danger of being raided without any notice.

"Did you find anything else about the bandits?"

Buggy did not want this group of bandit to stay there, they are a threat to the village. Plus twenty, is a huge number, in this village except for Uncle Jin, Achille's father -who is a hunter-, Achille, Osamu and Buggy himself, none of the rest can fight against bandits. Most of them have never fought in their lifetime and even if they did it would not have been a battle to the death.

So, he wanted to get as much information as possible and find a suitable plan to eliminate them. He has not been in the world for long, so, he did not want to be killed by a surprise attack made by puny bandits on a small island.

"No, I just avoided them and continued drawing the map of the rest of the Island. Eventually, I managed to finish it in one week. These two maps are the ones I thought you would be the most interested in on the Island. I know that you would want to eliminate the bandits, so, I focused on the surrounding area. For the other one is the map of our village."

Osamu finished his report and everybody in the room was silent, of course, they were all thinking of ways to successfully eliminate the bandits. Right now they have Achille who can slay two black bears at the same time, Osamu who is close to that level, Achille's father who is much stronger than his son and Buggy who has fought a lot of deaths battles -against assassins- in his past life, plus Buggy still has the old proprietor of the body's experience.

Only Uncle Jin is average regarding fighting, but at least depending on how Osamu described the bandits he could take at least one or two bandits at the same time.

"That's quite good, we'll need to talk about the bandits, we can't put this village in danger after all your families live here. Plus I don't like the fact that they can sneak on us any time they want".

They both nodded at that statement. Being sneaked on would be a hassle to handle. They were still thinking about how to eliminate the bandits when Buggy signaled Achille to give his report on what he was doing in the past week.

"You mainly told me to search for materials we can use for used to make weapons for our uses. Well, apart from the Wood that is abundant and which the three of us used to train our physical strength by cutting it there is mine full of ores. We can sell them to Uncle Jin and gain some money also you can use them for making weapons"

The fact that Achille found a mine was a really great help since Buggy would not have to buy any ores until the ones in the mine are completely exhausted.

"That's good, I can use that to train and make weapons for us until the Ship is finished."

Said Buggy. Making the Ship will take a lot of times, first, they have to find sturdy enough materials, so that, the Ship would survive long enough on the seas. Second, they need to make the Ship big enough to at least be bigger than the Going Merry of the Straw hats in the original show and finally, they need to train more.

Since the three of them plan to travel alone without anyone else, for now, so, they need to be strong enough to be able to survive against the attacks of the enemy pirates.

"I have a question though! Has any of you killed a human before?"

Achille and Osamu were both stupefied by that question, Osamu was the one who answered the question.

"Yes, we've already killed!"

"Can i have more information on that?"

"Sure it was two years ago when we were both 13 years old. We accompanied our two fathers and Uncle Jin to our neighbored Island to buy some materials for crafting. While on the sea we were attacked by a pirate ship. Unfortunately, they killed both my parents and Achille's mother, but the rest of us survived. I did not sleep for the next three weeks after that day because of the gore experience. Since we returned Achille's Dad started to train with both of us.".

Tears started to flow down his eyes as he sat down, Achille, on the other hand, broke one of the chairs in the room to stop Osamu for talking anymore. Hearing their experience Buggy was a little puzzled, they were attacked by pirates and lost their loved ones against them so why do they want to be Pirates themselves. That didn't make sense to Buggy, so, he decided to ask the question.

"Why do you want to become pirates then, didn't they kill your loved ones?"

It was a little direct but knowing Buggy the other two knew that he would do that, for the last two weeks they knew each other, they became accustomed to him being always direct even at the most sensitive situations.

"I don't know about Achille but there is something that I've always thought to calm myself down whenever I remember that moment. Whenever there is someone bad there is someone good. Like on this Island, there are bandits and normal villagers. The villagers are mostly good people, but the bandits are bad people, we all live in the same village and are not the same some are good and others bad so that must be the case in every other places. Like the marines, not all of them are good people, I've already seen a bad one myself in Vertilla Island. So following that logic there might exist some good pirates that don't cause destruction anywhere they go.

I want to be that kind of Pirate!"

This is the third chapter i hope you like it. also the last paragraph, i did not get the right words to explain what Osamu tried to say so i hope that understand what he tried to say.

Also, i'm gonna upload only on Saturday and Sudays, one chapter on saturday and one on sunday. I hope that will be enough.

See you tomorow

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