
One Piece: The Demon of Fire

Our MC dies and is transmigrate in the world of One Piece, in the body of an old man with the appearance of Yamamoto from Bleach, and receives his template, the bad thing is that he appears at the time of the Ohara Incident surrounded by 10 marine ships about to destroy the island. How can he survive in the face of this catastrophe?

GodaSensei · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

“Hadō #96”

His target is Sengoku as he is a much more important person and in the future, he will be a Fleet Admiral. By creating the Soul Society and the Revolutionary Army his clashes against the World Government and the Marine will only increase.

So it is best to get rid of Sengoku here, if you kill him you can buy a mythological zoan type devil fruit, although the electricity logia type fruit is powerful he prefers a mythological zoan.

Besides, he knows that the logia fruit of electricity shortly will be possessed by Enel and its location is in the sky islands, he can head there to kill him and get the fruit or he could even recruit him, but he will decide that in the future.

"One down, now let's finish Sengoku the Buddha" said Yamamoto to Dragon who understood that he wanted to get rid of Sengoku here.

*Damn, those weird tricks again!* thought Sengoku who caught a glimpse of the black cloth that captured Magnus.

Yamamoto and Dragon rushed towards Sengoku who was close to them, *We must finish him here before Magnus returns to the fight, I estimate it will be in about 10 minutes* thought Yamamoto while looking at the time left on the 50% strength card.

*15 and a half minutes should be enough time* thought Yamamoto.

Dragon swung one of his fists at Sengoku. His fist was also infused, *Well it was obvious that as Luffy's father and Garp's son, he also possessed Conqueror Haki* thought Yamamoto as he used Shunpo and appeared behind Sengoku.

Sengoku didn't hesitate as his huge golden fist also infused with Haki hit Dragon, both fists collided and created a huge collision and pressure in the air.

Yamamoto noticed that Sengoku was slowly gaining the upper hand and without standing still, he attacked, "Hitotsume: Nadegiri" pronounced Yamamoto as he slashed his hand in the direction of the Buddha's back.

His hand was imbued with the flames of the mera mera, if he had his Zanpaku-tō or even a good sword he could increase the damage by far.

Sengoku could do nothing to evade this attack, a powerful fire slash impacted his back damaging him and creating a large wound. Even though his defense was very powerful, he could not stand still and let them attack him freely.

Sengoku made a grunt of pain, he felt in his back a great burning. Dragon took advantage of this and ended up winning the collision sending him flying, while he went back many meters like a comet, Yamamoto threw 3 consecutive fireballs at him.




The 3 fireballs hit accurately despite the speed at which Sengoku was flying backward.

"SENGOKU ADMIRAL!" shouted many marines unable to believe their eyes.

"Where is Admiral Magnus!" exclaimed Komei who was too far away to go rescue Magnus.

"Vice Admiral Tokikake already jumped into the sea, it's a matter of time before he rescues him" replied a nervous Marine.

Miraculously Sengoku managed to stop himself before falling into the sea, however, he was in a bad state, and the biggest wound was the cut that Yamamoto caused on his giant back.

It was a diagonal line that spanned his entire golden back, the blood was dripping and you could see that the fire was still actively burning in his flesh, causing him more pain.

Before he could do anything he felt two presences close to him, Dragon and Yamamoto had already arrived.

Without a word, Dragon imbued his fist with the conqueror's haki and struck at Sengoku from a distance. This blow created a shockwave downwards.

*That punch... Garp!?* thought Sengoku in confusion as he prepared to defend himself.

Sengoku activated all his possible defenses, this attack was very powerful and he was only a few meters away from the sea, he could not under any circumstances fall, and he had to hold on no matter the cost.

When the blow hit Sengoku it created a powerful explosion, towering waves of the sea were raised.

Yamamoto had to dodge the water, so as not to be weakened as he also possessed a devil fruit.

Dragon did not hold back at all in this blow, even though he knew that Sengoku was his father's friend, he would show no mercy.

*I hope he didn't die...* thought Yamamoto while watching from afar, after the waters calmed down he noticed Sengoku's figure standing, miraculously he managed to stay in the air using Geppo and not fall into the sea.

However, his once majestic figure was now full of wounds and his appearance was not good, Yamamoto knew immediately that it was time to act.

Using Shunpo he appeared at the same height as Sengoku and threw a mini sun at him. This mini sun hit Sengoku and began to lift him into the air. Yamamoto did not want Sengoku to fall into the sea, as he must make sure to kill him himself.

If Magnus returns, and his card runs out they will be put in a bad situation and he could be saved by one of the vice admirals or marines who are observing the battle.

Sengoku continued to soar in the air while trying to defend himself from the hot mini sun with his golden hands, this time he felt a greater pain when he touched the mini sun with his hands, since due to his wounds his defense was lowered.

In a moment Yamamoto closed his hand and another explosion occurred, only this time it caused great flames and immense heat.

After the explosion passed, Sengoku could be seen still standing, his figure was more deteriorated than before, and he had many burns, and wounds because of Dragon and the big cut that Yamamoto caused in his back.

*Damn... Why does he have so much defense?* thought Yamamoto annoyed.

Sengoku was breathing heavily and had many wounds dripping with blood, he never thought he would end up in this state. The biggest miscalculation was Dragon's presence, at first he didn't know who it was because he was wearing a hood, but now he knew who it was.

The son of his best friend never expected to find him here. And worse, together with the fire demon.

Komei seeing this situation quickly jumped and started to head towards the place of the fight, if he did nothing it would be the end of Sengoku, however, while he was heading there he noticed a giant fist heading towards him.


He managed to defend himself in time, but he fell back many meters, "Saul you fucking traitor!" shouted Komei angrily as he saw Saul blocking his way.

*Magnus may arrive at any moment, I must finish him now* thought Yamamoto as he moved using Shunpo.

Without a hint of hesitation, Yamamoto concentrated his Reiatsu on his own body, preparing for a necessary sacrifice to eliminate Sengoku once and for all.

"Hadō #96 Ittō Kasō (Solitary Leaf Cremation)" whispered Yamamoto with determination.

An intense glow erupted from his being, and a gigantic column of flaming Reiatsu sprouted from beneath his feet. The pillar took the shape of a giant katana blade, this blade was immense and scorching, as if forged in the flames of hell itself.

Sengoku, seeing this incredible power and gigantic katana, understood the gravity of the situation he was in. Saul and Komei's fight stopped as they noticed the giant katana and both looked at it in disbelief.

The marines looked at this with fear on their faces, they had never seen anything like this in their lives and they were marines who were trained at HQ and faced New World and Grand Line pirates every day.

On Yamamoto's ship, everyone stared at the towering giant katana with wide eyes, unable to modulate a word.

Sengoku tried to react, but the intensity of Reiatsu's giant katana and the accompanying scorching heat prevented him from moving quickly, he could tell that this time the fire was much hotter than Yamamoto's previous attacks.

Reiatsu's gigantic katana slashed toward Sengoku, escape was impossible due to its enormous size and the difficulty of movement that the Buddha had. Sengoku launched a flurry of blows and shockwaves in a desperate attempt to stop the attack, but the flames of the Ittō Kasō were relentlessly making their way towards him.

"DAMN!" cried Sengoku as he was engulfed by the giant katana.

The impact was devastating, and an explosion of flames and energy shook the sky, far more powerful than any other attack launched so far.

The sea itself trembled and a great shockwave spread everywhere.

As Yamamoto wondered if this attack had been successful and succeeded in killing Sengoku, a bell rang in his mind.