
One Piece: The Demon of Fire

Our MC dies and is transmigrate in the world of One Piece, in the body of an old man with the appearance of Yamamoto from Bleach, and receives his template, the bad thing is that he appears at the time of the Ohara Incident surrounded by 10 marine ships about to destroy the island. How can he survive in the face of this catastrophe?

GodaSensei · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs


After finishing his training the day passed quickly and Yamamoto went to sleep to start the second day.

Early in the morning, he woke up feeling his body more fatigued than yesterday, because of all the hours of training, yet he felt he could train at the same time as yesterday.

He performed the same routine as day 1, trying to replicate the same times or even improve them a little.

When the clock struck about six o'clock in the evening he finished his training routine. In total, he trained for about 10 hours and rested for 2 hours in between, which was mostly to cook and write down all the details of the training in his book.

Again Olvia at noon invited him back for lunch with Robin and Apis, who were excited to start their Kidō training, although until they could use a basic Kidō spell it would be a long time.

Before going to get Robin, Apis, and Olvia, he went to take a quick shower finally, he went to get Olvia and the two girls to go train.

Knock, knock.

After a few seconds the door was opened, "Yamamoto-sensei we were about to go get you" said Olvia who was the one who opened the door.

"Yes, yes let's go I want to do magic!" said Apis from behind excitedly while jumping.

*Let's see how long that emotion lasts...* thought Yamamoto while imagining the scene of Apis trying to meditate or feel the spiritual energy.

He knew that this kind of training of the mental type would be very difficult for a boy or girl, who is still immature and has a very mischievous character. There may be exceptions like Robin, but they are few.

"Ok follow me" said Yamamoto as he started walking towards the forest, Olvia, Robin, and Apis started following him eager to start the training.

Once they reached the forest, Yamamoto ordered them to sit in lotus position, while he was standing at a medium distance to start with his explanation.

"Before starting with the training you must be clear about some concepts..." Yamamoto began explaining.

"To use Kidō or what Apis calls magic you must have a strong Spiritual Power. This is a power aligned with a person's spiritual sensitivity and will. In simple terms, if you fail to feel and utilize spiritual energy you can't succeed in using Kidō, any doubts?" finished Yamamoto's explanation.

"Yes, yes I understand let's start" said Apis with a smile.

Yamamoto's gaze was diverted to Apis and he could understand that this girl had not understood a word of what he had said, "Must we get spiritual power to be able to use Kidō?" asked Robin to which Yamamoto nodded satisfied with her understanding.

After Olvia asked about some doubts about the Spiritual Power, they started with the training, first separating each one at a considerable distance, since it was best that each person had their space so that they could concentrate.

As it was not easy training, Yamamoto first explained the first exercise of phase 1, which he was performing. Then he went to each one in particular, to see how they were doing and to give them some indications if they had any doubts.

In Olvia's case, she understood the exercise the first time and she was doing it well, so he did not have to intervene or explain anything else, the only thing he could do was to wait until Olvia noticed a change in the intensity of energy in her hands.

On Robin's side, Yamamoto gave her some advice to help her and after that, she started with the exercise.

The case of Apis was the most difficult, first of all, he had to explain the exercise several times because she did not pay attention to his explanation, once he got the girl to close her eyes and start the exercise after 5 minutes she opened them again with an expression of boredom on her little face.

"What's wrong are you tired already?" asked Yamamoto who was sitting a little farther than Apis when he noticed that she stopped performing the exercise.

"Yes it is boring~" replied Apis while yawning.

"Come on grandpa teach me the magic spell directly will you?" said Apis as she stood up and started pulling Yamamoto's arm.

*This girl...* thought Yamamoto not knowing what to answer, he didn't think he would last so short in training. She couldn't manage to complete phase 1, no worse exercise 1.

"I already said it's impossible to cast spells if you don't master these steps first" Yamamoto replied shaking his head.

"Tch how boring then I'm off" said Apis clicking her tongue as she started walking in the direction of the village.

*This brat changes her personality so fast when she can't get what she wants anymore...* thought Yamamoto.

When he first met her Apis' personality was a bit shy and cheerful, but quickly this personality was changing to more and more mischievous and teasing.

"Don't you want to have more animal friends?" said Yamamoto, when Apis heard this she quickly turned around and looked at Yamamoto with excitement in her eyes, she knew this could only mean one thing.

"Really!? Will you help me make a new friend!?" exclaimed Apis excitedly as she hugged Yamamoto, *Look how his attitude changes so fast* thought Yamamoto with a strange expression.

Yamamoto remembered Apis' devil fruit of being able to communicate with animals, so far she only had 2 animal friends which were the two birds that one of them helped to get through the fog.

Other than those two she had no other animal friends, as it was very dangerous for an 8-year-old girl to be able to befriend them if they are fierce adults or run around in packs.

Yamamoto had some ideas in which this fruit could be very useful, if Apis befriended a lot of birds like the ones before, they could monitor the whole island from the sky and alert him for any abnormality. For that first of all he must know the current limits of Apis with her devil fruit, how far is the distance in which she can communicate, etc.

"Yes, I will help you get a new friend" said Yamamoto as he pulled Apis away from him and started to go deeper into the forest in search of animals.

"Good" said Apis with a smile as she followed Yamamoto.

As for Olvia and Robin, he knew that their help was no longer needed, as they had understood the first exercise and this would take them longer than it took him. Since they had no Spiritual Power.

"Tell me what animal would you like as a friend?" asked Yamamoto as he walked through the forest.

In this forest, there were no great threats to his current power, especially because of his devil fruit. What he needed to pay attention to most was protecting this elusive girl.

"Mm I don't know... make it cute I guess" Apis replied with a finger to her chin.

"How did you meet those two birds that helped us get to the island?" asked Yamamoto.

"Their names are Milo and Dama. I met them when they were babies that had fallen from their nests" replied Apis as she recalled the encounter with her two friends.

*That's the key* thought Yamamoto. They had to find an animal that was a baby and had no mother so that Apis would take action and act like a mother, this way the little animal would consider Apis as its mother and would follow her orders to the letter.

As they continued walking through the forest they heard a big rumble, coming from a few meters ahead, "Let's see, try to be quiet" said Yamamoto thinking that this would be their big chance.

When they arrived at the place of the roar they could see that a great battle was going on between two ferocious beasts, one was a large lion that seemed to be the attacker and the one with the advantage. On the other side was a gray-furred wolf that was badly wounded.

Yamamoto could see that behind this wolf, 3 baby cubs were the cubs of this wolf and she was protecting them from this hungry lion, *Here is the opportunity* thought Yamamoto when he noticed the wolf cubs.

Apis also noticed the cubs and that the mother wolf was protecting them with her life, "Grandfather please save them" she said to Yamamoto in a pleading tone.

*But if I save her now we will lose the chance to adopt those wolves...* thought Yamamoto, but seeing Apis' pleading eyes he shook his head and stepped forward.

*Tsch these kids still don't see the gains* thought Yamamoto as he walked towards the lion and the wolf who turned their huge heads as they noticed the presence of a stranger.

Although he knew that this lion may have more physical strength superior to his own, he relied on his devil fruit to defeat him, especially his intangibility which these two days practiced and was controlling it more and more.