
One Piece: The Cheshire Cat

A man from our world reincarnated in the One Piece world 7 years before Roger’s execution. Follow him on his journey to become strongest.

Ciel_Styn · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: The Islands of East blue

Open Sea of East Blue

We have being sailing for a couple of days to go to the marine base near loguetown. For every six islands there is one marine base in the outer seas. East blue is said to have around 86 islands some are full blown countries others are little more like villages with islands largely unexplored. The reason I decided to go to nearest marine base is because every marine base is a hub of trading activity. We can see if this particular marine base has lax security measures. I want to get my hands on the marine six powers technique and any trainning guide they might have for them. The captains are usually corrupt enough to let pirates dock and we aren't even full blown pirates we are registered bounty hunters. I also am thinking we should open a corporate account with the world bank. This way we can have legitimate businesses but we can also become strong enough to establish ourselves in New World just to not pay taxes. That's probably better.

In the distance, I see the marine base island and see the captains warship docked. There was a lot of activity and we can see that there is a small city on the other side of the island.

"Dock near the city" I order my crew and they oblige. I can see that the marines have noticed us but since we don't have a flag they think we are a merchant vessel or at worst a privateer vessel.

"Alright let's gather some information on the base and let the crew have some banquets and also let's resupply if we need anything" I tell my officers. The crew has largely forgotten about their previous captain as they saw me absolutely destroying a pirate crew and driving them mad with my illusions. The one good thing about my devil fruit is that I can pass it off as vapor vapor fruit and my illusions can be easily explained as made by vapors. During the fight I decided to jump to the other ship as the captain had 12 million berries bounty and I wanted to see if they had significant treasure or not. When I jumped the enemy thought I was suicidal or crazy and they weren't ready for what hit them. My devil fruit allowed me to trap them in a thick fog before I landed and that fog allowed me to see there fears and desires. I can then throw them into an illusionary world where I can control what they see or feel. I just slowed the flow of time for them and tortured them till there mind broke. Then beheaded them with my cat like claws. We got a lot of money from them. Like around 35 million berries and I was simply really happy.

One piece manga might have painted pirates as happy lucky go round guys but the reality is they are thiefs, rapists and murders. They take and give nothing back to society same as the marine/World government/Celestial dragons. I heard some fuckers might visit north blue next year should go and pay them a visit.

On the island we can see people in the city aren't afraid of marines which is a good sign as this means marines don't care what goes on in the city. I decided to go to the base and see what the atmosphere is like. I turned into my full cat form and made the track. Getting into the building was easy and I got in time as new recuits were gonna be initiated today. I went to the highest vantage point and got a good view and it seems I was just in time as the Captain came out to deliver the brainwashing speech every military does.

I decided to explore the base a bit and see if I can find any vaults or manuals or any information. Walking around as a cat isn't super suspicious but any high level opponent could figure out that this is a zoan fruit form. The base has a gym and many other utilities. I roamed around for around an hour before heading back to the ship. I don't think outer seas have the manual as the government think they don't need it or it could be in a restricted place like marineford where not everyone can get access to it. I will have to check the black market in grand line for it.

Two days later we decided to depart as there was nothing to do and the captain was around the level of bird pirate captain. I am stuck at 12.5% mastery of the observation and armament and can't progress as I need to be in a fight to progress.

The seas are calm as we decided to take the route mostly favoured by pirates to raid merchant ships. We decided to take out a few of them and turn them in to the base we just left as captain seemed an honest man.

About 10 km from us we saw a pirate ship and its Jolly Roger had a skull with metal lower jaw. Iron jaw pirates were known to be utter bastards. They have the highest bounty in East blue around 30 million on the captain,20 million on the vice captain and two officers with 5 million at the very least.

"Today is a good day to die" my favorite Klingon phrase.