
One Piece System In One Piece

2 Siblings...... Leyla and Leon, As they went a road trip with their private plane..... on the road of return never would they have imagine themselfs in a new adventure......

Seion · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

Chapter 72 : Destination!!!

As Leon was appreciating having two beauties sleeping in each side of the bed, he also had a headache thinking about what will happen when both of them awakes.

At the same time in another room, Leyla was also checking her status and thought about possible ways to get more members, meet their respective partners in life and also healing Leons's hands...

Leyla : Status!!


Name : Leyla D. Helliar - Age : 18 (42)

Body : Expert Tier

Fruits : Sharing Sharing No Mi, Yin Yin No Mi

Abilities : 1st. Share Power 2nd. Share Sensing 3rd. Share ReLocation 4th. Share Thoughts, 1st Immunity Yin Fruits, 2nd Black Ice...

Abilities : Shadow Claw Ripper, Foot Bullet, Hand Blade, Shadow Flanking

Haki : Armament (Peak Tier) - Observation (Peak Tier) - Haoshoku (Medium Tier)

Gunner : Advance Tier

Swordsmanship : Advance Tier

Union Ability : Nullification Domain

Unique Skill : Imagination Breather


Leyla : Considering The Tiers... Beginner - Novice - Medium - Advance - Expert - Peak - Master - Grand Master...

Leyla : In terms of toughness i have a long way from my brother...

Leyla : Our Haki is the same Level with the Haoshokou being an exception as i'm stronger but not by much...

Leyla : I obviously lose in guns but have an advantage on pure swordsmanship...

Leyla : However Leon created his style which rivals 2 to 3 tiers higher, but due to his injuries he can't fight for long...

Leyla : Also his weapons need to be remade in order to truly match his style...

Leyla : The only place i remember is the Wano country that might be able to pull this off...

Leyla : Now if we meet Law along the way that would be perfect...

Surprisingly enough none of them knew that they were thinking the same thing and they didn't even try to convey their thoughts with their Sharing Fruit...

Just as she was thinking a few more details, she suddenly wondered about something and had an epiphany, where was Nojiko who was sleeping with her??

She was so focused on her status and their future set course that she totally forgot her...

As if the heavens wanted to remind her she heard two screams coming from her brother's room and rushed inside as well...

When she entered, she was stunned and couldn't mutter a single word by the sight she was seeing...

Leon has been sandwiched by two girls as they hugged both his arms making him smile wryly while the two were bickering on what she was doing inside the room...

Leon saw the salvation of his life when Leyla entered but then he was betrayed by her as she turned her back and walked away as she sent him a thought.

'Nothing To Do Here!'

Leon was speechless by the ultimate betrayal his own sister for him and got interrupted by the two girls yet again which pissed him off!!!

Leon : Oh girls how about you made way!!

Leon : We have work to do if we want to leave as soon as possible from here...

Kuina : Ugh...

Nojiko : Sigh... Fine!!

Both of them got up and started leaving the room while Leon fixed it a bit before he followed behind...

When they got on the deck of the ship Leyla, with Deuce and Ace were waiting there to see what they will do...

Leyla started telling them their next target or operation and how they should move about, Leon added his own thoughts that fell in align with what Leyla had thought and made it final...

They had 2 targets as of this moment.

1. Find Law!!

2. Go to the Wano country!!

Leon : Then our destination had been set...

Kuina : Then i guess one or two more days here right???

Leyla : Yeah... So Nojiko, if you have anything else left you better complete it in this time frame...

Nojiko : I know.... Well then see you tomorrow!!!

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