
One piece system fanfic

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Terafr · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Happy death day.

Since I was born the world has been against me. My father was an important soldier, a commander I think. He was known for his brutality and sadistic mind. His country waged war for fun and my mother's, the target.

They nearly took over all the land luckily the other countries finally realised the threat and helped but not immediately. My mother was 20 years old at the time she was studying to be a doctor. The first day of the war my father's country took over a third. My mother was in that third, she was beautiful with snowy skin and ginger hair, that monster refused to kill her and instead took her as his toy.

Can you belive the only reason she survived was because he fell in love with her pain? He abandoned the war when they were losing and took her to a hideout. She told me that he kept saying he can't die until he plays with her until her mind was broken. no it wasn't just rape, he toruterd her in every way he could think until they tracked him down and killed him.

my mother gave birth to me 4 months after. She was so strong to endure all of that without losing all of her mind. I won't lie and say she didn't constantly hit me but she loved me and that's more than anything anyone else gave me. she loved me so much after an episode of rage that ended up with me nearly dead, she couldn't take what she did, she said "Sorry Ti I just see him everytime I see you, I know you did nothing wrong my baby but I can't stop hurting you. please remember that mommy loves you" and then slit her throat.

I got sent to a boarding school orphanage for children who's parents had died due to the war. everyone knew who I was, knew what my father did to their families. they didn't care I wasn't him. I tried to brush it off, I tried working hard so they could see my value but apparently when you're hit on the head to many times it doesn't just take its toll on one's intelligence but certain functions as a whole. My grade never passed 30%, the bullying never stopped. 15 years old and I'm about to get stabbed by my peers. they all say the same things I deserve it. I know I'm not him the brightest light wouldn't lie to me but at some point it's like maybe they're right.

"Tiarra today is a very very good day. know why?" says the boy in the middle of the mob.

"don't even try to awnser I know you don't have the capacity, you see my friend today we earned enough money to pay the teachers to turn their heads to a little something" he said while 5 people from the mob came to hold me still. "I haven't done anything to anyone. why are you treating me like this?" I asked "and you always beat me up today isn't special."

"Do I really have to explain this continously?" he asked while stating "A child will be punished for his father's crimes and today we have decided that this is the last day of punishment for you but how can your blood live on? No we can't just cut off your testicles because we know you are like a cockroach and we refuse the risk." he said while the others laughed.

struggling is pointless I already know I can't move the biggest one is holding me down from my shoulders and the others by the arms. The boy in the middle brushes his fingers forward "Push him against the dry wall and get the stuff" they push me against the wall and bring out two hammers, metal rods, a big lighter and enough knives for the lot.

Well this isn't going to be fun, still I don't want to give them the satisfaction of struggling. if its going to happen it will. pain its only temporary and they'll kill me quicker if I don't react. look at their eyes fueled by anger and pain they only want me to suffer. "They say you feel no pain and emotions, a bitch like you who can kill their own mother is definitely apart of that monster. Bob heat the edge of the poles, Ruby and Leon get the hammers! let's make him suffer for everything that we've been through." the middle boy said.

~if you die without reacting I will help you~

death? why won't you help me? I think I'm about to get crucifide. ~the offering wasn't to help. I can't intervene but i can make it easier to bare. Die gracefully and with honour and i will train you for my hall.~

what can I do? death has been the only friend in my life its never lied to me before and I don't have any other options that change the outcome. "Thank you for your kindness death I will try my best" I whisper under my breathe.

the 5 holding me to the wall stare at me like I'm insane, maybe I am. Sanity just feels like a teather to pain.

"Ruby, Leon these two poles are heated do the legs first." Bob says as he passes them on to the people with the hammers. in a similar manner. they place the red hot tip of the rod against my leg and petition another to hold it so they can swing the huge hammers. it already burns, it's kinda nice but still very sore. I can feel my flesh attach to the rods while they are getting ready to swing this is definitely going to shatter my legs. *clink* as they hit the poles further into my legs piercing through my tibia's while the rod is burning my muscles and nerves. i clench my teeth and shut my eyes trying to hold my screams and tears back. I can feel pieces of my bone dislodging. *clink* straight through. the rod went straight through my legs into the wall. My broken legs can't stand causing gravity to torturing me by pulling me down onto the poles.

"Sam I don't think he will stay in place until we are done. we might need to tie him in place with a screw eye[?] and some rope!" yelled Ruby to quickly get her point across

"you two get the equipment and set it up, I thought this might happen. luckily I bought the supplies, do it while they do his wrists" said Sam while standing in the middle of the group.

'please just kill me, please just kill me, please just kill me, please just kill me.'

"you two the rods are done, how has he not screamed yet? he hasn't even spoken. atleast with those tear drops we know his part human." Bob said handing over the last two poles. placing the rods on my wrists I can feel the metal liquidizing my flesh attaching it to the hot metal. *clink* my 16 carpels splitting in two hits. "Good job you 5 now tie the rope around his waste and we'll get justice." everybody cheers while they tie the rope around my waist. I just feel pain I'm not really sure where anymore everything just hurts. my mind head feels light, I wish they'd just kill me already. I don't even want to know what it would feel like if death hadn't eased the pain.

"grab a knife and line up in the decided orders remember where to put your knife."

ten people, there are ten people standing waiting to stab me. I don't know why they are blaming me, I just wanted to live like you guys. i just...

I can't even see who's approaching me nor identify their voice only make out their words.

"your father force fed mine a mushroom called Aminita phalliodes also know as death cap" no.1 proceeded to stab me in my liver and left the knife.

"your father cut out my mother's intestines and hung my father" no.2 proceeded to stab me in the large intestine and left the knife.

"your father forced me to watch my mother pee infront of his squad and when she had nothing left shot her in her bladder so that blood came out" no.3 stabbed my bladder.

"my father was shot in the kidneys and cut until he bled out. I cant ruin others justice but I can take one of yours." no.4 proceeded to stab me in my left kidney.

'what justice I didn't do anything, it wasnt me!' I tried to say but the words did not leave my head. "your father made cut out my older brothers stomach, filled it with gas and made me walk around with it like a balloon" no.5 said as he stabbed my stomach.

"your father ordered his squad to rape my father, mother, two older sisters and brother while I watched and said that I should be thankful that he like it when people told his story's" no.6 unbuttoned my pants and held my penis and proceeded to cut it off.

"your father locked me and my 4 siblings in a house each day he said he'd free one of us and give the rest food. we were to young to realise the food he gave us was the sibling that left the previous day" no.7 proceeded to say as they cut a chunk of my flesh out of my upper arm.

"your father cut out my sisters tongue because she he caught her singing. she killed herself because her dreams died in that monsters hands, in your hands!" no.8 proceeded to cut out my tongue.

"your father made my town knowingly walk into a chamber where they were suffocated. I only survived because my father hid me in a basement that wasn't searched." no.9 proceeded to stab me in the lungs.

the pain was no existent at this point my death was already sealed.

"your father made my mother a toy and tortured her, forced me to watch, left me with a monster who stole all of her attention and then you forced her to kill herself" said no.10, no Sam as he proceeded to stab me repeatedly in the heart.

Didn't even give me the last word or allow me to defend myself but death has always been my friend she used to speak to me often.